
This constitution around the irrigated fruticultura if gave in the long stated period, that is, to the measure that the projects went ripening and attracting good resulted economic, the local population started if to organize ahead of (1999), the invested public capital in infrastructure reduces the costs and the risks of private investment e, in such a way, induce new investments in the region. It generates a direct leverage, that includes private the capital invested in activities directly related to irrigated agriculture, that is, capital invested for the colonists, the companies and the agroindstrias; indirect leverage, that includes decurrent investments of the expansion of the agriculture irrigated (in the commerce, services, small equipment industries, for example) or in infrastructure (improvement of roads, airports, health and education). Being thus, irrigation projects create conditions for the sprouting of a new productive structure in the region where they are implanted, generating conditions so that such regions become less sensible the agricultural crises that, for happiness, they come to occur. This occurs due to a bigger complexity in the economic relations, fruit of an increasing degree of urbanization local industrialization. Given these transformations, such regions start to have characteristics of centers with migratory flows, causing impacts on other localities, mainly the ones that surround to them (IT HISSES, 1989). It is observed that a great population contingent starts to direct itself for these regions, attracted by the increase of the dynamism, in search of job in the secondary and tertiary sectors. In such a way it is necessary that the urban infrastructure grows to a rhythm, at least similar to the necessities of the population and the economic activity, in case that I oppose, runs the risk of will create obstacles to the local development (OLIVEIRA et all, 1991). The introduction of the irrigation projects increased the intensity and the quality of the use of the ground, what it finished raising the productivity, the production and, consequently, the income in the productive units affected by the irrigation. .

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