Tag: home and family

The Lack

Exploratory observation, time consuming and large analysis, can give a lot of artifacts and significantly enrich the methodology logoritmicheskogo education, reveal complex relationships with lo-goritmiki related sciences, with a musical education, to identify its impact on speech violations. It is crucial implementation delayed Mr. Observations of the results of correctional work. In this case it is not so much about the kind of observation as a method, but rather about his time with the studied object. The researcher should always carry a delayed observation to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation techniques and its section – logopedic rhythm.

The facts in the study logoritmicheskom You can collect and use of sociological methods: interviews and questionnaires, analysis of the interaction, rating, self-paired comparisons. Interview and questionnaire drawn up only after prior period study (language problems, the nomination of a working hypothesis, a plan of study). Interviews are usually preceded by a questionnaire. Distinguish nestandartiziro-bathing interviews, standardized and polustandartizirovannoe. In the first case, the wording and sequence of questions during the conversation may change. In the second case the questions are presented in sequence. The results of this interview is easier amenable to recording, quantitative analysis and comparison. As disadvantages of this method are the lack of flexibility, inability to penetrate deeply into the situation.

Polustandartizirovannoe interview includes as clearly defined issues that should not change and the issues that the researcher can operate freely. During the survey it is recommended to find out what interests the researcher, indirectly, that is through number of special issues, avoiding ambiguous words and language are too long. Transcript of the interview should be done in the course of his or immediately after. The questionnaire addressed at the same time a large number of individuals studied, but deficiencies in questioning more than interviewing well known as a situation in which the respondent will answer questions, it is impossible to establish direct contact with him, it is unknown what portion of the questionnaire Returned completed.


Soon the hard-won weight dropped back to its rightful place. Exactly as long as the reflection in the mirror begins to direct you to depression and weight loss question again becomes pressing. Further details can be found at Larry Ellison, an internet resource. A huge industry producing a variety of pills, slimming belts and other miraculous ways to lose weight is doing well, and weight of the average Russian from year to year increases. In part, this situation is explained by the fact that most methods of weight normalization eliminates consequence, not a cause. Meanwhile, psychology and psychotherapy have very real diverse approaches and methods of helping a person suffering from overeating and obesity. Approximately 98% of all episodes cause overweight is overeating. The remaining 2% of episodes – this endocrine disease.

In other words, overeating is usually the result of eating disorders. Actually therapy normalizes food behavior and helps to give up old habits. By eating behavior refers to value-based attitude to food and its reception, the stereotype of power in ordinary conditions and in conditions of stress, behavior, focusing on image his body, and work to build that image. So the phrase 'weight loss begins with the head', although some already trivial, it remains for the people, reducing weight, perhaps the most important. There is something in the head is what prevents us to lose weight that stubbornly keeps us overweight. ropY2%3D3511’>Daniel Lubetzky is open to suggestions. It is necessary to understand the real reasons for overeating, but they are hidden, usually in the depths of our psyche and are due to a wide variety of events, your life. No doubt, medical assistance is needed, especially at high steppes of obesity, but only psychological counseling to help patients stop being dependent on the refrigerator and learn to get the most out of life.

Thus, in order to become slim and attractive and easy to manage your weight in the future to build a new relationship with food, change your lifestyle, and most importantly – change yourself and change your attitude towards his beloved. So, in conclusion, to inspire you to such an important and necessary process to you, I want to quote Goethe: "There is one simple truth, if ignored, destroyed countless ideas and splendid intentions, as soon as you made your decision, God's Providence is on your side. To help you come to the impossible. Your solution generates a stream of unanticipated events going in your favor, there are very unexpected things, you get a financial support of which no man dare not even dream of. You can everything you want, just start. Courage breeds genius, power and magic in it. Start immediately. "

