Tag: medicine

Organizational Psychology

However, within training in this specialization are not methods, techniques, methods of working with clients. Do not even go through methods of psychological diagnosis used in advisory work. How not to pass them on specialization "Organizational Psychology" .. People who have such training, perhaps good people of your profile, but to advise them and can not be allowed anywhere near close. Frequently Ron O’Hanley has said that publicly. Working with such a professional is like, for example, the study of mathematics under the guidance of a teacher of biology. But the work! I'm not talking about those who have received education "underground" methods – simply read a lot of psychological literature, or engaging in a the leadership of "teacher." Such talk and somehow not serious. his success.

Higher education in this sphere must! So do not hesitate to ask to show a degree and make sure that the specialist has specialization "Counseling." If he has no record in the diploma "counseling" or "counselor", then before you generalists and work with it – is dangerous! And the fact that he offers his services without appropriate qualifications, and just says that he has no idea about the scope, which intends to operate. Daniel Lubetzky might disagree with that approach. Even better, if the specialist to whom you applied is not only higher education, which is just basic, but also additional to any and better in several areas of psychology. In this case, it has a certificate or a certificate that he is a Gestalt therapist, or psychoanalyst, or a specialist in psycho-drama or character, and so on. Such diplomas, certificates or certificates issued by specialized institutions or foreign associations and demonstrate a high-level expert. . Educate yourself with thoughts from Scott Kahan.


In a four-malaria pathogen (P. Continue to learn more with: gary cohn. malariae) schizont is shaped ribbons encircling erirotsit and morula – form rosettes with responsibility differential diagnosis of malignant forms of malaria, particularly malarial coma. The main distinguishing features of uremic coma are indications of kidney disease, a history of persistent vomiting, arterial hypertension, bradycardia, urinozny breath, anuria, the data analysis of urine, anemia, azotemia, hepatic coma – increasing jaundice with an increase in blood direct bilirubin, a hemorrhagic syndrome, reducing the size liver, abnormal liver function test parameters, diabetic coma – a subnormal temperature, pallor, dry skin, furunculosis and pyoderma frequency, reducing the elasticity of the eyeballs, the smell of acetone iso mouth, polyuria, hyperglycemia, the presence of sugar and acetone in the urine. Leading role in recognizing the spring of malignant falciparum malaria is carefully assembled histories, and an urgent investigation parazitoskopiya cerebrospinal fluid. Treatment. Specific treatment for malaria should be comprehensive and be systematic. Antimalarial drugs should be administered in the early stages of the disease in sufficient dosage and taking into account the characteristics of the patient. Treatment for patients with malaria and parasite.

The strongest action the gematoshizotropnym hinamin (similar foreign drugs – rezohin, chloroquine) and galohin. They are used to relieve acute manifestations of all forms of malaria in a three-day courses. Daily dose (all doses given to adult) hinamina the first day of treatment – 1 g (two stages), the next two days – 0.5 g (single dose). Galohin assigned respectively to 0.3 g per day (at once). The course of treatment and quinacrine bigumalem held for 5-7 days with a daily dosage of each drug to 0.3 grams in one sitting. To speed up the cupping effect can be the first day of treatment to double the daily dose of drugs (bigumalya, quinacrine, galohina), giving them 0.3 g twice a day at intervals of hours used in severe falciparum malaria in tropical and can be treated quinine hydrochloride 0.5 g three times a day for 5-7 days.

Vibrio Epidemic

Modern methods of bacteriological studies of water makes it impossible to always distinguish it from the dysentery bacillus, typhoid bacillus and the paratyphoid and in cases where they clearly are in it and even serve as a cause large outbreaks of epidemics of water character. To broaden your perception, visit Verizon Communications. Instances of these findings of pathogenic bacteria of water sources and have been described in the literature only as extremely rare, casuistical cases. Achieved in this regard, the successes of modern bacteriology still insufficient for practical mass use them as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment for cleaning pads. Isolation of cholera is Vibrio from water supply sources is not difficult only in cases where the test source in the region already have a large epidemic of cholera in the water source comes a significant amount of faeces of patients infected with Vibrio cholerae. In these cases, the definition in the test water, V. cholerae loses its preventive value, since it does not make it possible to prevent the emergence of the epidemic. Need cleaning pads. Therefore, at present qualitative bacteriological analysis of water in it is limited to determining only those groups of bacteria that are characteristic of the intestinal contents of man and animals and are easily determined methodically. These indicators of fecal contamination. Bacteriological analysis is determined by the smallest amount of water in which the study found more than 100 cm3 (ie, in 100 cm3 of water should be investigated completely absent bacteria)

