Damio War, entrepreneur, that with very effort and devotion obtained to surpass obstacles and if to establish in the market. Michael Dell has firm opinions on the matter. TABLE 1 Chart of Strategical employees NVELFUNOQUANTIDADE *– TticoGerente 02 OperacionalSupervisor 01 Secretaria01 Tinker 02 Preparador (colorista) 01 Polishing Pintor02 02 Consulting Montador02 technician 02 Mosseiro 01 Lavador01 TOTAL17 Source: created for the authors. * Gift in the Matrix of the company in Recife. 3.2. Quality and results of the services With a vision focada in the quality of the offered services, the searched company reveals efficient and efficient, therefore she always executes its works worried about the process to make well and correctly, without forgetting them and results objective. In accordance with Chiavenato (2003, p.19): ' ' The administration of the organizations in order to reach efficiency and effectiveness, becomes one of the tasks most difficult and complexas' '. adds: ' ' The pragmatic emphasis in the techniques and ' ' as to make coisas' ' , with the use of formulas and universal prescriptions of management already successfully used, without if it visualizes each new and different situation, not basta' '.
By means of these definitions one concludes that the organization is carrying through its paper with success. It is important to stand out the ideas of Chiavenato (2003, p.399) when affirms that ' ' the administrative effectiveness is not one aspeto of personality of the administrator, but it is function of correct manipulation of the situation. It is performance, that is, is not that the administrator makes, but what it obtm' '. In relation to the executed calculations inside of the company it was observed that they are common calculations and they are used simple calculators and is used mainly for the consultants technician and the secretary. To take care of of services as: payment leaf, has broken tax and previdenciria the company makes use a terceirizado service.
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