Tag: government and politics

The Plan

The region of the Xingu understands an immense diversity of investments in the next years, which in PPA 2008-2011 only count on investments in the order of 3,8 billion Reals. In accordance with then the Secretary of State of Regional Integration, Andres You would make, you have in fact an innovation with the PDRS Xingu, a time that the incorporation of the society as agent of the transformation is essential the same. The Plan is an innovative instrument, an instrument of planning of the development of the region, is an instrument that incorporates society, the local population, making with that it assumes in fact the conduction of its development. Moreover, it is a plan that respects the environment, a time that all the sustainable productive activities that are foreseen in the plan search the balance between the environment and the action of the man.

Thus the promotion of the sustainable development and the consequent improvement in the quality of life by means of a democratic and participativo process that guarantees the decentralization of the public politics by means of multiple power to decide enclosures for bullfighting compose the axle of planning, order and territorial and ambient management of the plan. To broaden your perception, visit Daniel Lubetzky. The plenrias of the carried through PDRS Xingu between 16 and 20 of February of 2009, had involved the civil society of the 10 cities of the region in three public plenrias that had counted on the participation of the Government of the State of Par, Federal Government and a body of consultants of the Nucleus of High Studies of the Amaznia (NAEA-UFPA), with the objective to argue the lines of direction and the formation of the Managing Advice of the plan, between the lines of direction they were: Territorial order, Agrarian Regularization and Ambient Management; Infra Structure for the Development (energy, sanitation, communication, transport and storage); It foment to the Sustainable Productive Activities; Social inclusion and Citizenship; Model of Management.

Revolutionary Armed Forces

The president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Saints, authorizeed the Sodoma Operation in last day 16. Only in the dawn of the last Wednesday, 72 aircraft had launched 30 intelligent bombs more than of 226 kg each on the situated encampment in the area of known forest as There Macarena, in the department (been) of Goal. Three waves of bombings had banished Jojoy from its shelter, a on shelter of 300m2 to a complex chain of tunnels. Almost 24 hours after the bombings, 400 of the best combatants of the forces special of the Army, the Navy and the policy had gone down of rapel, from helicopters, and had mined focos of resistance. In accordance with surveys carried through for the Columbian policy, Surez Luis, by the way, Jorge Surez Briceo or ‘ Mono Jojoy’ , he was son of peasants been born in the department (in Brazil it is called here Been) of Boyac (north), having entered for the guerrila group in 1975. Specialists affirm that ‘ Mono Jojoy’ it was practically created with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Colombia (FARC, Communists), which knew for intermediary of its parents since the time where already it had six years. ‘ ‘ The mother of it was cook of Jacobo Arenas’ ‘ , one of the founders of the guerrilla, in 1964, and since small, it attended the lessons of marxism given by the guerrilla, counted to the AFP Ariel Avila, who during two years investigated the life of Briceo for the Commission of the Historical Memory of Colombia. The solicitor-generality of Colombia, Guillermo Mendoza, confirmed the death of Briceo in a bombing..