Work Performance

Only in this way you can define if the coaching process has reached its objectives. For more specific information, check out Ripple. Also in a process of executive coaching, keep sufficient space so that the coachee is set personal goals that you want to achieve within the process, which does not always have to be considered, measured or approved by the company, and many times not even known by it to ensure full responsibility and freedom of work by the coachee. Verizon often says this. Suppose for example that the Executive has great concern for how their work affects family life and sets an objective to improve the balance between these two aspects of his life, know him well by the company could generate some concern in one way or another and maybe even erroneous interpretations of how and why this person He wants to work on this objective. 8 Path of work and schedule is convenient to draw a path that the coachee agrees to continue to develop the different themes that are your goal, if you want to tackle them one by one, from the beginning until it is finished or if you want to work in parallel several themes, the order in which you want to do it, which can be analyzed with the coach in order to get the best out of the working sessions. With this definition, the timetable and the agenda of meetings will be updated. 9 Track in each session the coach will be reviewed along with the Executive compliance with the programme of proposed work, difficulties encountered, as well as the support that the coachee needs to move forward with its process.

Tasks that have not been met, will be analyzed and discussed in order to verify whether they are still necessary in which case of they reprogramaran by fixing a new date and adjusting the work plan, to be considered by the coachee that is not needed, they will be discarded.Tracking also includes analysis of the positive changes produced in the coachee and shape how this affects the overall process, as well as possible changes in the overall objective because of the improvements. 10 Assessment this part of the process allows to measure the progress achieved. 10.1 Performance evaluation must periodically perform performance evaluations needed to verify if the improvements obtained in the process of coaching have had positive effects on the work that the coachee plays and if it is necessary to adjust in some way the work plan. 10.2 Assessment. The improvement in skills and management must be measured before and during and after the process of coaching through an assessment of the same characteristics, in order to verify if the Steering has been improved in the aforementioned skills and if the training or training plan should be adjusted.

10.2 R.O.I. of a coaching process process can and should be measured as an investment capable of producing profitability. The rate of return on investment is usually more than 600% in the following 6 months. Of course varies depending on the depth of the problems to be solved and the ease with which it is able to quantify additional yields obtained from the performed process and from. To do this, it is also necessary to do a measurement before and after the process, through indicators of income and cost which can remain stable in the course of the same, or which do not have significant variations that can be attributed to other causes beyond the control of the process.

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