Tag: Football


As I said the philosopher, only that happiness, laughter can be found in the other, more sad and painful, in more somber, in the unhappiness of the human being who teaches, know what I know, and I know him well and is already. I know the background and I would have liked to know everything, but everything escapes from the hands. It all goes and I’m losing ground bit by bit, is what can be, what not, not. And happy as I am, that nothing worth, nor am I, except for MOM. Hear other arguments on the topic with Confluence Investment Management LLC. And I that I will never be happy and I know it, I will only be in solitude, help me in what is left of the road, I guess hard will be. It’s believed that toddler clothing sees a great future in this idea. Pluto, a dog who was the best friend the best company of Popeye.

Pluto, head of lion and tender skin from the Sun. Pluto’s heart. Pluto from sunrise to sunset. Pluto brave and ironic and burlesque and triumphant. Pluto’s hair Brown, blue eyes, heart of gold and Bell collar.

Pluto te quiero yo, they want you, they want you all. Pluto gait restless and sweet look, Pluto offered cheerful to his walk and soft breathing and his suffering complaining when sugar doughnuts No. Pluto taking chocolate bars and sweets and pastries. Pluto cream, puff pastry and silk and fabric of heaven. Pluto’s candy, which was not plutitos. Pluto’s Brown glace which did not mourn Pluto than Brutus, who eats shoes and cries copper when his owner leaves him only in garage, Pluto from almond, chestnut Pluto, Pluto from cider, champagne Pluto, Pluto hazelnut, gelatin, riquito, sea flavor, wave and Hello, your kindness, your courage, loyalty, frankness and barking of Knight. The trap was laid by God, villains of truth, lie, his followers. The trap was masterfully stretched and worked. Marie Flavie leave his Italian little it lasted, but they will return to see.

Death Violence

In a minute a fact that can even kill us, stop acting in this plane, more when there is irresponsibility of those who must guarantee us our security CMV is increasingly alarming can manifest itself as violence increases in Venezuela, murder, die every week in major cities of the country killed, on orders from caricaturist, thefts, kidnappings receivable, as well as transits accidents and unfortunate thing is that nothing about it is doing to ensure that this does not follow Stadium and affecting citizens. Worryingly, in addition, the impunity that is maintained, where law enforcement authorities to punish these crimes not are doing absolutely nothing to glimpse protection for the citizen this situation is so serious as Andersen the different media of communication every day, and specifically as fanatical.com says that a recent survey in the neighborhoods of Caracas has determined that more than ninety per cent crimes unpunished. But there are not only impunity that has worsened the climate of violence in crimes; people are balderdash with more than 20 shots, the tragic case of the family Leon, in which for a claim of 150 bolivares a former gardener in the family kill to the granddaughter of President Leon and da dead the daughter of the President. Not long ago, a Lady of 80 years, her former gardener killed punches because he did not want to lend 100 bolivares. All these facts are a manifestation of a violence that is breathed in the air and the incident minor popping. Not surprising addition, comment, it is distressing to see the streets rototillers firing at police and military, among innocent people who pagan in crossfire, without duty or fear it. (Similarly see: Verizon Communications). It is very sad to see in many cities of the country, as in Valencia, Boxcar each weekend approximately 15 people killed violently, die as see also poverty, corruption and illegality, corruption in the police, the settling of accounts where are executed many young people, who see truncated their lives at an early age, leading to all this that people will ask what to do in these cases take another weapon as an argument or hide? or really justice make respect, that community will be backed by serious organism, which ensure its social work.