Physical Health

How is your physical health? Do you sleep well? It feels that its sleep was restoring? It practises some physical activity? How it is its degree of energy, vitality and motivation? You know which foods you are and they are not healthful for its body? You respect? When sick you look one you medicate and you follow its orientation? This section is divided in two aspects: social life and communitarian activity. Its circle of energizes you to friends and nourishes? Regularly find you them or speak with them? You costuma to go to the cinema, theater or parks? Or he makes external activities that give pleasure to it? Costuma to travel? will be its in case that, you search to help other people You are satisfied with its professional activity? If he feels carried through? He has perspective of progress and development? Use part of its time of recess with activities of auto-perfectioning that can provide a personal and professional life better to it? Costuma to frequent cultural seminaries, courses and activities? They are remained brought up to date in its professional area and of interest? It is felt stimulated by new challenges? You have a religious belief that she serves of support or she believes a bigger wisdom that conducts the life? You feel yourself connected to everything and all? You consider a buscador or a person religious spiritual or? How much this area has nourished its life? This is only one ‘ ‘ foto’ ‘ of the current moment of its life. The area ‘ ‘ more fraca’ ‘ , of lesser punctuation, she is that one that needs its attention more than.

In situations of it estresse, common in the life, is this area that will go ‘ ‘ estourar’ ‘ first. Now it answers the following questions: 1. Which the area that is with the lesser punctuation? 2. How this area this affecting the other areas of its life? 3. Which the area that would like to invest to its time and effort to become this wheel more ‘ ‘ arredondada’ ‘? 4. To increase this punctuation in 1 or 2 points, which objective intends to establish?.

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