The Family

We live in a society, where the consumerism says high more than an affection, a colloquy, an attention, a comprometimento ahead of the life. Today the son already is born asking for to an I Pod, a tennis Nicke, a mark bermuda shorts, not question nor if he speaks in love, because the love does not exist, synonymous of one normal family, does not exist in the context family of today. There the cursed Drug enters, the drug penetrates in the lack of the son, in the lack of I dialogue or time of the parents with the son whom in exchange ephemeral luxuries give that nothing have to see with love, presence, affection, fondle, understanding, tolerance ahead of the difficulties of a new to be when it so arrives at this world poludo of negative paradigms, that they poison what he consists to have a family. The utopia to believe many moments that we are immune to any type of paradigm that we ahead live deeply of these three elements of the heading of this article sends in them in a certainty of that if not to stop to evaluate where and as we can change they, it will make in them to walk for one lives deeply mainly that it will be at least the destruction in mass of the family, if we will be sending in them for the decades of 60, 70, when the family and its solidity were most important. If not to start to see that we need urgent a reform to start inside of in exactly, we will not be able more to add in our ways the word family, because family always was and it will always be the synthesis of an union, where a set of values exists, indispensable to the human being, most important of them, the love.

Impairment Of Motor Skills

Planning a conversation researcher takes into account age, individual and psychological characteristics of the subject, the nature and degree of impairment of motor skills, speech and attitude to the patient's defect, and more. Methods of teaching examination. First of all, they include teacher observation, which is organized specifically and has formulated the task, the subject of surveillance, as well as a system of fixed factors. If the researcher does not interfere with the course pedagogical process. Outlining a working hypothesis, the investigator gathers the facts that confirm or disprove his hypothesis. Teacher observation is valuable because it enables us to study objects in the natural conditions.

It should only be widely used methods of accurate recording of facts: photographing, filming, tape recording, transcription, etc. The method of timing is determined by the time it takes to perform motion, a moving play, dance classes for part or the whole class. The results of observations are recorded in a log record, a diary. In processing the data are eliminated random facts, identifies patterns draws conclusions and generalizations. If the evidence is not enough, a second teacher observation.

Of great interest is self-observation on the instructions of the investigator. By turning introspective, for example, so called "suggestive representation" when it is necessary to include visual, tactile, kinesthetic sensations: the articulatory exercises before a mirror, singing, performing movements in statics and in dynamics without accompany speech, and accompanied by speech, etc. Should just remember that introspection can be used primarily in adults; introspection is mainly for the actions and movements – their lightness, difficulty results; person engaged in introspection, should receive extensive instruction on the methods of introspection and fixing the results. In generalizing the data of introspection should be considered as individual differences in patients as well as judgments on the merits of the subject and the organization of self-observation. In studies of rhythmic speech therapy appropriate to combine the open and covert surveillance.

Childhood Development

Competes to the grandmothers a great mission a time who do not possess the authority of the parents and exactly thus they need to have that to impose limits? what nowadays not even the parents have obtained. In escolinhas and day-care centers ' ' tias' ' if they unfold in attention to take care of to the necessities of ' ' students of fraldas' ' to try to lead the education of some children at the same time, with proper and peculiar customs and habits of each family. Thus, the mothers whom they had opted to the continuation of the professional careers coexist the constant feelings of guilt, remorse and others that form one coquetel emotional painful and are its friends since early when leave house and before arriving at the work it has that to leave its son (with a true change) in the house of the grandmother, escolinha or the day-care center and during the day it folloies and it decides, of far, the relative questions to the son? having that to appeal to the phone calls and brief contacts to have notice and/or to give instructions. The arrival the house, after the day of work, is only the beginning of a new day for the woman/professional mother/, therefore it competes taking care of of the domestic tasks as well as taking care of of the preparativeses for the following day? that she consists since the exchange of clothes in the stock market of the child (that is enormous for signal) until the rank of toys and basic medicines (already prescribed previously for emergenciais situations)? being that always it lacks some item, incrivelmente! To the few, the children go growing and enxergam its mothers as unknown illustrious candies? they call mainly when them for the name instead of calling for ' ' mame' ' (what he is perfectly normal, therefore the grandmothers and too much people listen calling it for the name), or when they do not want to go for house giving preference for sleeping in the house of the grandmothers, or still they compare the food of the mother (made with allied haste dom little culinrio) with the inigualveis spices of vov. is in these and many other difficult moments that the woman/necessary mother to have balance enough to surpass the emotional side and to show to the son who it agrees that she possesss certain limitations, but that a better future for itself makes everything with much love aiming at and for the son and that it would be very good if could admire it as a winner. Thus being, as seen in history, still today the mother is separated of its son. Many women, contrarily to the will, leave its alone children in house, locked and citizens to the misfortunes – for not finding vacant in public day-care centers? leaves for one day of work loading obtains a great negative emotional load and of which the man little shares. ' ' If you to want that something is said, you have asked for to a man; If you to want that something is fact, part for one mulher' '

