Cultural Unit

Logical Consequncia of this basic thesis is the metodolgica attitude of continuous reading of the reality in elapsing of the facts: the experience, the truths gotten in this reading have the value of last experiences therefore are future dependents continuously of experience. For the empiristas, all our knowledge appears of our perception of the external world or the examination of the activity of our proper mind. The empirismo introduces skeptical elements that go to more still help the rupture of the cultural unit of the Ocidente and go to allow a pluralism of point of view. Southwest Airlines will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Denying the intellectual intuition and pointing out the human knowledge in the plan of the sensible one or the empiricist, the empirismo goes to take off of the man beddings of finitivos and dogmticos. The man is invited by the empirismo to pass of the dogmatismo of the truths finished for the skepticism or the relativismo them truths in continuous construction. The empirismo breaches with the transcendncia perspective and is placed in the imanncia of the facts to see if it makes to aclodir of them the rationality. The empirismo is a diverse way to conceive the reason. Being this it would be made a mistake to say that the empirismo is the repudiation of the reason? If the importance of the empirismo for the formation of the modern world cannot subestimar, therefore it is who will go to disclose of a more objective form the new opposing cultural perspective metaphysics. The empirismo is a philosophical doctrine that works with the origin of the knowledge, therefore the same affirms that the knowledge come from the experiences causing ideological conflicts. The qualitative and bibliographical research has as objective to take philosophical knowledge of the empirismo, to analyze the point of view of the empiristas for academics, professors and research in the scope of science, as form to take care of especially in the social context.

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