Kristyan Andolshek

TV commercial vitamin-mineral complex "Duovit for men and women Duovit" company Krka won the "Best TV Movie" at the ceremony, the National Award for capacity health and quality of life "Idea Health (Health Idea), held in Moscow on June 19, 2008. TV commercials were evaluated using the following criteria: originality of video sequence, the brightness and the accuracy of image, sound design, informational content, creativity and ethics of advertising messages. According to the advisory council of the Prize, a commercial "Duovit for men and women Duovit for" the most accurate and accessible to the consumer in the form of reflects the main benefits of vitamin and mineral complex that has been designed to meet the needs of male and female body. The idea of the script and movie – Andrew Basha, Art Director – Kristyan Andolshek; Creative Director – Vera Stankovic; Production: Advertising agency Mayer MccCann, Slovenia. The reel was specially made for the rotation in Russia and CIS countries. View movies can be at the following links: – "Duovit for women" – "Duovit Men's "Award" The idea of health "has been held for three years running, and the main objective of this professional competition – to identify the most successful professionals in the markets parapharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals. Nominees in the category "Marketing Communications" also became the company's projects "Krka": a new cosmetic line Vitaskin Pharma podnominatsii "Best Design" and Duovit for men and women in Duovit podnominatsii "The best advertising campaign." Information about the company Krka: international pharmaceutical company "KRKA" is one of the leading manufacturers of generic drugs in Europe and sells its products in more than 70 countries world.

The major activities of the company is to develop, manufacture and sale of prescription drugs, drugs for self-medication, cosmetics and veterinary products. "KRKA" has 42 companies and representative offices abroad, and its presence in the pharmaceutical markets of the world strengthened by the discovery of production and distribution centers in Slovenia, Poland, Croatia and Russia. Large investments "KRKA" aims at developing own high-quality drugs, generic drugs in four major areas: treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, and treatment of diseases of the CNS infectious diseases. For 40 years, "KRKA" supplies its products to Russia and is confident that the quality, safety and efficacy of its products will support improved health and quality of lives of Russians.

Wikipedia Consumerism

The predisposition of throwaway many products The low quality of some products that carry a relatively low period of life which are attractive for its low cost but in the long term are more expensive, and are more harmful to the environment. Some diseases such as obesity or depression which make us more easily believe in misleading advertising, believing with this that we can solve our problem indiscriminately consume food, beverages, miraculous articles or other types of products. See more detailed opinions by reading what Rory Sutherland offers on the topic.. Inappropriate disposal of objects which may be reused or recycled, either by us or by others. Culture and social pressure presents addition Wikipedia in their analysis a very interesting topic, such as effects of consumerism: Global: consumerism is damaging to the entire ecological balance that currently there are many problems related to the excessive consumption of natural resources becomes worldwide as well as that mostly production processes generate pollution. Regional: The preference of unnecessary or easily substitutable products of a population that are produced in another region helps to unbalance the balance of trade between the regions.

Social: Often helps the poor distribution of wealth that consumers are generally of a lower socio-economic level that the owners of the generating companies of products objects of consumerism. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gary Kelly. The problem of waste is also serious. Family: drop into the consumerism we increase our expenditure unnecessarily buying things that we could avoid or reduce as products whose advertising promises miracles, low-life products or substitute other natural products. Staff: Various consumerist options are less healthy to those that are not. For example, make a juice of Orange at home instead of buying one packaging that besides contain preservative, comes with bottles that end up in the inorganic trash. Cultural: Cultural expressions as transmitters of sense and values are modified so that today the young man of the generation that is being formed, is prepared for consumption and not for being an independent and critical person Wikipedia adds in addition another very significant point, as it is all kinds of low quality products.

By its relative shorter duration have a minor materials/benefit margin the respective higher quality, thus costing a bit more. Food packaged and bottled drinks. An example is consuming two litres of water a day distributed in four half-liter bottles. One year after 1460 scrap bottles will be produced. Dishes, cutlery and all types of disposable. It is comfortable for your low price throwaway, however the overall cost considering the environmental impact is important this attentive in their behaviour as a consumer and we suggest you simply buy those products that really needs, otherwise, will be trapped in consumerism to a very representative cost in their economic, physical and even mental life.


