Complaints Process

In the practical one, in the daily relation this exactly individual, does not reveal much less formed prepared to try and to enjoy the useful social life, in order to provide a better quality in its daily contacts. The deposition of Renato Rossi 2007, it speaks that the commerce is the natural show window of all the sectors of productive activity e, which had to this quality that it is proper, becomes sufficiently vulnerable all luck of violncias that, added, generates vultosos damages: assault by force of arms, tricks, frauds of all luck, robbers, thieveries, etc. If it cannot more attend to estupefatos the citizens of good customs, to this complete banalizao of the law, especially to the reiteration of practical disloyal and illicit, to the doors of the commercial establishments, the excuse of informality reduction and unemployment. Complaints of violence as they had been presented in this initial deposition, confirm the affirmation on the necessity of the education in all relationship of the individual. The education process must have the objective of assisting the individual to take decisions and to act in society, of ethical form, adaptativa and innovative, since the learning models are in constant modification.

The individual must act established in its correct understanding of the environment, without bringing destruction the same, and also in accordance with its necessities, without allowing that these come to force and to attack the other participants of the society. For the citizen to have correct understanding of the environment, needs to process adequately and adaptativamente to its necessities the information received in the family, school and society. To learn to process the information, it must receive them, interpret them and convert them, creating one meaning in order to construct the knowledge that will allow it to take made right or maken a mistake decisions.

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