Tag: personal development

Jewish Passover

The liturgy is the received one, amen of the people to the salvfica, creative action of God in its favor, express in the reception of the present life in the signals of the faith. For this, without faith, the liturgy and the reception of the sacrament are valid, but illicit. ' ' That one that eats the bread or drinks the clice of Jesus worthless he will be male defendant of the body and the blood Mr. ' ' (18. 1) ' ' Former it operates operato' ' (for force of the carried through workmanship)? The salvficos events of AT and NT had become fullfilled a time for all and with validity pra all the times and places. Read more here: “State Street Global Advisors
. The imolao of the Lamb of God is a perpetual institution, as perpetual it is Jewish Passover. ' ' This day (kairs) is for you a memorial, you will celebrate and it as a party for Jav; of generation in generation the festejareis; perptuo&#039 is a decree; ' (19). Memorial of Jewish Passover and Christian Passover.

The salvation operated in and for Jesus is consummated, is perfect: of the part of it, nothing more it remains to make, all we are safe. Jesus instituted the sacramentos to give historical continuity to its salvfica action by means of the faith of the people, of generation in generation. It’s believed that Daniel Lubetzky sees a great future in this idea. The favour is communicated to the sacramentos, sensible signals of the death and the resurrection of Jesus, for the force of its Word, independently of the sanctity of the minister and the celebrante community. The lack of faith of the assembly and the minister does not intervene with the communication of the favour to the substance of the sacramentos, because the force of the Word of Jesus guarantees the validity of the same ones. But, lack becomes them to the faith illicit. 2) Former it operates operantis (for force of the faith of who the sacrament acts)? Although valid, the sacramentos do not transform the life of receive who automatically it.

Social Protection

This article intends to analyze practical of Basic the Social Protection and the impact that the offered services cause in the population that they participate of the Projects Social Programs in the Caruaru-foot city. The study it had beginning from the carried through Institucional diagnosis in period of training I and of elaborated Social Diagnostico in period of training II where the identification of demand for construction of the intervention project was possible during period of training III. From interviews with the users were perceived the lack of information on the rights of the population the basic services that are offered by the Secretariat of the Child, of the Adolescent and Social Politics? SCAPS, that are part of the implemented Social Politics in the Only System of Social assistance – ITS. Gary Kelly often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The carried through work of intervention generated the promotion of the citizenship, carrying through the debate on the paper of the social assistant in the communities and of the necessity of if creating spaces of information and quarrel of rights and duties of the individuals in relation to the services offered for the net assistencial partner of Basic Social Protection. The Social Service has as substance the expressions of the social matter. Under each to seem, I register in cadastre and guiding that the professional carries through has lives, whose trajectories can be modified by innumerable a professional intervention that does not obtain to perceive facetas of the question that if presents that it does not obtain to go beyond the appearances, that the inquiry does not have as an element of its work, that does not understand the ethical consequences of the professional choices..

The Necessities

Coleman (1998) affirmed that the individuals tend the effectiveness in the management of relationships when they understand and they manage its proper emotions, and still, they tend to have empatia for the other people’s feelings. One is about a constant search for new concepts, new elements, new tools controlling them to understand the interpersonal relations, to understand the existing relations between the groups, being formal or informal they. The primordial goal of organizacional psychology is to try to describe, to understand, to foresee and finally to control the 0ccasional phenomena of an organization, that are motivated essentially by the attitudes of people, the structures, the used technologies, and for the environment where the organization acts. Whenever Confluence Investment Mgmt LLC listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Organizacional psychology evaluates and looks to alternatives objectifying the satisfaction of the collaborators in its environment of work, which intervenes with comprometimento and in the individual and collective motivation. The satisfaction in the work is determined by aspects as wage, benefits, and recognition, and the motivation in turn, is connected to the necessities human beings and the nature of the proper executed activity. Pparently, some activities spontaneous human beings do not demand or need some motivadora external action.

