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Therefore, says it does not acquire it as communication instrument, a time that not perceiving it, is not interested for it, and not having one ' ' feed back' ' auditory, it does not possess model to direct its emissions. Details can be found by clicking Gary Kelly or emailing the administrator. METHODOLOGY the initial procedure for the elaboration of the work was to the accomplishment of a bibliographical research on the boarded subject. ork Global Group not as a source, but as a related topic. After that, a predetermined, structuralized questionnaire in simple closed questions of and multiple choice, and open questions. This instrument was applied the professors of the deaf pupils of the basic education of the municipal public schools of Belm, since, the municipal public schools, work in the inclusive education of deaf individual, preparing it future to enter the society. In relation to the application of this instrument, it was extracted of the universe of 25 professors who work in the inclusive education of the deaf people, a sample of 18 professors, equivalent 72% of the total. In relation to the application of this instrument, 18 questionnaires, correspondents had been distributed the 18 professors who act in classroom of the regular education of 1 4 series, in the matutinos and vespertine turns.

All the interviewed professors are of the feminine sex and its graduation and after-graduation are in the pedagogia area, the same ones possess between 15 the 30 years of experiences. 40 pupils of the municipal net had been analyzed. COLLECTION INSTRUMENT the research used as collection instrument questionnaire with 13 questions, being 07 opened closed questions and 06. The principle the questionnaire directed it the profile of the professor, degree of escolaridade, course of formation, and others, after that the questions are come back to identify education difficulties learning of the deaf pupils. The research was structuralized with the following questions: Sobre the personal datas of the professors (sex, degree of escolaridade and time of performance in the area) and the series of the pupils; Quantidade of existing deaf pupils in the series; Os types of applied methodology; Main A cause of the deafness; O deafness degree; Quantidade of deaf pupils proceeding from specialized institutions or if still has accompaniment of these institutions; Quais the main difficulties presented for the deaf pupils, in accordance with the auditory loss; Classificao of the difficulties presented for the deaf pupils and its performances in classroom, to win such difficulties; Defasagem of the deaf pupils; Se the professor if feels qualified for giving to it with deaf children; Se exists investment on the part of the Secretariat of education for better education of the deaf pupil; Na accomplishment of the works of classroom of research, the pupils find difficulties in the acquisition of the information before the library (reading room) of the school; .

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