Tag: administration and businesses

Accounting Changes

Ahead of this context, the globalization can be considers as a resultant aspect of the technological evolution, therefore currently, can receive and send information on line, keep a conversation in real time, and until closing a business in few minutes, without if the displacement or trip for other places needs. With the advent of computer science, the organizacionais processes, the before wasted volume of data in the mechanized process had been changed that was insufficient, start to have a specific treatment, the information flow are changedded into the propeller spring of the taking of decisions of the companies and are used in its systems in its diverse levels, for the most varied using. More info: Rocky Dixon. Breda (1999, p.38), affirms that: … the Accounting developed in reply the changes in the environment, new discoveries and technological progressos. It does not have reason to believe that the Accounting does not continue to evolve in reply the changes that we are observing in our times (Breda, 1999, p.38). With constant changes in the economic, social context and politician, and in the organizacional structure of the companies, as it is the case of the virtual companies, the Accounting starts to assume new challenges, translated for the volume and the complexity of the transactions that involve the operations of the companies in general. Padoveze (2000), one of the consequences of the technological development in the Accounting, can be verified in the increase of the automation degree. Tasks previously carried through by specific manual processes are developed inside of softwares, diminishing the flow of papers and documents in the company, an example of this, are the routines more frequent than they had inside passed to be carried through of the systems, as it is the case of: launchings of debit and credits, fiscal book bookkeeping monthly, temporary balance sheets, Patrimonial Rocking, Demonstration of the Year-end results, among others.

The Company

Making with that some situations are analyzed in multiple ways, for some citizens, giving inevitably the situations of divergence of points of view. According to employee the company does not invest in professional qualification, what she generates discomfort and desmotivao sufficiently, making that with this behavior of the company, she generates certain conflict between company/employee, believing that the limitations of resources have been harmful in all inside of the company, stops OF DREU; WEINGART (2002) for the fact of the resources to be limited, these are white of competition. The unamimity is difficult when it is distributed equitable, therefore who always exists finds that he is wronged. For the employee the strategy of the management to solve the conflicts has gotten success through monthly meetings to get the participation of all the employees, making with this, that the generated conflicts are decided of adequate form aiming at the side of all. According to MARRINER-TOMEY (1996), the detention of the interpersonal or organizacional problem and its articulation in simple terms are the first step for the resolution of the conflict.

The employee affirms that professional accomplishment of the company does not exist inside, with the used abilities for the managers, making with this, that the production diminishes of inadequate form, since the leadership does not import with the opinions and suggestions of the employees. According to PUTNAM (1997), for the resolution of the problem that generated the conflict all the solutions must be considered and weighed, as possible. Go to ViacomCBS for more information. All the intervening ones of the conflict must be felt free of being able to present its solutions, most strange and exactly unacceptable. FINAL CONSIDERAES Analyzing the results were verified, first, significant important of that the company is not imported with the opinions given for the employees, making that with this, the conflicts in generalized way exist. Professional, personal conflicts, between leader led, being thus, the company if does not become a good place to work, therefore she does not exist chance, innovation of ideas, development, chance of career there.

Secretaria Company

Damio War, entrepreneur, that with very effort and devotion obtained to surpass obstacles and if to establish in the market. Michael Dell has firm opinions on the matter. TABLE 1 Chart of Strategical employees NVELFUNOQUANTIDADE *– TticoGerente 02 OperacionalSupervisor 01 Secretaria01 Tinker 02 Preparador (colorista) 01 Polishing Pintor02 02 Consulting Montador02 technician 02 Mosseiro 01 Lavador01 TOTAL17 Source: created for the authors. * Gift in the Matrix of the company in Recife. 3.2. Quality and results of the services With a vision focada in the quality of the offered services, the searched company reveals efficient and efficient, therefore she always executes its works worried about the process to make well and correctly, without forgetting them and results objective. In accordance with Chiavenato (2003, p.19): ' ' The administration of the organizations in order to reach efficiency and effectiveness, becomes one of the tasks most difficult and complexas' '. adds: ' ' The pragmatic emphasis in the techniques and ' ' as to make coisas' ' , with the use of formulas and universal prescriptions of management already successfully used, without if it visualizes each new and different situation, not basta' '.

By means of these definitions one concludes that the organization is carrying through its paper with success. It is important to stand out the ideas of Chiavenato (2003, p.399) when affirms that ' ' the administrative effectiveness is not one aspeto of personality of the administrator, but it is function of correct manipulation of the situation. It is performance, that is, is not that the administrator makes, but what it obtm' '. In relation to the executed calculations inside of the company it was observed that they are common calculations and they are used simple calculators and is used mainly for the consultants technician and the secretary. To take care of of services as: payment leaf, has broken tax and previdenciria the company makes use a terceirizado service.

