Tag: birds

Service Companies

The school must be more dynamic and to take step to him to new action, plans, programs that favor to formed into a guild his, to rescue the image of the administration lawyer, to locate it in that pedestal of excellence where it must be, especially when they exert a very significant profession for the development of the country. The law must be reconstructed the regulation of the profession according to the requirements that the present national and international scene requires. To tie in more dynamic, operative form, with the companies in order to serve to him that these solicit based on their needs. To take step to the formation of factories of incubation of companies that favors the entrepreneurs, consults to them and at the same time, it is opening for new uses. It must support to formed into a guild his, especially to the unemployed ones for locating them in the enterprise sector is public or private, to form an a Data bank of work, to watch over the leisure of the withdrawn ones in administration, that in the present is a considerable number. To guarantee on the basis of dispositions financiers, legal, of collaboration, contributions that take step to the institution of a social insurance, loans, aid, that favors formed into a guild and its relatives. To know how to administer to its income and debits suitably. To help itself for it of consultant’s offices, courses of extension according to the specialties that the present requires in the respective specialties of the modern managemental topics. To take step to a Commission of investigation of the administrative science that allows to determine the weaknesses that at the moment confront the companies and to offer the service to them, qualification solution that helps them to grow, to be operative and that at the same time, allows to project the valuable thing that it is the school for the enterprise development.

To Awaken Or Sound Different

Dear Internet users: we have opened this space in this 5th book for those who know or know that what is called vigil is not anything other than a collective dream and even for those who believe otherwise but want to share ideas that we dream of thinking with those who feel that they are dreamed up or similar things is perhaps not unreasonable that can function as alarm clocks each others and if not at least have shared a dream different… BUTTERFLIES & Paginassone which was a butterfly; now I don’t know if I’m a butterfly who dreams that he is a man or a man who dreams that he is a butterfly.(Chuang Tza)Awake spend US neatly the pages of a book; asleep disorderly pass us the pages of the same book. (Schpenahuer) When these phrases was a child almost side were more or less magical almost live that reality; When teen was almost sunk in such reality after the sword of experience cut thread that connected with paradise lost child (Jean Paul) and then at every stage have become increasingly others Handsome resonances to be the place in which we care to be active in that undefined place that is beyond the rubble of the landfill of the bourgeois day and the Freudian teatrito alarm clocks be is be SONADOEL be this in the dream the dream more peripheral and that more away from the center of awakening authentic is the collective or the vigil of eyes open (Macedonian), but another dream of dreams with dreams of a way more profound also us away from the center of awakening authentic and even sleep without dreams is high from afar that Centre although oximoronicamente by excess of investment that this time very close to be whatever, beyond all the versions, desire that here can find the awakening or different dream and form a fraternity of alarm clocks… Why Ionesco matter here? As with Antonin Artaud believe in that theatre that produces the same quality ontic and phenomenal dreams and as we know that this theatre is that of Ionesco and as we agree with Nicolas Evreinov in that theatre It preceded all religion and magic and that has been the mirror of our situation and but the school for our awakening or best dream, is that we will start to talk about the Romanian who has been the ramana maharshi frustrated after sacrificial martyrdom bear witness to the terrible, everyday as Kafka, and connect us with archaic dimensions and ensure us the baraka of dream original author and source of the article..