Today many surveys and studies confirm what Alpine farmers know since time immemorial: colostrum is called colostrum, Colostrum also also for the immune system of people of enormous value Worgl/Tirol -, is one of the oldest and most unique food that is found in nature. It is as old as motherhood itself, because colostrum is the first milk, which provides a mammal for his newborn baby in the first 24 to 36 hours after the birth. No other natural product contains so many, perfectly balanced, and highly concentrated ingredients like colostrum. Colostrum, strengthens the immune system and helps the body build a strong immune system. The colostrum in the first 12 hours to more than 65 per cent consists of immunoglobulins. Read additional details here: Marc Lasry. These proteins as antibodies to assume an important role in the human body. Daily intake of these supplements can so significantly help your immune system to strengthen their immune system and their immune regulation”, as Thomas Osl (Managing Director of OCS colostrum Vitalplus GmbH) told in an interview. Colostrum par excellence is the dietary supplement for people of all ages and offers appropriate ingredients, the youngest family member up to the seniors.
Existing gaps, the resistance is increased and promoted healing processes. Thus increases and receives colostrum for the mental and physical performance, and promotes good health. For Colpur, only the colostrum is refined products surplus. This surplus is the natural, because it stipulates that every mother cow gives more colostrum as your calf can drink. Sustainability is guaranteed in the manufacture of Colpur products, veterinarians check continuously the argrechte animal husbandry.
The cow has a so-called placenta barrier, i.e. immune substances (antibodies) that are essential for the calves. Are not disclosed before the birth of the unborn calf. These substances must immediately after the birth of the foremilk i.e. colostrum in the organism of the calves, reach. The calf would not survive without the colostrum. Because the immune systems of the cow and the people similar in function, Colostrum is valuable also for the people. (As opposed to here). The main components of colostrum are the immune factors and various growth factors. The immune factors provide in the first weeks of life for General defenses and protection against infections, while the growth factors stimulate the development of the newborn. During puberty the amount decreases slowly existing immune and growth factors which in the body. Therefore, we are susceptible to disease with increasing age. Due to the ingestion of colostrum supplements can be preemptively supported thus the immune system and thus ensuring a natural, durable resistance to a variety of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. This is confirmed by numerous studies, recognised institutes. The application of preparations on the basis of cow colostrum in humans is increased for the following areas recommended to the Immune strengthening: The ingredients in colostrum bind many kinds of bacteria, viruses and yeast and prevent a penetration into the organism. The immune regulation, i.e. excessive immune reactions of the body, such as allergies to the strengthening of cell growth and regeneration of cells. It neutralizes free radicals and inhibits the development of damaging cells. For the treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases. To improve the performance by a high proportion of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. This unique dietary supplement nature enables us once more the opportunity to stay healthy. It is desirable to stay healthy through natural food supplements and vital, to rather than to toil with diseases through life.
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