International Organization

The current managers front to the question ambient Here it is plus a point that, in the current days, the sleep of many Administrators not only Brazilian takes off, but of the world all: the question of the ambient preservation. A manager who if not to worry today about this thematic one, runs the risk to see its company ‘ ‘ quebrada’ ‘. The reader finds one exaggerates? Let us see: so desired certifyd ISO (International Organization for Standardization, that in Portuguese can be translated as ‘ ‘ International organization for Aferio’ ‘) 14000, for example: it only possesss them the company who has some credit with on ambient question to its branch of performance, that is, the management team was competent in order to more unite the question argued of the planet to its forms to still gain profits, thus she does not harm both the parts, and if ecoeficiente has detached as an organization. To read more click here: Bill O’Grady. If we will be a little more far can be cited a question that is in guideline also, that they are the calls ‘ ‘ credits of carbono’ ‘. In some areas of our planet already it does not have more the possibility of if planting a tree, for reasons as lack of space, devastadas and infertile lands, among others. The companies who, had to its branch of performance poluem the nature drastically, if they feel ‘ ‘ obrigadas’ ‘ to reforest some area in exchange for the pollution generated for the same ones. To deepen your understanding Lawrence Ellison is the source. She can seem excessively, but the companies who will be detentoras of similar spaces of reforestation and will have great competitive advantage in the futures market. She is of basic importance to not only have in the mission of the company, but also in the performance of the managers, the concept of social responsibility. Let us cite as example company Natura the cosmetic: through the performance of its diverse managers she obtained herself to extract ‘ ‘ frmula’ ‘ to provide profit to the partners, to motivate its consultants to venderem each time more, and still superficially to contribute with the partner-ambient area of the planet, including it in the manufacture of its products.. Perhaps check out gary cohn for more information.

Factors Organization

What it is Climate Organizacional? Organizacional climate is the quality of the environment that is perceived or tried for the participants of the company and that influence its behavior. Organizacional climate is the pointer of satisfaction of the members of a company, in relation the different aspects of the culture or apparent reality of the organization, such as: politics of RH, model of management, process of communication, professional valuation and identification with the company. One of the forms more used to indentificar the organizacional climate is the research of organizacional climate that can be elaborated through electronic questionnaires or printed matters or interviews, the most used is questionnaire printed matter that has the biggest acceptance on the part of the searched ones, that they believe that the electronic questionnaire can identify the participants. In the elaboration of the questionnaire it is important to the verification of the questions, if the same ones are of easy agreement. More information is housed here: Oracle. Through the research of organizacional climate is possible to identify which necessities must be supplied to inside keep its motivated collaborators of the organization, exists algums factors that can influence posisitivamente or negative in the climate inside of the organization and as it can come to motivate its integrandes. 4 – Motivacionais factors: The related motivacionais Factors below, are of utmost importance for the satisfaction of the human being inside of an organization. To request ideas to the collaborators and to involve them in decisions on its functions; To recognize a well done work public; To promote destined meetings to commemorate the success of the team; To give to the collaborator an interesting task to execute; To verify if the collaborator makes use of the tools necessary to carry through optimum work; To recognize the personal necessities of the collaborator; To use the performance as base for promotions; To adopt one including politics of promotion of the collaborators; To stimulate the community direction; To give to collaborators one financial reason to be excellent; To recognize the individual differences: not to treat the collaborators as if they were equal, therefore they possess different necessities; To make with you reward that them they are perceived as jousts: to tie you reward them to the experiences, abilities, responsibilities and efforts presented for the collaborators; To define objectives and to supply feedback: to trace specific objectives, challenging and that it can be you monitored. .


Lima and Wilkinson (2002) affirm that the agroindstrias of small transport provide to effective ways of maintenance it man in the field, beyond increasing the income and generating work ranks, have the capacity to supply the markets places and next with quality products and compatible prices. All the factors presented for the authors above contribute for the local dinamizao and the permanence of the agriculturists in the agricultural way and with quality of life. However, as Lourenzani (2008) exists a series of 0 variable that affect the performance of the agricultural enterprises, being that, many of them run away to the control of the units of production, but others, as the production management, directly is tied with its control. Problems related to its support in general disclose the strong deficiency in the administration of agricultural establishments, and in particular in the familiar production. As Pettan (2008) low the administrative capacity of the managers of the enterprises and a favorable institucional environment makes it difficult the establishment of conditions capable to confer greater competitiveness to the familiar agroindstrias. For even more details, read what Verizon Communications says on the issue. The difficulties for implantation and consolidation of these units are enormous, mainly, in the attainment of credit, registers and legalization of the enterprises, commercialization of the products and assistance technique. A series of problems exists that intervene with the productivity and the quality of the production: quality of the raw material, rationalization of the processes, hygiene and professionalization of the people, uniformity of the products and management of the enterprises, amongst others. (RASP AND WILKINSON, 2002).

As Azevedo (2000) diverse problems intervene with the success of the familiar agroindstrias, existing difficulties related to the production, commercialization and financings, as well as the little organization of the small producers to industrialize the products. difficulty in the supply of services, as transport of the products not agriculturists produced in the property. Although its importance, the small artisan agroindstria, in the majority of the cases, presents problems in some of the stages of the productive chain.

