Tag: education

Classical Philosophy

For all its diversity to classical philosophy is a general ideological style, integrity and unity of meaning and a special type of philosophizing, expressed as follows: Classical philosophies differ claim to integrity, completeness, monologically-didactic style of presentation, explaining the laws of objective and subjective reality. Classical rationalism describe the objective world in terms of active perception of the world work. Moreover, activity was understood through the mind, ie, identification of place and consciousness (with the exception of Marxism, which was characterized by understanding of the practice both substantive and spiritual activities that go beyond the classical consciousness). Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Keith Oringer. Rational knowledge, boundless faith in science, progress, and the ability vneindividualnogo individual mind, the possibility of reconstruction of the world on the basis of classical philosophy of Reason proclaimed decisive force. It was believed that between knowledge, acting in a logical form, and the world there is consistency, because the world is inherent internal order, and it is only thinker to find the matching principle as a universal method of learning. For classical philosophy is characterized by setting the search supersensible principles and limit the grounds of being, existence, universal, the essence of man and the world, the universal principles of human history, general knowledge of methods.

In classical philosophy, the highest absolute value is mind, which is regarded as a cognitive ability, which has sverhopytnoy entity, ie not derivable from experience and not reducible to it, and as a means of explaining the world and man through the establishment cause-effect relationships, and as a means of rebuilding and improving the world and man, and as an inexhaustible potential of independent art. The essence of man is defined here the boundaries of his mind, for it reduced to the cognitive ability to comprehend the essence. In accordance with the recognition of the unlimited possibilities of the human mind in the classical philosophy of freedom is understood as the freedom of having no boundaries, as absolute freedom of the individual, as the need to know the mind. Classic scientific rationalism, orients as basic principles for the absolute truth, be extended to other types of rationality: economic, aimed at maximizing profit, political, implying a reasonable and effective embodiment of power, etc. The style of philosophizing classical philosophy because of its orientation on ideals of scientific rationality is characterized as a rule, the rigor, logic, proof, rational, rational reasoning scheme, focus on the use of a priori justification of schemes of knowledge and opportunity achieve absolute knowledge. Philosophical knowledge itself is constructed as a particular form of objective knowledge (eg, Hegel, Kant), the subject is, a thinker, as a classic outside studies and their status, and external to him being, having right to think for others, as the exclusive holder of the truth. For the classic characteristic of deep belief in the natural order of world order, if it contains a reasonable order and harmony, universal method knowledge of general principles of development history, available rational comprehension.

Web Information

It sends different messages from these people with the information required and in different time intervals (days, weeks or months), according to is programmed. Each shipment can be designed with the necessary information for the occasion, and is ideal to distribute courses in several deliveries by email. We see what it happens when a visitor (in this case Juan ) makes a question by email or one subscribes by form: When receiving the consultation of Juan, this one will receive in its mailbox of mail the first message programmed for this aim that could well be of welcome. On the following day, Juan will receive from automatic form a second message with different information from the message of the previous day, the third day the next one that corresponds and so on until ending the sequence of shipments. Hosting: The lodging Web (in English Web hosting) is the service that provides to the users with Internet a system to be able to store information, images, video, or any accessible content via Web. The Web Host is companies that provide space of a servant to their clients. ropY1%3D505%26cropY2%3D3511’>Daniel Lubetzky to gain a more clear picture of the situation. (Wikipedia.com Source) the lodging Web is divided in six types: gratuitous, shared, virtual remarketers, servants, servants dedicated and of positioning. gratuitous Lodging: The gratuitous lodging is extremely limited when is compared it with the payment lodging.

These services add publicity in the sites and generally have a space and limited traffic. shared Lodging (shared hosting): In this type on watch clients of several sites in a same servant lodge, thanks to the configuration of the program Web server. Is a very good alternative for small and medium clients, are an economic service and have good yield. Lodging of images: This type of lodging is offered to keep your images in Internet, the majority of these services is gratuitous and the pages are worth of the publicity placed in their page when raising the image.