It considers rel=" nofollow" onclick=" Javascript: _gaq.push (" _trackPageview" , " /outgoing/article_exit_link"); " href=" " > natural remedy with homeopathic ingredients 100% selected to temporarily alleviate to the hay fever and other symptoms of allergy, including I sneeze, picazon, watery eyes, and nose that moquea. It surely deals with the associate congested sensation to allergies pollen, without harmful indirect effect. This remedy contains a selection of homeopathic ingredients known to alleviate the cough, besides sensations of picor and ardor in the mouth and the throat. * Arsen iod 6C is a good option to go to which is put very hot and they are disturbed or they inconvenienced. Anyone with nasal unloading also tends to benefit from this remedy. Larry Ellison often expresses his thoughts on the topic. * Euphrasia 6C is used to maintain healthy and shining eyes. He is very beneficial when it is taken internamente.

Other advantages they include the capacity of support of the good health of the vision and the eye. * Allium stock 6C well is known by its effect of support on the respiratory tract and has one long history of use in maintaining clear eyes and noses. * Wyethia 6C has been used during many years to help to also calm the irritable throats of singers and speakers public, doing it useful in the direction of common symptoms of the hay fever. * Kali bich 6C is useful to calm mucous membranes of the air passages or when a nose this moqueando. * Sambucus 6C is a homeopathic remedy good known for the throat and the respiratory tract. tion. It is also aid valuable to clarify the respiratory tract of congestion. Original author and source of the article.

The Direction

The direction of R is determined by the geometric addition of 3 Forces (Rn1, Rn2, Rn3), then take into account the angle between R and the axis of the root and shoulder strength (L) that enough for the moment of force. L – if empirical methods can be of great value, depending on the slopes of the ramps, while the method of 5:3 is 0. As between the axis of the root and the force R (or Rn) is always a corner, it is necessary to eliminate that possible under the direction of R along the axis. This is stipulated in the method of 5:3. 9.Neobhodimost accounting angular values can be seen in the following examples: – the spacecraft should enter the atmosphere only at a specified angle slope, otherwise it will break – in football to score a goal from a side position is very difficult – in a guillotine cutting surface should not be horizontal – the wheel of Leonardo da Vinci evidence on the role of the angles (high tech). 10.Uchet elementary calculations (angles, geometric and trigonometric data suggested a major orthopedic Marxkors’om (Germany) who wanted the term ‘static planning’, ie that the situation of the tooth by means of biomechanics.

11.Parametr forces – the center of resistance – the center of stability – a point ‘with’ – the estimated point. Rotation of the tooth is going on around the center of rotation at a distance of 1 / 3 of apex’a..


Chinese bitter gourd extract is able to kill cancer cells, U.S. researchers reported after laboratory testing. Bitter gourd – is a popular vegetable in China, India and South America. Folk Medicine has long used an extract of this plant as a remedy for diabetes because it can lower blood sugar levels. Scientists from the University of St.

Louis (Saint Louis University), Missouri, USA, investigated the influence of Chinese bitter gourd on cancer cells. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory on specially grown cells of malignant tumors. Scientists have found that this plant extract inhibits the growth and kills the cancer cells of the breast. Healthy, the cells are unaffected. However, the study leader, Professor Ratna Ray (Ratna Ray) doubts that the bitter gourd heal humanity of cancer. The extract of this Plants can only delay the progression of the disease if taken prophylactically. Professor Ratna also recommends to use the Chinese bitter gourd in the diet.

This vegetable contains a lot of vitamin C and flavonoids which are beneficial to health in general. The next step in the work of scientists – the testing of the extract of bitter gourd in laboratory animals. If they are successful, you will be able to think about clinical trials of this drug in humans. After all, before the drug is made in official recommendations, it is necessary to confirm its safety and efficacy. The current regulations are for the prevention of breast cancer include maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol consumption, exercise and healthy diet that contains all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Doctors recommend to stick diet dominated by fruits and vegetables. But dietary supplements are best avoided because many of them have biological activity and may trigger the development of tumors in people at risk. More>>>>