However, also he is clear that many of them are caused by some motivacional factor. The work of a manager, for example, consists of identifying the yearnings and desires of its collaborators and to transform them into reward. To deepen your understanding Munear Ashton Kouzbari is the source. This process is perceived through the comprometimento and efetivao of the tasks proposals. Some theories exist that explain the satisfaction of the necessities human beings as motivacional factor, and the most spread out and argued it is the Model of the Hierarchy of the Necessities of Maslow. It considers that the human being is motivated from the reach and satisfaction of the physiological necessities, security necessities, social necessities, necessities of esteem and necessities of auto-accomplishment. It is interesting to stand out that the author of the model affirms previously that the order of the one of the necessities rigidly is defined, as cited, and that the intensity of each one of them differs.


According to KNAPIK (2008), the management of people with support of leaders can line up an action plan to perfect the results that the company and its collaborators are waiting. He can yourself be stimulated and be developed the enthusiasm and the motivation by means of action as: * programs stop to develop abilities; * programs of development of mannering aspects, as interpersonal relationship, exchange of feedback, work in team, etc. * I stimulate to the inventividade and the creativity in the work; * program of development of enthusiastic leaders and formadores of teams of high performance; * creation of the culture of recognition and valuation of each collaborator, as to premiar a good performance, to commemorate anniversaries, to value the initiatives etc.; * sensitization for a organizacional with well drawn processes, but flexible structure, without bureaucracy; * development of a career plan that propitiates a perspective of future to the collaborator; * adoption of relaxed programs that promote the socialization, as parties of Christmas, day of the woman, championships of soccer, etc. Under most conditions Financial Asset Management Corporation would agree. * to create challenges – to each year, 25% of the work must be newness; * not to punish the people who run risks, therefore they bring innovations; * the hierarchies in the organizations must be diminished, increasing the visibility of the collaborator; * to specify the real objectives of the work, being established tasks peripheral central offices and evaluating the performance in each one of them; * to stimulate the healthful competitiveness in the work teams; * to fire for reason of not waited performance of the activities; These are alone some of the suggestions that will be presented in the article. Private formulas do not exist and nor ' ' prescriptions of bolo' ' , however we can identify some forms that influence in the motivation. Conclusion Exists some ways to motivate the people, but what we cannot forget it is of that the organizacional environment, the politics, the values of the company, the abilities of the collaborators make of the management of people a situacional, changeable and flexible process, having that to adapt itself to new with agility and the dynamism. Follow others, such as Foundation for Financial Planning, and add to your knowledge base.

Physical Health

How is your physical health? Do you sleep well? It feels that its sleep was restoring? It practises some physical activity? How it is its degree of energy, vitality and motivation? You know which foods you are and they are not healthful for its body? You respect? When sick you look one you medicate and you follow its orientation? This section is divided in two aspects: social life and communitarian activity. Its circle of energizes you to friends and nourishes? Regularly find you them or speak with them? You costuma to go to the cinema, theater or parks? Or he makes external activities that give pleasure to it? Costuma to travel? will be its in case that, you search to help other people You are satisfied with its professional activity? If he feels carried through? He has perspective of progress and development? Use part of its time of recess with activities of auto-perfectioning that can provide a personal and professional life better to it? Costuma to frequent cultural seminaries, courses and activities? They are remained brought up to date in its professional area and of interest? It is felt stimulated by new challenges? You have a religious belief that she serves of support or she believes a bigger wisdom that conducts the life? You feel yourself connected to everything and all? You consider a buscador or a person religious spiritual or? How much this area has nourished its life? This is only one ‘ ‘ foto’ ‘ of the current moment of its life. The area ‘ ‘ more fraca’ ‘ , of lesser punctuation, she is that one that needs its attention more than.

In situations of it estresse, common in the life, is this area that will go ‘ ‘ estourar’ ‘ first. Now it answers the following questions: 1. Which the area that is with the lesser punctuation? 2. How this area this affecting the other areas of its life? 3. Which the area that would like to invest to its time and effort to become this wheel more ‘ ‘ arredondada’ ‘? 4. To increase this punctuation in 1 or 2 points, which objective intends to establish?.