Atlantic Mata Private

When carrying through a formal analysis, the legal existence of the legal people only has its beginning from the register of its constituent acts, this constitution of a ONG that does not possess lucrative ends is a basic register so that such Organization can act effectively. In our country they are the only two institucional models so that if it constitutes an organization that does not possess for purpose the profit, are they them civil associations and the private foundations. The civil associations have its birth in way to the determined desire of one joint one of people who if had joined in favor of an objective or a common cause, already a private foundation have its gnese based in a set of good or an existing private patrimony. Read additional details here: Facebook. However we must stand out that nor all private organization without lucrative ends can be considered an Organization Not-Governmental, since, exists private hospitals, social movements, diverse unions, clubs, etc. The ONGs possesss well definite goals and distinct proposals of performance e, for even though contradictory times to these.

Some Not-Governmental Organizations had reached international recognition for its developed work as the Foundation ALONE Atlantic Bush that fights in favor of the defense of the fauna and flora of Atlantic Mata, the Greenpeace that defends the preservation of the animals and the nature, between as much others. Consideraes Final: The Not-Governmental Organizations had been born with the intention to carry through a part of the social work, whose Been it does not obtain or it does not possess interest in materialize, the primordial function of these organizations is to take care of the necessities of the popular classrooms more humble and abandoned by the public power, providing same to a face and a voice that to long ago is denied them. Source: Baby Clothes Market. Acting in peculiar way and small doses of affection and affection where the governmental spheres they do not obtain to understand or to help in this maneuver of subjective matrix. For these and other reasons, this type of movement comes growing and adding difference in our country.

Pablo Freire

It is clearly that it does not happen in a magical way, but for a true fight in search of its release. With the disposal of a work not enslaved, but I free that it allows the pleasure of living. Without believing the human beings, the dialogue would be a way of docilmente paternalista manipulation. The dialogue consists of a horizontal relation centered by the respect between the citizens that they participate of the practical expression of one social one, valuing knowing of all. For even more analysis, hear from baby clothes. Freire comunga of the opinion of that nobody frees nobody, however also nobody is become free alone, however the men if free in communion. Another form or angle of this questioning is to understand that the dialogue considered for the elites is verticalizado, forms the educate-mass, disabling it of if revealing. So that educating the pass of critical the ingenuous conscience for it has that to become citizen, becoming free itself of the domain of the oppressor who to many makes times if to feel it ignorant incapable and.

To educate dialogicamente is essential for formation of thinking critic. To arrive itself at such result it is necessary that if it has between the citizens an authentic communication, where has confidence between both the parts. The communication as form to keep the critical conscience is understood as the conscience articulated next to the prxis. For Pablo Freire the way to arrive itself at a percipient, challenging and transforming look, is I dialogue essential it I criticize, it says and the convivncia to it. For this author the world impresses and defies ones to the others, originating vises or impregnated points of view of doubts, yearnings, hopes and hopelessnesses. When we verify the relations educator-educating in the school, any stage, start to believe that such relations present a special and marcante character, to be assimilation relations and room, that is, the pupil assimilates what the professor teaches, anticipatedly determined.

Japanese War

However, Western historians and linguists have put forward their suggestions on about the origin of the Japanese language. The major was the so-called "northern" and "South" theory. Proponents of the theory first argued that Japanese is akin to Altaic languages, and supporters of the second theory tended to Austronesian origins of language. After the end of the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945 years), scientists of the two countries engaged in the history of the origin of Korean and Japanese languages, analyzing ancient folklore texts, discovered a number of phonetic patterns that pointed to the fact that languages are closely related. Having considered the materials of the ancient languages on the Korean Peninsula, the researchers found that naiblizhayshim akin Japanese language is existing in the state of Koguryo and tribal union Karak (or Kai) language. So, if we consider the language and structure of words and language drevneyaponskogo kayaskogo and Koguryo language, we can see very many similarities. In the ancient chronicles highlighted the fact that Japan has maintained close contact with Baekje, Baekje and language, in addition to that included elements of the Koguryo language, and still had family connections with the ancient Chinese language. Japanese Korean shaped by a long time.

So, along with the fact that there were differences between the inhabitants of the Ryukyu Islands and the Japanese have taken place and ethnographic, anthropological and linguistic similarities. Approximately in the IV century AD, Japanese and ryukyusky languages were divided, and perhaps in this period, a group of settlers from the Korean peninsula from the northern Kyushu replaced some part local population. The result was the relocation of people to the south Ryukyu, and immigrants who are ancestors of the Japanese nation, as settled in Kyushu, Honshu and Shikoku, and the other adjacent to it smaller Islands. Referred to in historical documents that confirm that the intermediate between the West and ryukyuskim Japanese language is a dialect kyusyuysky. The inhabitants of the islands of Japan and many tribes displaced century were in close contact with each other.

