So Paulo

The phenomenon if spreads for all the face of the land and the effect indirect right-handers or of this new composition reach the totality of the species. Gentleman of the world, master of the nature, the man if uses of scientific knowing and the technological inventions without that sense of measure that will characterize its first ones relations with entorno natural. The result, we are seeing, is dramatical. (p.44) space Circuits of production Today, we more than cannot the classic notion of urban net; thus also as we cannot more relate to us the classic slight knowledge to it of city-field. It is not that these relations still do not exist today, but had moved of content and form.

Currently, a city can not keep important interchange with its immediate neighbor e, however, to keep intense relations with very distant others, exactly it are of its country. For example, an industry mechanics located in the city of Sertozinho, that belongs to the sixth administrative region of the State of So Paulo, composed for eighty cities, keeps commercial relations, as much of purchase how much of sales, with only one six local cities; however, it keeps intense relations with the capital of the State and other countries, since she exports great part of its annual production of machines. The space circuits of the production, would be the diverse stages for which it would pass a product, since the start of the process of production until arriving at the final consumption. If to catch for example, to know the productive circuits of the agro-industrial one of sugar cane-of-sugar, would have that to observe all the moments of the production, since the sugar cane plantation until the consumption of the alcohol, the sugar or derivatives, as well as some distinct item, thus, on the local raw material of origin, forms of its transport, type of transporting vehicle etc; on man power – qualification, origin, variation of the necessities at the different moments of the production etc; on stockage amount and quality of the warehouses, the silos, proximity of the industry, relation between stockage and production etc; on transports quality, amount and diversity of the ways of transports, the ways of transport etc; on the commercialization existence or not of monopoly of purchase, modes of payment, valuation of taxes etc; on the consumption who consumes, where, type of consumption, if productive or consumitivo etc.

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