Tag: chronic

AMT City

It is treated to understand the process that takes to me the education and its unfoldings I intend, in this small reflection, to make possible a critical look, moved away from the trends televising, that, of a side, it sees the public power as solucionador of the problems in the transit, and, of other, as .causing genuinely ' ' eleito' ' of the clutter in the transit. In this direction, it does not have the necessity to find to who to accuse. However, I clarify that the objective of this thought cannot sending in them to the idea of that the public power does not have to assume the consequncias for so high index of traffic accidents in our city, but, over all, adding also the individual responsibilities of the qualified conductor. Not obstante, already in the first hours of that day, I witnessed there, in the traffic light, five advances of red signal and two conversions forbidden to the left. I was sent, then, to a publication of Pablo Kossa, journalist, master in communication for the UFG-GO, dated of day 02 of March of 2011, in the periodic one, the Daily one of the Morning, where it spoke, amongst other things, that: ' ' the fact is that fine little in Goinia. My experience citizen, total empirical, it shows to me that circulating for the city as conducting, pedestrian or ciclista, I see much more infractions of what agents of the AMT. I perceive the continuous disrespect of the driver to the speed limits (Example? Botafogo delinquent), estacionamentos in forbidden areas (the outskirts of the Universe), speaking the cellular one (any esquina of the city), among others infractions. I do not see inspectors I descend the penxs as she would have to be made. These claims me more sound as esperneio of infractors contumacious people of what critical to the bad work of the agents.all the times that I was fined, I really was missed and I had made bobagem in trnsito.' ' I understand that the journalist, Pablo Kossa, open an enormous fan of reflections, that I leave in charge of the reader its proper conclusion.

The Faces

It arrives more early without Migrantino perceived. Desnescessrio to say the constragimento degree that if followed. Exactly with its millions of order of excuses, while it arranged its clothes. When contemplating those mmias, remembered the dummies, although these to cause it a certain distrust when touching them. According to instructions of Anael, it must have very well-taken care of when making the service, mainly the one that was in the hall to the side. Therefore it was of most famous fara Egyptian, Tutankamon.

It left generally it finally. Its sarcfago was in horizontal position. Displayed on a marble base with more or less 50 centimeters of height. Check out State Street for additional information. Encircled of the four sides for small stairs of 3 steps. All this area was surrounded for a thick chain, with great golden links. To clean it, it no could touching directly. Uava a special type of fan to remove with care some possible dust. Normalmtente its schedule of service was of the six nine hours of the morning, when the museum it would open for the public visitation. To know more about this subject visit Adam Portnoy.

Normally in that block of the Migrantino building he was always alone making its service. In a certain morning, while it made its work, it heard some movement of people in the floor of low. It seemed impossible, therefore it never notices the presence of nobody in the building every day where it works. But the racket of the movement started to bother to it. It leaves its room to be able to inquire what he could be. For its surprise, to from above look of as walking, a small multitude of men fantasiados with strange clothes notices, colored. The faces painted, holding masks in its hands. They seemed fantasiados of indians. But it was not accurately this. Its clothes were made of a similar material the straw. Some used hats, others a strange type of horns.

Mike Tyson

He would have worked until afternoon and he passed there to consider the possibilities? In summary, he treats yourself, yes, of place frequentado for many girls of programs, all the levels, and, for consequncia and unhappyly, in the drag, many men. He was valid for the knowledge plus a world that we, normally, accustomed to daily the normal one, nor make idea that exists. Compared with other places, he still has the one what! most evident one of erotismo in the people, the dance, the approaches (even though, they say, each day of the week is frequentado by a different public). Gary Kelly CEO Southwest Airlines shines more light on the discussion. But, it are the risk of somebody, by mistake, to pass it the hand in the back one, the place is not dangerous. Adam Portnoy is likely to increase your knowledge. He has sufficiently security and little drink – even because she is very expensive, a beer did not leave for less R$ 15.

Ah, yes I cannot forget to mention that, already close to the hour going even so (I arrived at 2h, I left to 7h), when the enclosure starts to empty, they appear travestis endemoniados in the dance track. Well that it informed to you, they close the expedient there I was even so when they were touching psy and not aguentei more (really, the name psy is adjusted for this pssimo type of music). I forgot you provide to lead them chumaos of cotton for protection of the ears and I passed the following day listening to the whistle of a pressure pan. To finish, story that had touched a stranger music (hipntica) that I dedicate the Mr. It had a characteristic and stranger refro that said: ' ' Wash my nipples Touch my nipples Feel my nipples ' ' This Mike Tyson is wild to go in a place of these But, who knows, one day, I comes back there. Yours truly, Its friend.