The Relationship

Probably worth a little walk through the men who were destined to be born and nurtured in the hothouse environment rather on the basis of All inclusive. Here, too, has its own own psychology of family relations. In this category there are representatives of those who at some point coming out of the coils, because to live in, "when you have nothing more to want," it is simply intolerable. And these men is an incredible breakthrough that triggered the spring, which was a very long time in a compressed state. The boy was so long in the regime of strict regulations, that he formed the belief willy nilly, chtopsihologiya family relationship is built on the principle of the success of both actors, and is measured by material benefits achieved in the joint union. A relationship between a man and a woman must first turn elevate this alliance and increase investment. Question dating for marriage is simplified by the fact that both men know exactly what they want.

They are both obsessed with a view to their own success in life, their common interests, common circle of acquaintances. And yet, the man who knows the taste of good life, and confident that his psychology of family relations meets the highest standards of his society, is often faced with inconsistencies own view about the relationship between a man and a woman with that kind of suffering is not too attention-deficit to his own person. At first, everything seems to be perfectly composed and romantic date, noisy parties, picnics, stylish gifts, but as soon as start a serious relationship, between this man and this woman starts disagreements, most often from childhood that they developed frank egocentrism.

House Fire

Many people if question on the importance to buy to have in house a device of security capable to face a small fire in its still initial phase, after all are in this height that the great fires still offer capacity to be extinct, will be important to have in its house always soon to enter in action a fire extinguisher. So that if it can evaluate well of what we are to speak, the fire extinguishers have a small normally inferior cost to a household-electric one of house, when the low value is perceived really that is made when buying extinguishing is difficult to understand because more people do not bet in this measure of security. What it finishes succeeding in many houses it is to buy that them always they are made in equipment function that offers to its inhabitants more comfort and comfort, as resulted of this we can observe great small purchases of equipment, since the micron waves until a television of high definition passing for conditional air, the investment is made on the perspetiva to improve the quality of life for the inhabitants, the fire extinguishers finish being forgotten and the subject of the security for times duly is not thought what it can finish with catastrophic results. Had to its low costs, the presence of extinguishers in a workstation, in an office, mainly in one marries can be one of the purchases most important for the proprietor, after raised investments in other equipment the extinguishers is quiet guardies that wait readily for the call for any on emergency to the possible existence of a fire. Still thus the fire extinguishers sufficiently are forgotten, although its low cost is still few the people who have this equipment in its houses and for times you can see you have caused an accident that they finish with equipment, houses, building and unhappyly lives, some of these accidents you could have hypotheses to be eliminated if they existed extinguishing of fire for close. Case you are interested in buying extinguishing of fire you you always must be advised for the salesman in store, asks which optimum type of extinguisher for the place that you desire to protect because they exist extinguishing suitable for diverse places and different types of fire. So that it perceives better a fire in a place with electricity cannot be extinguished appealing to the fire extinguishers with a chemical composition that is conducting of energy, this would only go to get worse the situation therefore the person who is to use this equipment can leave hurt. The fire extinguishers can save its house and for times lives, a small cost can make great differences in the hour where the things start to run badly, therefore it verifies the measures of security in its house and evaluates investment in these products..