Yield Company

The first generation of the enterprise call coaching concentrated in the individual success, but, according to the company of human management of capital DBM Spain, at the moment the power acquires increasing importance of demonstrating the results of a process of this type in the companies. The question concentrates in the yield that is obtained in exchange for the investment, reason why tangible evidences of the results are demanded, as well as to revert the individual benefit at the level of the organization. Both aspects require that the company is able to compile quantitative information of the actions of coaching. For the attainment of this objective, DBM Spain has developed six recommendations. 1 – To evaluate and to increase the disposition of the company. The first that does lack is to determine the direction of the organization towards coaching; this includes an analysis of how the strategies of talent management and development of leadership consider in the company, of the degree of implication in the actions of coaching 2 – To adopt a methodology. To use a consistent method of coaching is absolutely necessary for its success, indeed because it generates a context from which the action of coach can be judged. Nevertheless, it must sufficiently be flexible to be able to be applied in all the levels of the company.

DBM Spain recommends the use of tools resisted and professional experts. 3 – To establish a work scheme. The process would have to be gotten up in the beginning of the actions of coaching to transmit of effective form to all the involved people the objectives to reach and how the communication will be handled. Also it is a method to assure the commitment all the participants. The results must hit directly in the account of results. 4 – To create an evaluation strategy. DBM Spain esteem that to establish and to use an evaluation method from the same beginning of the action of coaching is necessary for the success of any strategy of development of talent.

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