After the Sachwert plans Akura Capital Management Ltd. and Akura II capital management AG successfully placed, the distribution of the Wurzburg Group continues now consistently competent advice for their customers with the new issues Akura III capital management GmbH and Akura IV capital management GmbH. When the new products: the diversification of asset classes is the most important foundations of the structuring of the Akura portfolio. While the Akura group of companies focuses on the classic portfolio theory of U.S. economist Professor Harry Markowitz and capital invested in equities, equity, commodities and real estate.
So, the risks remain calculable, while the width of the used asset classes makes for attractive returns even in a temporarily difficult market environment. The investor benefits so in two ways. The possibilities, the successful business model of the Akura group to participate are diverse and flexible: the Akura III capital management GmbH offers investment opportunities with one time systems from 5,000 euros (plus 6.5% fee), while deposits from 25 Euro per month or even combined systems (including fee) are possible at the Akura IV capital management GmbH. At the same time, the liquidity of the investor thanks to flexible withdrawal options at the Akura asset plan IV remains always secured. For more information about investment products of the Akura find on this Internet site. About the Akura Group operates Akura capital management company since 2000 (Akura II capital management AG since 2004, Akura III and IV since 2010) in the areas of business shares investment funds, investments, securities, real estate and alternative investments.
In their investment decisions, the Manager of Akura follow a strict diversification strategy group. A part of the deposits is in short-term Money market deposits, time deposits and securities invested in order to secure the liquidity of the companies. The products of Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management are considered basic dividend with 6.25 per cent highly profitable. For the quality of the customer service, the Akura was awarded 2009 group of companies with the quality seal of the European consumer consulting (EBCON). Sandra Schinnerling conducts the business of Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management AG. If you have questions relating to investor Dieter Hans farmer is answer. The companies of the Akura group is Wurzburg. Contact Akura capital management AG Dieter Hofbauer-Max-born-str. 19 97080 Wurzburg telephone: 0931 / 404 18 11 fax: 0931 / 404 43 84 E-Mail: Internet:
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