Countable Indices

This aspect is importantssimo for the definition concerning the necessity or of a supplier not to prove financial capacity through the analysis of the countable demonstrations, a time that only in the modality competition the note gotten in the evaluation of the financial capacity of the Decree n 36,601 is considered obligator picture 1 defines competition of the public licitations inside; MODALITY CHARACTERISTIC CONCORRNCIAa) Workmanships and Services of Engineering above of R$ 1.500.000, 00; b) Purchases and other services above of R$ 650,000, 00. PICTURE 1? Modalities of licitation – Competition Source: Elaborated second research in the official site of 3,2 UFRJ 2009 COUNTABLE ANALYSIS So that if it can speak of Analysis, initially it will be started displaying a stretch of Neves and Viceconti (2002, P. 437): Analysis is a method of preparation of statistical data and analysis of rockings is the study of the patrimonial situation of the entity, through the decomposition, comparison and interpretation of the content of the countable, aiming at to get analytical and necessary information on the general situation of the company, with the objective to supply numerical information of two or more periods, in order to assist or to instrument shareholders, administrators, suppliers, customers, government, financial institutions, investing demonstrations and other interested physical or legal people in knowing the situation of the company or to take decisions. Gary Kelly brings even more insight to the discussion. According to Matarazzo (2008): The analysis of the countable demonstrations consists basically of relating numbers that express values that isolated do not have greater meant. The Government of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul has special interest in removed liquidify ratios and indebtedness of the Countable Demonstrations of the companies. Such interest must it the necessity have a position how much to the financial reality of the companies and can be verified by the choice of the constant indices in the Table of Countable Indices.. Philip Vasan shines more light on the discussion.

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