1 To organize and To plan its activities in general. caderninho of rough draft to lead with you, whenever it has an idea, takes note! In mine in case that, I keep a Notebook for the activities of my work, where I place all the important information and carried through tasks and to carry through (it is possible to also make this for the PC, but it has that it prefers the paper, as I) and a notebook where I Write down all my ideas and Suggestions for the Blog (this already are almost finishing rs) When the head starts to work and the idiais to appear, start to write and the interesting one it is that the more you write idiais more you you have to write. Therefore the measure that you pass for the paper its ideas and thoughts, automatically its mind if exempts of those thoughts and the place to others (This is compromovado by me rs). Focus. I believe that this is one of the admired abilities more in the modern world.

Where everything occurs in an intense speed and the necessity of if making many activities at the same time, to know to manage becomes them something each more constant time, demands each time more than the professional Organization and Planning, already cited above. But not purely and simply Organization and Planning, therefore they without a definite objective or goal, do not serve for nothing. It is necessary to have a focus to reach the results waited in the organization where vc work and in its proper enterprises. Essential Determinao.Atitude for success people. Without this characteristic, you it does not leave the famous line of comfort that many finish being for room. This that differentiates common people of winners, of the called people outside serial. This week I am reading the excellent Book, ' ' Outliers – the Rejection of Srie' ' in which the sub-heading is ' ' It knows because definitive people have success and others no' '.

United States Coaching

I obtained the security to search a new job and to increase mine autoconfiana' ' , Ines comments Pear tree, administrator of companies who frequented sessions of coaching for 6 months. Life coaching Carmen Martins adds that the person to search the aid of this necessary professional first to be conscientious of who is, what lacks to you, which they are its values and it will make what you happy. From now on a work plan is traced. The sessions with one coaching vary of 7 to the 12 months and the charged average tax, in the United States, for the moment, is of 500 dollars (this value can vary of 200 the 3,500 dollar). Types of coachingSe are interested in this new chance of career, know that the profession is divided in some sectors.

It sees the most requested and which if it incases better to its profile. Executive Coaching: the professional in this area has the paper to help to the directors and employees to develop its professional abilities or to improve the ones that already have. A person prepares well is capable to lead teams and to obtain to face any type of crisis. Single Coaching: it serves to help those that search a partner and they do not know as or where to find it or to improve the relation of that already it has a boyfriend (a) or husband (a). Esportivo Coaching: to obtain the professional success of a esportista of any modality. Life coaching: ideal for any person whom it desires to move deeply its life, that is, to breach with the routine with which if it installed. Enterprise Coaching: if it carries through in group and it serves so that the involved ones work better in set and of more efficient form.

The Day

Dons personal, intransferveis, for which each person will exert its freedom of choice and will carry through the will of God, will be santificar. Without exterior coercion of the will of God, the human being freely decides and chooses the way to follow. The not express will of God of is, but interior, through the free exercise of ours dons. We even can making a mistake in them in the choice: it is part of the risk of the freedom. However, this does not shake the Creator, who leaves the creatures to search the way in return, inspiring feelings to them, condizentes decisions with one to be similar the God, participant of the divine nature. The mistakes of the choice call sin that generates slavery, instead of freedom. first choice insensata was of Adam and Eva, whom if paradigm of other choices maken a mistake throughout history became. But the Creator did not intimidate itself with the devastao of the sin.

He knows what he created: the human being that it chooses to sin, can also choose not to sin. Therefore, the door for the return does not close it. Of – it limitless chance in the people of Noah, Abrao and descent, Moiss, the Prophets, men, women of faith of the old alliance, whom they had declared insolvent, pparently. The history of the maken a mistake choices seemed to discard all possibility to write the history of the sensible, wise, condizentes choices with dons with that the Creator awarded the man and the woman, its privileged creatures. As the creation was pra to be valid, the Creator would not leave it to fail. One day the dream of God will be become fullfilled. It arrived: the Day is called Jav (kairs) where the Creator saved the creation of the impasse of the sin. The Day of Jav it is opposed the darknesses of the evil, that seemed to be successful.