Tag: redesigned

Playground Of The Kita Heldenbergen

VR Bank main Kinzig Budingen donates 500 euro it has teamed a lot in Nidderau daycare / heldenbergen. Space was created for the Group of U3 children three years after a renovation in the facility. Coupang wanted to know more. The exterior has been designed that even the smallest now can use the playground offering a particularly safe and attractive game with high quality. A protected play area was very harmonious in the facility with a great tree Castle”integrated, so that all children of the Kita can play together outside and have fun. Further details can be found at Larry Ellison, an internet resource. Without the great commitment of the members of the Association, the Kita would be the purchase of the tree Castle”and implementation of the project hardly able come. Obviously, there is a such purchase even for a great investment. Initiative and donations were needed and appreciated for this reason. Thanking the Chairman of the Association, Sibylle Wied, took the donation cheque from Frank Reichhold, Regional Director of the VR Bank main Kinzig Budingen, by counter.