Harley-Davidson Salzburg:

“Motodrom Salzburg celebrates the great ‘bike ‘opening with fashion presentation the first rays of the spring sun and the Salzburg Harley-Davidson fans on the plan call: on February 27, 2010 the local Salzburger Harley-Davidson Dealer celebrates Motodrom Salzburg the large opening of the bike”. Southwest Airlines may find it difficult to be quoted properly. However, not only the legendary cult motorcycle there to marvel at: models in the new Harley-Davidson spring / summer collection heating correctly. Bike fans know the drill: end of winter the pain of separation from the beloved bike is hardly to withstand. “Da creates Motodrom Salzburg, the local Harley-Davidson dealer, remedy: the big bike opening” on February 27 the favorite themes of the Harley-Davidson fans from Salzburg and Bavaria revolves around. But not only for bike – also for fashionistas is the opening of bike”by Harley-Davidson Motodrom Salzburg a fixed date: the new Harley-Davidson clothing collection for spring / summer 2010 will be presented. Also to see: the Rokker Jeans, a stylish and protective at the same time must-have for Motorcycle enthusiasts as well as the new Rahul casual collection. Know what a few Salzburg: there are Harley-Davidson and Rokker, the fashion collections for bike fans and those who want to become it, all year round in the Motodrom to buy shop in Salzburg-Anif. “Harley-Davidson Motodrom bike opening” on February 27: fashion presentation to 14:30 and 17:00 new Harley-Davidson spring and summer fashion for women’s and men’s new Harley-Davidson jewelry collection new accessories such as belt buckles, Ruby helmets, sunglasses of Rokker jeans and new Rahul casual collection of Dewinterizing tips for your motorcycle directly from the Harley-Davidson Motodrom workshop crew (including instructional leaflet) Salzburg finger food specialities airbrush demos by Pablo Spitzer petrol talks a lot its visitors made Harley-Davidson Motodrom Managing Director Stefan Sintschnig the day with special tools: with every purchase, there is a Harley-Davidson Faak am see 2009 T-Shirt free with purchase of Rahul trousers there a Longsleeve T-Shirt free with order/purchase of accessories from 400 euro “there is a free engine oil and filter change with spring check * (the oil change must be redeemed until 31.5.2010) for all guests, the it to the opening of the bike” not create on February 27, has numerous virtual news crew Motodrom Salzburg in store: the Web site of the Harley-Davidson dealer in Salzburg and Carinthia, the Motodrom GmbH, has been completely revised.

You now fully informed about the products and services of the company. Exciting extras such as E.g. the details of Harley-Davidson Reisen carried out by Motodrom or exits can be found on the website. contact: Harley-Davidson Motodrom Salzburg Alpine road 4 5081 Anif/Salzburg T: + 43 (0) 6246 73073 M:

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