
If you want to invest in a fund but really do not know how to choose or Committee must seek before select, in this article he recommends you some things to get a better idea at the time of investing according to the book the intelligent investor. The first thing that has to be kept in mind is to look at documents past background, such as commissions, risk, reputation of the Manager and past performance. Also has to be careful if one time is contracted Fund this change of strategy sharply, or if costs are increased and have erroneous results, it is recommended to change background if this happens. It is also good to stay away from funds that attract attention with titles like the opportunity of life or it may fail. For this it is better to have the background for a smarter investment. Often new investors are only fixed performance in past years, but it is important to also look at the commissions and net profitability. Can you invest in a fund that currently is fashionable and this is what really generates capital, but is better look at funds that are already level, not once they pass fashion this already to not take profitability.

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