Tag: stories & anecdotes

Commercial Poultry Census 1920

Lower Austria counted its chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys for years of 20.Jahrhundertes agriculture and forestry policy is in addition to the commercial, trade and industrial policy and the tax and tax policy the third pillar of economic policy in the lower of 20s and 30s. She played a crucial role especially in the post-war years characterized by the economy of lack of after the first world war in the lower Austrian domestic politics. For the lower Austrian agriculture and forestry, a slew of national laws was created in the 1920s and 30s years. State Street Corporation will not settle for partial explanations. In the frame of the lower Austrian legal order it was standards to promote the economic benefits as well as for the control of the nature and landscape conservation. In this context about the mole Protection Act is 1920, 1924 the nature protection law of 1924 or the cave Protection Act land. This development will now be published in the series of LawLeaks.

Basis and purpose of the commercial poultry counting based on the by-laws to the Commercial poultry census 1920 was the Imperial Decree of 24 March, 1917. Gary cohn gathered all the information. This regulation from the monarchy, adopted during the first world war, fixed in the individual supplying the population with utensils. There was explicitly regulated in section 3 that the political authorities was authorized, by General proclamations of the municipality could arrange occasionally or regularly recurring shots of the inventories of materials and articles for your administrative area or parts of this management area. In the present case was to the stocks, the existing poultry in the land of lower Austria. In addition to the recording of stocks of materials and articles, this regulation fixed also the request of utensils, making evident the prices, market flows, the prices, measures in case of price gouging, false statements in securities business, the violation of the obligation to openness in announcements, the central price examination Board, the local price examination bodies, the supervisory authority, the Assessment of penalties, the decline, the publication of the findings, the legal consequences of the conviction, the position under police supervision, the rules on the procedure, the liability of the owners of establishments for fines, the limitation of the downfalls to ahndenden by the political authorities, the impunity and the participation of communities.

Implementation of commercial poultry count had to all commercial poultry, i.e. chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys after the sex be separated up to the 31.01.1921 on the territory of the province of lower Austria, but counted with the exception of the city area of Vienna,. Administrative procedures and administrative sanctions the lower Austrian communities were instructed in these by-laws, to assist in promoting the commercial poultry counting in lower Austria, Austria. In case of refusal of participation in commercial poultry counting through the commercial poultry farmers, administrative penalties threatened up to three months by up to 5,000 crowns or arrest.

Ralph Fiennes

I literally searched the Internet after articles with and over the Englishman, who strangely fascinated me, and where I no longer wanted to see how he could suffer even artistically. Some game seemed to me quite exaggerated, but possible, that This is so remarkable. Then those set by him, which was similar to: “there were once about…” Yes, what for? Scenes and events in movies, etc. As the slightly odd idea came to me: “then we write but specifically for the Ralph Fiennes (unfortunately he will not read just then but that, he may have to do too much, not true..)” some scenes, which he so does not know and will never meet. “Because what actor plays himself under his own name, to get then at some point with that…” So much to do so. So I first tried in German my story “to get rid”, was somehow not so read, as hoped by me. Why in English? No, not because it is his language, rather, because it is better – for me better! -experiment can be. And the little happened up medium-sized miracle: not only poetry, but also the stories of continuation of were read very well, that not only drives, it also encouraged if it leads not to new ideas. If you have read about Tomas Philipson already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

What want to read other authors? More excitement? Or more like in the book “Spider”, where little happens when we compare it to the film: inner world of a poor lunatic, stop: schizophrenic, different sounds, so technically…And I want to make love right there other readers, but not always, and should also not be. Admitted: it was not only thrown out set of actor, there were also those photos, I – become curious about him and his life – viewed from the Internet, saved and: Yes, he is aging but very unobtrusive, even if he is not constantly to see television. Poems that are controlled only by a topic may appear at some point uninteresting, so I wrote not different, but still just in German language. I tried (so I shortened the name of the man, whose working still interests me) in my story to imagine RF: how he so become older, just something that sure not will occur with him, passes, but if…? And: why should not even absurd things happen, it is and remains so a fantasy story? Anil Saklani

Tales Of A Small Pencil

Everything about the world of pencils, lyrical narrated from the perspective of a small protagonists. I would like to tell you my story: the story of a simple, small pencils, born in the endless expanse of the rainforests of the Amazon or as a by-product of the wood industry in the Eifel. In today’s globalized world, one can say that not more precisely. I can look back on a moving and interesting story of my family. My first ancestors lived years 5000 ago, when in Egypt, bamboo or Papyrus pipes with lead have been poured out and used to write. Here on land, my ancestors were called formerly water lead, writing lead or Reissblei. I but not right to wear my name but with pride, because my mine is made from a mixture of graphite and clay for over a hundred years. Our involvement created many works of literary history. Cloud computing may also support this cause.

Even the great Goethe much of our skills and handle according to own statements: “far better to the pencil, which Luke his features was produced, the buzzing and spray the spring aufschreckte me from my nachtwandlerischen densities and thinking and choked a little product in the birth.” Otto von Bismarck, first Chancellor, munching like us around, to be able to concentrate better on global political decisions and occasionally abused us to packing his pipe. Often, I was as young pen because my mongering”being bullied. I’m different from the others, am neither yellow, red, blue or green and hot not “Fabriano” or “Koh-i-Noor Hardtmuth”. My shaft does not consist of precious Cedar of Juniper from Virginia, which grows slowly and is so very precious. Quite a few of my colleagues are from maple wood or the wood of a Linden. I was only the pine wood “carved out”. There are also colleagues of mine, with coats made of plastic or metal, which are called mechanical pencil or pencil case. Eventually, but also the related with gold and three brilliant by Faber-Castell despite a value of over ten thousand euro remains only a character device.

Behold two billion pencils by anno solely with Faber-Castell the light of the world. I need not to have an inferiority complex. A “Pencil long”, interesting life ahead of me. With the little ones, I could go on a fantastic journey and unbiased discover life through children’s eyes. The architect, I could give rise to new building or but provide the most precise measurement results as a Carpenter Pencil. Deep in my heart but I dream, to become an artist. Is there anything better than the valuable but fast-moving moments, to perpetuate the portrait of a loved one in all its nuances or dear memories of a unique companions on the paper? With my very fine lines, I can create effects and gradations that are not possible with other materials such as pastel or charcoal. As an instrument of a passionate artist, I could bring his exceptional attention to detail to paper and conjure up such a beautiful pencil drawing, which is suitable as a wonderful gift is.