And the fact that there were links between the language of Paekche, the language of Karak and the language of Koguryo is undeniable. Based on this and all of the above we can conclude that Japanese is akin to a group drevnekoreyskih languages, also known as pueskaya group. During the transition to self-imposed isolation of Japan in political terms, the further development of language influence the language of those tribes which migrated to Japan during the Kofun and Yayoi. These tribes were related to Koreans, which has led to borrowing of vocabulary avstraloneziyskogo language, as well as to simplify the Japanese language through the transformation of its phonetics.


To be capable to enxergar beyond the limits of the code, to establish relations with information it are of the said text or written and to tie them its historical, social reality and politics to it they are characteristic of an individual ' ' letrado' '. Currently, it is not possible to investigate orality and letramento 1 without a direct reference function of these two practical in the society contemporary. Already if it cannot observe similitudes and differences between it says and writing without considering its uses in the daily life. You may find that David Fowler can contribute to your knowledge. In this direction, one becomes difficult, impossible seno, to think the relation between them, considering only the question of the code. More than what a simple change of perspective, this represents a new conception of language and text, now considered as a set of practical social. According to Marcuschi: It was considered relation orality and letramento as dicotmica, attributing the writing to it intrinsic cognitivos values in the use of the language, if not seeing in practical them two social ones.

Today … predominates the position of that if it can conceive orality and letramento as interactive and complementary activities in the context of practical social and the cultural ones. (MARCUSCHI, 2002, p.16) It fits to the professors to consider the said language as partner of the written language, trying to evidence, for the pupils, whom a distinction between them exists, but not being able to be conceived of separate form, therefore one influences to other constantly and vice versa. Retaking some estimated of Street (1995), a great care must be had ahead of trend to the escolarizao of the letramento, which suffers from one chronic one assuming that badly only one letramento exists. The letramento is not the equivalent to the acquisition of the writing. They exist letramentos social that appears and if they develop to the edge of the school, not having therefore to be depreciated.

Porto Alegre

An inclusive school is a leader school in relation to the schools excessively. It presents itself as the vanguard of the educational process. Its bigger objective it is to make with that the school acts through all the great schools to make possible the integration of the children who of it are part. To raise the standards in relation to the inclusive schools and expectations of performance on the part of all the involved children. The objective is to make with that the children reach its maximum potential. The process will have to be dosed the necessities of each child and the physical access the school will have to be facilitated to the carrying individuals of deficiency. The professors had taken care of the necessities to go beyond the limits that the children if place, in the direction to take them to reach it the maximum of its potentiality. Propitiating to the alternative new professors in the direction to implement more adequate forms of work. Gain insight and clarity with David Fowler.

The challenge is to understand the inclusion to one numbers greater of schools and communities and, as the main intention to facilitate and to help to the learning and the insertion of all the pupils, supplying to the professors of common classroom appropriate information regarding the difficulties of the child, of its processes of learning, its social and individual development. To monitor the projects daily giving support technician to the participants, staff of the school and public in general. To attend the schools for attainment of the necessary resources the implantation of the project. To create new forms to structuralize the teach-learning process more directed the necessities of the pupils. To offer chances of development to the participant members of the project through groups of studies.

The professionals will have that to develop continuity of the inclusive school its studies, deepening them. I invested in the theoretical integration of the pupil evidences the inclusion, imposing essential attention to the modification of the pertaining to school context (pedagogical project, educational objectives, content, method of education, process of evaluation accessibility, methods of communication). The diversity of the daily pertaining to school allows that the deficient ones develop with the differences, learning to learn, to be, to make, to coexist and to undertake, what it assumes interaction professor-pupil. The shelter, for the schools of all the children, independent of its physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic conditions or others (educative necessities special); pedagogia centered in the child, respecting in such a way the dignity as the differences of all the pupils, the common schools, with the orientation integrator, represents the efficient way to fight discriminatory attitudes, to create acolhedoras communities, to construct to a society integrator and to give education accomplishes the majority of the children and would improve the efficiency and, certainly, the relation cost I benefit all of the educative system.

