Tag: coffee

The Subconscious

It analyses information and data, and acts as a guardian of the door to the subconscious. The conscious mind develops as a result of the experience, while the subconscious mind does not think, not reasons, not deliberating. It acts by instinct in response to basic emotions. The subconscious mind can be compared with a truck, while the conscious mind can be considered as the driver. Official site: Hanes clothing. The power is in the car, not in the lead. The driver must learn to release and direct that power. Gucci fashion contributes greatly to this topic. The subconscious mind receives any images that move the conscious mind under a strong emotion.

Think of the two as a camera: the conscious mind acts like a lens, focusing the image of your desires and taking them to a point of the film of the subconscious. Getting good pictures with that camera is the same as with any other: there has to be a good approach, good exposure, and the timing has to be correct. To achieve the right approach, you need to have a definition of objective clear and precise. The selection of the components of the picture must be carried out with care and accuracy; you decide that you will include in it. Proper synchronization is determined by the intensity of your desire at the time of exposure. The expert photographers generally take several pictures of an important image; they work over and over again in it until the photo you want. It is vital for programming your subconscious that you repeat again and again the image of thy desire. You have to work in the process repeatedly until you have moved to your subconscious mind clear and accurate image that you want to set in the. Only you will thus intentionally activate the law of attraction. Don’t be afraid to enter into a highly emotional state when you print images in your subconscious, if not quite the opposite.


Coaching or life coach was born a couple of decades ago (though some authors are not in agreement), in sports. We can consider that kick off Tim Gallwey gave him with his indoor tennis play. Using the definitions of various authors try to define what is the Coaching. Christian Worth and Jose. L. Menendez authors of the book opens the melon, define coaching as a series of techniques and processes that help you to perform better everything what you already know to do, harnessing all the skills and capabilities and, at the same time, allows the learning of concepts needed to get to where you want. Enrique de Mulder, HayGroup President and coach of a score of executives is more succinct: the coach is a moral authority which support able to teach him to fish rather than to give him fish. Grant, researcher of The Coaching Psychology Unit, School of Psychology defines coaching as a systematic solution-focused and results-oriented process in which the coach facilitates the self-directed learning, personal growth and increased the experience of life and the performance of the coachee customers certain by the own coachee domains and continues the fundamental objectives of the executive coaching staff are promoting changes in cognitive, emotional and behavioural that facilitate the achievement of goals and the performance increase either at work or in personal. Azucena Vega, a professional coaching in Guipuzcoa, the life coach will be an alter ego that will help you get the best out of himself, all the potential inside, carrying all the blind zones inside that person don’t see labor, sentimental field, in your leisure time, etc. Above all emphasize the difference with a psychologist or psychiatrist coaching applies to healthy people who want to get the best out of themselves, looking for an extra life. We try to achieve even more and reduce the coaching to the Executive nature.