ABAG Agricultural

I cite of the time because this agreement was firming in the last days of the government Squid, probably in the last week of December of 2010. It is a shame for the Brazilian people and in special for half agricultural if to submit to the international ditames, a time that in remaining this shameful state and of sovereignty lack, we will be passing one certified of incompetence and in subordinating what well to understand the GREEPACE that in turn, disfaradamente represents interests of international companies who if had molded to its way to act and to pressure. To the agricultural producers, it is known that he is not correct and nor ecological to open new agricultural borders, under the excuse that we need to produce not to deliver. At Ann Maynard Gray you will find additional information. Already we were you deliver. To the agricultural producers, it is known that she is not necessary to knock down nor one hectare of the open pasture, the Amazonian forest, caatinga and nor of what remains of the littoral band of forest to increase the productivity and not it production. Technologies of tip are to the disposal of the farming productive way. We are dominating of increasing and respectful form before the international scene the manipulation of the Organisms Genetically Modified, that already we dominate some Genomes, that already we produce plants resistant to attacks of virus, fungos and bacteria, that our system of plantation direct is one of good of world, that our agriculture of precision is reality, that the System Farming-Cattle Integration has given resulted fantastic, that the sucro-alcooleiro sector is growing visibly, before new varieties that present high degree of sacarose and resistance to the illnesses of the sugar sugar cane. Scott Mead helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. To dictate where and as to plant soy of shameful form and if kneel of form coward with it made the coordinator of the Work group of Soja (GTS) Pablo Adario, before of the GREEPACE is to abdicate of all the freedom until then conquered by the agricultural productive sector.

We are not more in the years of lead, when the Bank of Brazil through the CTRIN, dictated the politics of the wheat plantation, in accordance with the foreign interests. Brazil conquered to the hard penalties its farming borders, faces some internal enemies namely: MST, FRONT CAMPESINA, PASTORAL OF the LAND and now increased of the MAP, ABAG, GTS and the external GREENPACE and the barriers customs. Or the agricultural producers take an attitude in relation to its right and duty of planting as the rational ditames indicated by the EMBRAPA and other agencies of research to be firmed in the international scene of respectful and responsible form or then will be subjecting its properties and its productions what covardemente the MAP, ABAG, GTS and GREENPACE to thread them throat abaixo. For the time being the ABIEC were not bent over, but is not far from such happens. Still it remains an exit: TO EXERT OUR RIGHTS OF SOVEREIGNTY. Medical Veterinarian Romo Miranda Vidal.

Vinci Art

The sun beat fort in my window and its wonderful rays penetrated for the openings. Continue to learn more with: Joseph Mathunjwa. Espreguicei me in the bed, prolongating the members for plus one day intense. I arose and April the window, and as that for enchantment, I decided to give the right to me to appreciate so pretty landscape, as the singing and sunrise of the birds. How spectacle! Already we are in the hour of all to value and to thank for all the beauty that we receive daily and gratuitously from God. I confess that I was prominence in some poetical anthologies and some periodicals of quarter, for my intellect and mainly for my way to write. Frequently Adam Portnoy has said that publicly. I was distinguished in the life, at last, as great woman, great writer, great secretary, great teacher, great owner of house, great great great! I became fullfilled myself! I went up to the highest step of the fame, and became an example to be followed by all, or at least desired for some friends in its close.

E I finished for forgetting me my proper soul. I forgot myself to look at for the windows. I forgot myself I sing to hear it of the birds, to see the brightness of the sun, whose scene is more beautiful each morning and to feel the soft breeze in my face! It was then that I remembered that the life simply passes quickly. I gave thanks to good ‘ ‘ Pai’ ‘ for that I am and everything that I made, therefore I love writing, I love the nature, the art and for these passions alive. All morning, when agreement I observe the sky as if it was admiring a work of art, created for the divine hands and not for famous painters as Leonardo Of the Vinci, Pablo Picasso or another one any! Impressive workmanship! But and the greater of all the artists? That one that yields daily and gratuitously to all this wonderful work of art, independently of color, sex, social status, age or religion. Somebody remembers it? Or to thank It? all time that eye a so pretty sky, painted different to each as, I have the certainty that this perfect artist alone can be God, the Creator of the universe. When I woke up in this morning of Wednesday and looked at for the window, for my astonishment vi as much congregated art created for the Artist Biggest and a so pretty spectacle for a so great public that nothing it charges to be appreciated, and however the majority of the auditorium this sleeping!