Practical Functional

To calculate itself that, in Brazil, the functional illiterates add 70% of the economically active population. Whenever baby clothes listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In the world all he has between 800 and 900 million them. They are people with less than four years of escolarizao: but he can yourself be found, also, people with university formation and exerting function-key in companies and institutions, private how much in such a way public. They do not have the abilities of comprehensive reading, written and calculation to neither make front to the necessities of professionalization and of the partner-cultural life. The fall of the productivity provoked for the deficiency in basic abilities results in mediums brown and damages of the US$ order 6 billion per year in the entire world. Why? Because they are people who do not understand signals of acknowledgment of danger, instructions of hygiene and security it work, orientaes on productive process, procedures of norms techniques of the quality of services and recklessness them values of the enterprise organization. Here it is there ' ' Heel of Aquiles' ' of as many organizations: Practical declaration and of Values. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Zendesk. what they are these Values? They are beliefs and principles that guide the activities and operations of a company, independent of its transport or branch of activity.

Its controllers they must show, in the practical one that the mannering systems, procedures and attitudes are respected and coherent with the values established in function of its customers and the ethics of the businesses. If it will not be thus, the results will be disastrous. So that the functional illiteracy if only eradicates exists an exit: to educate and to train for the quality. quality does not have cost; it is investment. The cost of the quality is the expenditure of the missed work, badly fact, incomplete, without professionalism. It is the cost of the functional illiteracy (Botelho, 2007). The CONCEPT FUNCTIONAL ILLITERACY the term functional alfabetismo was brother-in-law in the United States in the decade of 30 and used by the North American army during the Second War, indicating the incapacity to understand written instructions necessary.

Seuret Conventional

Nowadays, mainly in the emergent countries, the conventional education does not obtain to take care of quantitatively and qualitatively. For example, in Brazil, the conventional educational system is excluding each time bigger number of individuals for presenting an archaic methodology of education, unbalanced contents, professors many unprepared times. The objective conventional education in such a way to prepare how much superior the basic instruction of young and adults for a market of work that already does not exist more and without immediate perspective of heating. It has almost unamimity enters the students how much to the type of education given for the conventional agents, that is, theoretician, abstract, elitizante, dissociado of the reality, disarticulated, that not condiz with the reality. Ahead of this, reality, valley the penalty to be investing the scarce resources in the traditional education or to try to review this chaotic quality of education? Another important aspect that it deserves analysis is that the long-distance education can serve to complement the conventional or vice versa, without the objective to compete or to concur, but one to be complement of the other, filling hiatos of formation or propitiating new readings, ways to think, to face the life. The complementaridade will benefit to both the education systems, beyond making possible to the student the possibility to choose. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Eric Kuby. ' ' There educacin in the distance ha demonstrated to be el woollen ideal complement educacin actual, ya that ha allowed to llevar educacin there great masas, that of otra manera hubieram in it been able alcanzarla' ' (Yee Seuret and Miranda Justiniani, 1995, P. 28). One knows that the long-distance education has more agilely folloied the changes of what the traditional school, therefore it incorporates the news technologies to the system, making possible to the pupils a bigger approach with the daily one, at the same time where the learning if becomes dynamic and interesting more.

Training Department

In the majority of the academies the musculao department is one of most important for the success of the company. We know that the department of Musculao is determinative in the growth and the reinforcement of the company in the market. He is for that we professionalize our team and we adopt a process of standardized attendance, in differentiating of the competition. To invest in equipment and infrastructure is not plus a differential to increase the number of customers. In this context of Fitiness it was decided to more invest each time in its team of attendance to the customer. Today the musculao (professor) has a basic paper inside of the company, therefore the musculao professor is the professional who has the biggest contact with the customer. Being thus basic, the department of Musculao is, directly on to the objective of profitability increase, what for times it occurs for increment of the prescription in function of the fidelizao of the customers.

Here it is there the responsibility of the department of Musculao: to take care of the pupils and to discover the real necessities of each one, of valued form that it comes if to feel well and inside of our Company. what it has of more important in this fact is that the way of work of the professors must be the picture most faithful of the profile of the company. The professor not only must be conscientious of the result of its action in the reach of the results of its department, but of the company. Soon he must be minute in the use of the tools and the certain methods in all the stages of its work. In other words, substance of attendance, not valley the rule of the valley-everything. Learn more at: David Fowler. The ends do not justify the ways. Thus the standard the professor acts as our standard of quality, and all ours technique obeys this standard.