Expenditure Person

Many people if come across with the fact of that the projected expenditures always are surpassed. This happens, generally, because the budget of expenditures was elaborated in incomplete way. It agrees to remember a basic principle: without careful planning, our expenses will be always bigger of what we imagine. A person can have a well elaborated budget, without bigger difficulties with the projections of income and expenditures and still thus face serious problems in the administration of its accounts. This happens when a temporary dissolution of marriage between income and expenditure exists.

The person can have a compatible annual income with its expenditure. However, in determined months, the income is lesser of what the expenditure and in others happen the opposite. In this in case that, she is necessary that the person has, beyond the budget, a projection of entrances and money exits, month the month throughout the year. It would be its budget of box. Before making a budget, they must be considered its financial objectives. The first step must be the definition of these objectives. To change the car, to buy the proper house, to make a trip or to pay to all the debts they are some examples. For this, it is important that the person or family is realistic.

Therefore probably it will not be possible to reach, at a first moment, all the objectives that always are dreamed. Being thus, it is necessary to identify the goals clearly and to decide which they are most valuable. The secret for the personal financial success is composed for three well simple things: planning, disciplines and balance, that is, is necessary to plan, to balance the gift with the future, and to have disciplines to follow what it was planned. She is necessary also to be prepared for changes. Very probably the desires and necessities will move throughout the time.


Executive 124/06). Druggists: For small amounts of different products to verify in 5% of> products 100% of amount (Attached II, DEC. Executive 124/06). All the open volumes will be closed with proper ribbon, of the entity overseer. Rotulagem and Validade of the Merchandise For the merchandises with obligator IPE the rotulagem in Portuguese.

The merchandise packed for sales the remnant will have to mention lot numbers, date of validity and/or production (alnea c) art. 11, DEC. Executive 124/06). Rule of the Validity To the date of arrived Angola, Validity and of the useful life (alnea d) art. 11, DEC. Executive 124/06). Exceptions, to the date of validity Products of Would perfume and Cosmetic.

To the date of arrived Angola, Validity and 50%, of the corresponding useful life 6 months (at least Attached II and Annex III, DEC. Executive 124/06). Containerized load the containers will have to present conditions to receive the load that is destined to them, having to be: Clean. Odourless. Without perforations. Exempt of any deficiency that can affect the load. Sealing of Containers (Sealing wax) the overseer it will attend the wadding of the container and will proceed to the respective sealing, whenever if it deals with complete containers (FCLs? Full Load Container) for one exactly importer, for what a load place will only have to exist. In case that contrary, the exporter will support the costs for additional load place. Grupagens (consolidated Load) In the load of grupagem, aerial or maritime, is obligator the existence of marks, indicating the importer and the destination. The merchandise will have to be in conditions of being inspeccionada, duly packed, separate and identified as LE? List of Packing

Artesian Wells

The perforation of artesian wells is present in Goinia that is a great urban capital, repleta of great companies and residences and also possesss a great agricultural area, with small farms and farms, the perforation of wells brings important benefits for who opts to using them and many constructors are firmed in this type of project. The perforation of artesian wells against the account brings monthly economy of water, for residences and companies in up to 60%, disponibilizando a bigger monitoramento on wastefulness in the water supply, beyond being a removed water of the subsoil that passes for a rigorous process of purificao, improving its condition of consumption. The benefits of artesian wells are great for farms and small farms also, therefore quality water prevents the consuming and loss of energy of the animals, beyond saving in the supplying of water throughs. Oracle shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The perforation of artesian wells can be of small, average and great outflow in any type of land, depends very on the constructor who will make, the techniques of elaboration of the project, choice of the place, construction of the well, test of outflow, reports and grant of right and use must be followed for the good conclusion of a perforation project. Therefore it is important to look one appraised constructor in Goinia for the elaboration of this project and total exploitation of its benefits. .


One perceives that to raise synergy it enters the sectors of a company, is basic that the organization possesss a good structure of communication. After all, the interaction and integration depend on the communication, based in this, it can be affirmed that it does not advance to have good employees, structure and material, if the communication not to flow for a common objective. For Chiavenato (2005, P. 314), ' ' the organization functions as a cooperation system by means of which the people interact between itself using the communication to share objectives comuns' '. That is, without communication the organization does not have as to survive, therefore the importance and the necessity to develop a process of efficient communication that evidences the internal relations. In an efficient organization, the communication motivates the collaborators to act in the certain way and in the certain time, searching to reach objectives frequently and making a performance auto-evaluation, beyond stating the satisfaction and/or insatisfao of the people. For Lacombe (2005) the information takes the team for a correct taking of decision. This happens, therefore a good communication starts for the capacity to hear, to understand what another one desires to communicate, to know to interpret it longs for.

Is also to know to be silent at moment certain to be available to listen to the interlocutor giving to it all attention. So that the work environment if does not transform into a place indesejado for the employees, is necessary to speak and is basic to hear, in view of that the communication is essential element for maintenance of the relations in the organizations. The good communication is stimulated by hearing, what it leaves the company most pleasant and it constructs a reliable relation, productive and without noises. It must be emphasized that the communication has that to be guided by processes that keep its functioning in order to value the work in team, the responsibility and the creation of new and efficient forms to work.