Strengthening of the ruble, which pottolknuli raising the price of oil, as well as the need for rubles to pay the taxes do not like the Central Bank. Without hesitation baby clothes explained all about the problem. Everyone has long known that the exchange rate is strongly dependent on oil prices. Oil prices predictable, they can fly vrezultate military conflict between Israel and Palestine, can fall because speculators have decided to get rid of oil futures. Back in the fall by representatives of the Central Bank announced that the ruble is not will exceed 32 rubles to the currency basket in the spring, we are now seeing 39 – 41. It turns out that all the officials were wrong, weak central bank analysts. As officially announced the first deputy chairman respectively, the demand for oil should be reduced, as confirmed by the annual decline in oil demand in the spring. In February, the people carried money in banks for deposits in rubles, to believe that the ruble to fluctuate in a corridor of up to 41 rubles to the basket.
It turns out again accumulated ruble money in banks. The Central Bank is the fourth trading day in a row entering the market with the purchase of currency, flattening trend in the strengthening of the ruble. Dollar exchange rate against the ruble this morning in the morning on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange reached 33.65 rubles, which is approximately 25 cents above Tuesday's closing levels at 35 cents above the current official rate. Note that the ruble against the dollar approximately 9 -10 cents a day, which shows on the downtrend appears to technical analysis, plus all the hidden fundamentals suggest the same thing, and if in the near future will collapse of the ruble, it will be done artificially, but artificially maintain the ruble can only central bank, but as we see it is not its policy.
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