State Decade

The decade of 50 was the beginning of the model of Brazilian development such sees it today to which, remembering still the crisis of 29/30 with the constitution of one politics of industrialization. The resources had been centered at the hands of the State that propitiated the opening of roads, the infrastructure creation and too much action and projects to allow the development of the country. It was also in the decade of 50 that the measure of the substitution of importation, that aimed at a bigger internal production to prevent importation, started to present some difficulty, being that it had the opening for the external market. This measure was a landmark in the economic development of the country, being that it had an intense search for progress, as shows the JK goal later to make a growth in Brazil of 50 years in only 5. The new adopted measures of development in the country, the new standards having as base the exacerbado consumption, typical of the first world, had been the bases for the period of the Brazilian economic miracle, exactly with the diverse difficulties and inaqualities for which they passed the classroom low of the country. It did not have great concerns with the ambient questions, the interest was the progress of the country, the misery was considered as the main pollution that would have to finish.

The politics and movements that aimed at the care with the natural resources were had as contrary to the progress, and thus were restrained. The nature never was concern for that they withheld the power in its hands, the bases of the development had been the private property and nature transformed into merchandise, the natural goods had become commercialized and to everything a value was attributed. In the decade of 60 and from if they intensify the investments in infrastructure in the country there, creation of more roads and more conditions for the investors, still governmental projects are created to develop the areas of the country that had not received investments industrial, with intention to promote a decentralization and a bigger integration in the domestic territory.

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