Intemyo Product

Learn to sell in presentations themselves! Did you know that 80 percent of people in preparing a presentation worry about the content, but only 20 percent about the manner in which the screening? The graphic representation of facts and issues in the context of a presentation is the be-all and end-all. The way in which something is presented is for the present just as important as the actual content. A presentation is similar to a specific product of a brand. The advertising industry knows this and promotes not only the product itself, but also the manufacturer, the label, the brand. In the context of a presentation, you are the brand and the content of the presentation is the product. It is thus not only a successful presentation to introduce the product, but also the brand to advertise and sell. Learn to sell yourself! The good news at this point: everyone can learn appealing and entertaining presentations.

With the support of Prasentationscoaches is optimized for example, your own body awareness at a lecture or presentation, so that you can stream security, peace and sovereignty. A positive sense of self and broadcasting which will affect positively on the entire lecture. Through a Prasentationscoaching, thus learn how you can sell is yourself. This is the key to a successful presentation. What is the purpose of a Prasentationscoachings? The individual methods of the individual is in the focus of the Prasentationscoachings.

Target of a successful Prasentationscoachings is a maturing and optimizing their individual appearance. Their uniqueness in the interaction with people always serves as basis of a Prasentationscoachings. A Prasentationscoaching will highlight your strengths in the interaction with people and shape and fashion your individuality to your advantage. What are a Prasentationscoaching the objectives of? Your body language is common in the context of a Prasentationscoachings check with you for optimization opportunities. “The sound makes the music”: more truth in this saying as some people might think. Actually, your tone of voice is a part of the body language during a presentation and a decisive influence what is said during a presentation. Learn how you sent can use your tone of voice, the content of your presentation to give more emphasis to and to be able to reach your audience with words and gestures with a presentation coach. With a Prasentationscoaching learn to captivate your audience until you have given what you wanted to say. Prasentationscoachings belong to the special areas of the company Intemyo, which is under the leadership of Attila Reti. Reti itself has many years of experience as a coach and in the management area. He is an expert, to make presentations at a higher level and one to the other time manages to evoke the appropriate emotion in presentations at the decisive moment. Further information under

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