Tag: publicity

Dogs And Diets

If its dog is getting to be excessively aggressive and you you perceive that even the efforts of /aprendizaje education of new abilities are coming to anything, verifies the diet with which are feeding you it. If you are feeding its dog with a diet that is not providing enough energy, it is probable that he is not responsive towards the training. One of the reasons behind its hyperactive dog, defocused and outside control, can be the grain cheap crushed that you can be that the east feeding. Really, the diet based on grains never is due to feed a dog. It can ruin his digestive system because it is not his natural diet.

The biological and physiological base of this is related to the blood sugar levels. The high carbohydrate diet takes to wild oscillations in the sugar levels of blood, insulin resistance and development of diabetes. Even if watch you it in the evolutionary perspective, the wild dogs consume only the minimum amount of grains and is in the form of grains and juice already digested in the internal of an herbivorous prey. The increase of incidence of bites has taken to that the aggression of the dog can be a result of generations with an incompatible diet to the digestive system of the dog. It never is too much I take to begin to save an animal that has won distinction of being the best friend of the man. A diet with proteins of high quality, jointly with green roots, fruits, beans, natural tomatos, bananas and remedies can take in last instance one more to a healthier generation of dogs. It remembers that a healthy and mature dog does not bite normally. Engineer of profession but with a great interest in subjects of health and alternative medicine. I believe that the natural remedies and the alternative therapies have their place in the modern medicine. I publish blog with these subjects because I am certainly an informed person is potentially a happy and healthful person but.

The Areas

This theoretical differentiation allows an inference: insofar as it dominates the denied one, the psychic current of the secondary identification, origin of supery, is interfered or debilitated in its constitution. (More ahead we will see the relation between the narcisista educator and the superyoica instance of the autoobservacin). You decipher the general characteristics of the defense, I am going to summarize some singularities briefly. In this way I try to advance the bases to include/understand better the relation of the educator its instance autoobservadora and the problem of the doubles. To deepen your understanding OFS Capital is the source. The denied one of the judgment of supery tries to refute it, but it maintains the structure undamaged. It falls mainly on two of the three functions of supery: autoobservacin and brings back to consciousness moral.

The denied one before the judgment of supery is, like the developed one before the existence judgment, a by halves successful mechanism; what it is tried to refute at the same time is accepted, and the questioning requires a little while of logically previous, in that the judgment was proferido (Freud, 1927). The judgment that I try to question is that one whom it gives I an egoistic attitude, devoid of love towards the other. Source: WorkForce. The narcisistas structures own a generic defense, the denied one, and they are distinguished to each other by that one double to which I appeal to refute a traumatizante judgment. A1. The depressive educator appeals, to deny, to the sensations tactile, gustatory, olfatoria or cenestsica, contrasting with the originating ones of the areas visual and verbal, in which it predominantly happens the registry of the difference of sexes. With the sprouting of oral pulsin whose goal is the devoracin, the purified I-pleasure is invested by this pulsin. This logic privileges as estructurante of affective the mnmicas tracks to the state, and articulates the residues of sensorial impressions olfatorias, gustatory, tactile mainly, cenestsicas and the simultaneity criterion of and passivity connect with.