Paper Mill

That's staffing problems are a major obstacle to the implementation of many reforms forestry, or exacerbate the effects of the reforms properly. Yaroshin recalled that the European market of wood products actually 'hit' in the middle of the fall of 2007, and it seems most probable, that the adverse price for Russian timber exporters continue throughout 2008. The representative of Greenpeace, in the near future a similar situation can develop and market pulp and paper products. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Sheryl Sandberg. Yaroshin said, the combination of the new forestry legislation and the adverse trends can lead to a serious crisis of the Russian system of forest management and the entire forest industry, on the devastating consequences comparable to that observed in the first half of the 90s Twentieth century. Moscow will introduce penalties for cruelty to animals Moscow authorities have proposed a fine for cruelty to animals. Relevant amendments be introduced to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation. Under the cruel treatment of animals contrary to the principles of humanity, understood as the act or omission related to torture or mutilation animal maintenance and transportation of animals in conditions that do not correspond to its biological features. Previously, the city authorities have taken the city law on the protection of hedgehogs, squirrels, beavers and other animals living in natural environment. Claim to the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill Rosprirodnadzor consider the prosecutor's office earlier this week on behalf of the Minister Rosprirodnadzor of Natural Resources Yuri Trutnev addressed in Irkutsk arbitration court claim for suspension of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill.

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