Leipzig Patient TV

‘Park Hospital TV’ in the top 5 in the category ‘Communication and marketing’ the dfg award is one of the most important German industry awards in the healthcare sector. As just announced, among the Park Hospital in Leipzig this year the finalists of this prestigious competition. With the concept and the implementation of a current patient television belonging to the RHoN-KLINIKUM AG hospital in the category communication and marketing “nomination. The winners in six categories will be announced on July 7, 2011 in Hamburg. A few months ago is the Park Hospital TV”broadcast around the clock in all patient rooms and waiting areas.

The new station offers a mix of daily updated information from Leipzig and helpful information from the hospital everyday. This comprehensive range of information by means of close cooperation is possible with the local radio station info tv leipzig”, already some experience in creating business – and target-group program offers the has. Special praise from the jury receives the patient television of the Leipzig Park Hospital in addition to the programmatic diversity and service orientation also for the content efficiency that extends even beyond the borders of the clinic. Selected content via the information channels of the local radio station shall tv leipzig including via passenger TV info”available in buses and trams in the entire metropolitan area. The nomination is a great tribute to our House”, forward Martin Jonas, Managing Director of the Park’s clinic in Leipzig. I am firmly convinced that it will in particular becoming more important for the health care industry in General and hospitals, go brave new ways in patient communication.” To the dfg award 2011: the dfg award honors excellence in the German healthcare system 2011 into six categories.

“Selected by an expert jury the readers and readers of background services can dfg service for social policy” and A + S up-to-date currently outpatients and inpatients ‘ now vote until June 14, 2011 about the winners and runners-up by questionnaire. “In the category of communication and marketing” also the BKK health (Frankfurt am Main), the DAP GmbH (Cologne), are in addition to the Park Hospital Leipzig Saleem health insurance fund and the Dental Association Bremen nominated. The Park Hospital in Leipzig is the only remaining hospital in this year’s competition as well as the AOK plus (Dresden) the only Saxon finalist and besides the Universitatsklinikum Greifswald. The ceremony will take place on July 7, 2011, at a Gala in the Grand Elysee Hamburg Hotel. According to the organizers, the winner in each category a prize, all other finalists receive a certificate. About the Park Hospital Leipzig: Leipzig’s Park Hospital is a hospital with 615 full – and part-stationary beds. Located in close proximity to the heart centre and the Soteria hospital in southeastern Leipzig, the Park Hospital has three somatic treatment centres and two mental hospitals. Focuses on the somatic hospitals the orthopaedic trauma Centre, the Centre for vascular medicine with the disciplines of Angiology and vascular surgery and stomach – and Thoraxzentrum with the disciplines Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, and General and visceral surgery. The Park Hospital in Leipzig is an academic teaching hospital of the University of Leipzig and belongs since 1999 to the RHoN-KLINIKUM AG. In the year 2010, approximately 16,000 outpatient and more than 15,000 stationary and stationary treatments were performed.

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