Tag: Management

La Paz

On the other hand the man almost totally becomes employee from the family and submissive his rules. As well as gradual loss of its individuality authority and gains social isolation and if he is pensioner, it becomes alcoholic. V. CONCLUSIONS. In the case of the infantile familiar violence: we conclude that little knowledge exists on the same between I publish and the professionals of the health. thus, the recognition and the awareness, although they constitute essential elements for the effective prevention, are only part of the solution. then, efforts and policies of prevention must to direct directly to children, to those who give help to them and to the surroundings in which they live, to come up that she takes place I mistreat potential and to try effectively I mistreat and negligence that has taken place. In addition, one requires coordinated efforts and coordinated of an ample range of sectors, ace like the investigators, the professionals of the health publishes.

In the case of familiar violence in the pair: we must declare that it is more serious than many we would imagine and causes much pain in the homes. nevertheless, such abusive and/or conducts we can avoid violent them as long as we assume with total conviction that the respect, the equality and the tolerance are the most favorable conditions for the resolution of the problems within the home. The values of the individuals are cultivated from the family, therefore it turns out indispensable to foment a culture of the democracy in the intimate life of the people and respect to the human rights of each of its members. Who values the tolerance, the equality, the respect, the freedom, the democracy and La Paz, surely will defend and practice convencidamente these values in all the scopes of its life: the family, the school, the work, the groups, the institutions. of there the importance of educating, to treat and to train the citizens in atmospheres of respect, freedom, tolerance and cult to integral the human development.

The proposal is to create brings back to consciousness between the young population so that they identify problem as well as to re-educate to this sector of the population so that they can be related to base to the respect of the pair, and so in addition it is tried to diminish the pregnancies nonwished and the diseases of sexual transmission, including AIDS. And in the case of the familiar violence in the third age: we will end up referring that, been must condemn and adopt measures to end the violence against the people majors, to include them in the design and planning of social programs and development, all this within the framework of the universal declaration of the human rights and the principles of the United Nations for the people majors. In addition, one is due to redefine its social by the one of the priority of its sapiencia and experience, lately almost null roll, and to respond with policies that offer the opportunity to reach their well-being. A new paradigm of oldness that prevails, that is to say, active oldness socially, productive and healthful is necessary integrated to the familiar and social life, very necessary for the use of the deep values but and our culture, important for the continuity of our histories, for the construction of a new intergenerational society based on the mutual respect and reciprocal valuation.

ERP Information

In addition, there is such a thing as a specification. This is a list of substances included in the finished product. Usually there tells you how humidity or what the concentration of the active substance in a substance must have the components that make preparing drugs, and, consequently, the information system should be functional for the light weight, moisture, of the active substance. Continue to learn more with: Oracle. With regard to finished products and the importance of accounting partionnogo no doubt, as there may be situations when you want to delete a whole batch of defective goods. Manufacturer need to know where she sold out – for some outlets, through some distributors. ERP-system should make it possible to trace the path of the defective goods to the consumer is almost a check.

The experts also called number of functions required for the pharmacy information system: pricing goods in accordance with the rules of the regulated pricing for selected groups LS, LS poseriyny accounting and tracking of defective series, the presence of features vacation at discounted and free recipes and personalized holiday allowance of this type of drugs patients are entitled to benefits, counterfeit tracking, monitoring required range, a special account number groups of drugs – potent drugs, groups A and B, etc., organization of help desk function to provide information about inventory in any subdivision of the pharmacy network in real-time interaction automated pharmacy management system with external reference systems, work with bank cards, the use of gift certificates, promotions, trade "on the models." To ensure all These queries are needed the ERP-system, with suitable functional. Basic package for ERP pharmacies must contain the following blocks: Block "PURCHASE". Formation of orders to the supplier, the registration receipt of raw materials and products, control of execution of orders, returns to suppliers of raw materials and products and training information for accounting of settlements with suppliers. Block "MUTUAL".

To Awaken Or Sound Different

Dear Internet users: we have opened this space in this 5th book for those who know or know that what is called vigil is not anything other than a collective dream and even for those who believe otherwise but want to share ideas that we dream of thinking with those who feel that they are dreamed up or similar things is perhaps not unreasonable that can function as alarm clocks each others and if not at least have shared a dream different… BUTTERFLIES & Paginassone which was a butterfly; now I don’t know if I’m a butterfly who dreams that he is a man or a man who dreams that he is a butterfly.(Chuang Tza)Awake spend US neatly the pages of a book; asleep disorderly pass us the pages of the same book. (Schpenahuer) When these phrases was a child almost side were more or less magical almost live that reality; When teen was almost sunk in such reality after the sword of experience cut thread that connected with paradise lost child (Jean Paul) and then at every stage have become increasingly others Handsome resonances to be the place in which we care to be active in that undefined place that is beyond the rubble of the landfill of the bourgeois day and the Freudian teatrito alarm clocks be is be SONADOEL be this in the dream the dream more peripheral and that more away from the center of awakening authentic is the collective or the vigil of eyes open (Macedonian), but another dream of dreams with dreams of a way more profound also us away from the center of awakening authentic and even sleep without dreams is high from afar that Centre although oximoronicamente by excess of investment that this time very close to be whatever, beyond all the versions, desire that here can find the awakening or different dream and form a fraternity of alarm clocks… Why Ionesco matter here? As with Antonin Artaud believe in that theatre that produces the same quality ontic and phenomenal dreams and as we know that this theatre is that of Ionesco and as we agree with Nicolas Evreinov in that theatre It preceded all religion and magic and that has been the mirror of our situation and but the school for our awakening or best dream, is that we will start to talk about the Romanian who has been the ramana maharshi frustrated after sacrificial martyrdom bear witness to the terrible, everyday as Kafka, and connect us with archaic dimensions and ensure us the baraka of dream original author and source of the article..

Living with Purpose

Discovering that we have our own mission and we will dedicate to it will give us renewed meaning to our lives. Living with a mission makes our days flow dedicated to her and enjoying the journey. We are eternal beings that we find ourselves in this life and this place only to learn and enjoy it, not to suffer or go wrong. It may be the time of produce changes that bring newness and excitement to her life, the excitement of the change and the challenge will bring you new energies. If you leave for challenges in your life you can entering a gradual numbness due to lack of incentives that keep it active and motivated, eager to make progress every day. Always stay agile and flexible, always accept the possibility of the change since it is the only way to make progress. Gary Kelly often addresses the matter in his writings. Don’t be afraid to change, do what you feel that it will grow, it will be beneficial for you and for the people who appreciate. Let live waiting for, now.

The answer lies in ourselves, we must stop looking there outside our main reason, it is up to us, it is where it must investigate. We are different and each one of us has a sum of unrepeatable and unique talents that we must always develop with the awareness that we are limitless beings and it never forgetting. It is necessary to define that it is what we want for our life and then get us underway. Our senses begin to be attracted to those opportunities that surround us, than before not being necessary were unaware, but that now with a map clear that tells us what we want and towards where we are and they stand out with our enhanced mind to recognize them. Who decided to target sell umbrellas on the street develops its full capacity to detect the proximity of a storm much earlier than others.