Which age the reason of those young women to be caoando of the poor person? It was not ugly, badly was not dressed Then, why? There I thought, I thought and I decided to go ties to try takes off it from there. He would be half stranger, after all, we do not conheciamos in them but it was necessary. Not wise person as to arrive. To its they comoviam me tears. I dissimulated to be running and on purpose esbarrei in it.
I asked for to innumerable excuses – still me candidate to be actor – and with worried face of super I really made that it had not been my guilt. To seeing me of that skill it finished smiling and with to a half it said me voice: ' ' all good! ' '. My plan was giving certain, but, as it takes off it from there? I became of likeable and I asked its name, Carolina said, me; its eyes shone. The tears already had ceased and now a smile if it extended. It needed to go, felt a squeeze, wanted to continue there, me it made well.
Exclamei that was going for the same way and I offered my company. Smiling it accepted. – You deferred payment have much time here, Carol? Ops, you call I can, n thus! – Rs It can! Good, it makes five weeks that I changed myself. I live in a republic. Exactly with a little of fear I have attemped to grow professionally here. – Fear! Rs Why fear! – I am of the interior; in the truth I am of a simple family and pra had never saido far. Reason of chacota because all the girls were successful and only I I always liveed in casebre, then, it had fear of great city. To finish happening what it happened today.
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