Tag: golf

Nations Water

It is expected that you by the year 2025 the 64 per cent of the world population live in river basins under stress. The livestock sector is a key factor in the increase in the use of water since it is responsible for 8% of global consumption of this resource, mainly for irrigation of forage crops. Cattle ranching is probably the greatest source of water pollution. The figures mentioned above should make us think about the world attitude, both personal face this problem position, because the consumer, above all the European does not think anything of this. Add to your understanding with Southwest Airlines. Perhaps ignores that e, l 70% of water consumption goes to irrigation and this percentage is even higher in many countries with little rainfall. Each lemon has needed to produce one liter of water for each gram. The countries of the Mediterranean regions where it is grown, are suffering years of drought, due to deforestation, over-exploitation of wells, fires, tourism and all that for a Spanish, Italian, African North and many others has become an alarming reality.

There is no doubt that the human being, particularly in the Christian West, has misunderstood the divine offer biblical submit Earth, or has interpreted rather than at its free discretion. The common denominator being a humane attitude that has innumerable facets, with the selfishness at the head of all the catastrophes that afflict humanity. And however, according to studies by the UN, every euro invested in drinking water distribution and wastewater evacuation, has one benefit of 4 to 12 times greater, since there are fewer intestinal diseases that produce diarrhea, there are fewer deaths, more school attendance by girls who no longer have to carry water to their homesIn addition to many other benefits for the health and the economic development of the poorest countries. There are many voices that have warned of this mal-desarrollo, but calls to the wisdom, solidarity, equality, brotherhood and the Justice for all, they drained like water in the desert. In particular countries, but neither the League of Nations in their entirety, meet aid schemes that develop, because always the interests of the country, a consortium or an ideology they prevail before the good for everyone, the common good. Why only a radical change in the mode of thinking and acting of each person in particular, would be a first step to effective and durable, to thus start to change yourself and so someday maybe the trajectory of this world.

Ecumenical Council

So anyone that it violates one of these commandments, and teaches men, very small will be called in the Kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5: 17 19 but, Constantine, imposed change, changed the day of rest on the last day, as stipulated in the law, for the day first week, which was the day that the pagans honored their God, Sol Invictus. This is a blatant alteration of law, alteration of which all the Christian world is complicit, sad and regrettable is that today, devotees and honest faithful in the whole world, believe faithfully keep the Sabbath day, refraining from doing activities in the day Sunday, when what is really happening is that they don’t do more than join the cult of Sol Invictus. The current language of the Empires and the developed world, we refer to the English language, called the first day of the week, SUNDAY, day of Sol Invictus. As you can well see, only in these earlier steps that we observe, have given by land, with two of the commandments enacted in the law: we refer to the second commandment, which ordered to refrain from worship and prostrate to any image or likeness of image, and the fourth commandment that required us strict observance of the Sabbath, the last day of the week on which God rested and glory of the creation of the Earth. Other alterations imposed by Constantine: the pictograms of Isis nursing her son Horus, conceived in a miraculous way, became precursors, of the image of Mary, nursing the little Jesus.

The MITRE, the altars, the robes of the Pagan priesthood, the throne where sits the Pope and his title of Pontifex Maximus, which is the same name, which sported the own Constantine, as high priest of Sol Invictus. The pre-Christian God Mithras, also called son of God and Luz de el Mundo was born on December 25, and said of him that he was buried in a tomb excavated in the rock and that, like Jesus, he rose on the third day. That same day, we venerate as Christmas day is also the day that commemorated the birth of Osiris, Adonis, and Dionysus. Collected in this incredible fusion of creeds, the fact that to the newborn Krishna worshiped in the East, was visited by monarchs and magicians, and gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh. As you can see, adds Shulem, the Ecumenical Council convened in the 3rd century of ours was, substantially transformed the original disciples of Jesus Christ doctrine and placed at the front of the new church a monstrosity in the image and likeness of the King of darkness, the God of this world, as he calls himself, Lucifer. The new religion, the Catholic Apostolic and Roman Church, became the religion of the Roman Empire, the consequences subsequent to resolved in the Council of Nicea, can be studied and analyzed by anyone who cares to investigate, there are profuse bibliography, which may happily be. Us, in our talks, will continue addressing the issue, but will do so through the testimony of the actors themselves, men and women have lived experiences, in the midst of anonymity, or have been victims of the destructive power of fools, those who have tried to hide or disguise, in the homeland back in the history, the reality of the facts.