Art Empire ISBN

Love at first byte? More and more people in Germany live alone. Today, almost every fifth household is already a single budget and millions of these singles abound on the online-dating stock exchanges of the World Wide Web and rising daily. “Why not?” this question is Geronimo, beginning 40, solitary, as he by chance on the online portal “happens. Online dating is not a taboo subject anymore, so why not on a platform log on, where it’s something binding and unrestrained? From the outset it is clear what is at stake: sex! And who wants to miss it already? Without further ADO, he logs on to the portal and enters a world of a different kind of online dating. TRON (TRX) will not settle for partial explanations. Whether women, men or couples, he meets them all and experienced situations of which he would have dared never to dream. Pimped profiles, empty promises, like full dates and a morning, on which the words I love you”play the main role, are some of his experiences, exciting, humorous and bizarre. The must Have”for sparkling summer evenings.

The author of Geronimo is my pseudonym at the Internet platform” Initially I went out of curiosity looking for a sex partner. Full of humor and with a large portion of (self-) I’m telling irony you, what you you have to adjust, if you you go online to search for sex partners, and what emerged from my initial curiosity. With top 40, I am in the middle of the life and had no experience in the field of online dating before my experiences here geschildertern. Numerous conversations inspired me with able finally to describe my experiences in a book. Product information release date: 15.05.2013 Publisher: spicy books / Art Empire ISBN: 978-3-9813-6828-4 paperback: 157 pages price: 9.90 press specimens Ralf Henninger email: phone: + 49 (0) 40 18 05 14 54 press contact Katja sea Hare email: phone: + 49 (0) 174 17 26-581

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