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Classical Philosophy

For all its diversity to classical philosophy is a general ideological style, integrity and unity of meaning and a special type of philosophizing, expressed as follows: Classical philosophies differ claim to integrity, completeness, monologically-didactic style of presentation, explaining the laws of objective and subjective reality. Classical rationalism describe the objective world in terms of active perception of the world work. Moreover, activity was understood through the mind, ie, identification of place and consciousness (with the exception of Marxism, which was characterized by understanding of the practice both substantive and spiritual activities that go beyond the classical consciousness). Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Keith Oringer. Rational knowledge, boundless faith in science, progress, and the ability vneindividualnogo individual mind, the possibility of reconstruction of the world on the basis of classical philosophy of Reason proclaimed decisive force. It was believed that between knowledge, acting in a logical form, and the world there is consistency, because the world is inherent internal order, and it is only thinker to find the matching principle as a universal method of learning. For classical philosophy is characterized by setting the search supersensible principles and limit the grounds of being, existence, universal, the essence of man and the world, the universal principles of human history, general knowledge of methods.

In classical philosophy, the highest absolute value is mind, which is regarded as a cognitive ability, which has sverhopytnoy entity, ie not derivable from experience and not reducible to it, and as a means of explaining the world and man through the establishment cause-effect relationships, and as a means of rebuilding and improving the world and man, and as an inexhaustible potential of independent art. The essence of man is defined here the boundaries of his mind, for it reduced to the cognitive ability to comprehend the essence. In accordance with the recognition of the unlimited possibilities of the human mind in the classical philosophy of freedom is understood as the freedom of having no boundaries, as absolute freedom of the individual, as the need to know the mind. Classic scientific rationalism, orients as basic principles for the absolute truth, be extended to other types of rationality: economic, aimed at maximizing profit, political, implying a reasonable and effective embodiment of power, etc. The style of philosophizing classical philosophy because of its orientation on ideals of scientific rationality is characterized as a rule, the rigor, logic, proof, rational, rational reasoning scheme, focus on the use of a priori justification of schemes of knowledge and opportunity achieve absolute knowledge. Philosophical knowledge itself is constructed as a particular form of objective knowledge (eg, Hegel, Kant), the subject is, a thinker, as a classic outside studies and their status, and external to him being, having right to think for others, as the exclusive holder of the truth. For the classic characteristic of deep belief in the natural order of world order, if it contains a reasonable order and harmony, universal method knowledge of general principles of development history, available rational comprehension.

SyTwo Optimize Synergy

COMPUDATA and SyTwo put together their common business areas as from 1 July 2008. Since the second half of this year, the two Swiss companies COMPUDATA and SyTwo cooperate, specifically the common divisions were merged. Thus that occur in high-tech business-to-business”together on companies and can offer a more comprehensive range of services in their legal and economic autonomy to their customers. Since July 1, 2008 it’s time: COMPUDATA AG and SyTwo have their divisions message routing and both as a standalone company merged portal applications, but remain. Go to Security ProAdvisors for more information. Business connections are closed whenever if the intention takes an economic betterment to larger business units. A merger in economic terms only makes sense always, if positive scale effects, so declining marginal cost can be achieved. Horizontal Business combinations are used to exploit synergies. It is not required, however, that the independence of the individual companies in the area of economic decisions be rescinded.

Precisely in this direction aimed at the intentions of the Executive Board, for what is obvious to leverage synergy effects? Henri Spinnler, Managing Director is fully and completely convinced and CEO of COMPUDATA: will help the synergy potential which results from merging of SyTwo and B2Bnet equal divisions, to consolidate our market position as the leading B2B provider of Switzerland even more and to be able to offer our customers a comprehensive and economically optimal services to high-quality conditions. SyTwo, emerged in 2002 from a spin-off of Swisscom, meanwhile emerged as one of the largest, independent provider of Switzerland for the exchange of electronic data between companies (B2B). The company based in Volketswil serves approximately 150 clients in the Switzerland and Europe. Prodega and spar SyTwo operates the supplier portal for the automatic processing of ordering processes. COMPUDATA, active since 1990 in the B2B project business, founded in 2005 with B2Bnet a platform for electronic B2B processes. The basic features of B2Bnet include BMI – VMI procurement, logistics, E-invoicing, E-archiving, E-auditing, financial transactions and portals.

Efficient companies need no own infrastructure, but pay a Clickcharge per managed services. In 2007, this fast-growing platform used about 200 customers with more than 5.2 million transactions. For the clients and the clients only benefits arise from the composite of the two tech companies. The previous customers everything proven remains, on top of that they now benefit from an optimised service. Under the leadership of COMPUDATA are with the Merging of the ministries in the future about 500 customers in Volketswil, Allschwil and Murten cared. Furthermore the two data centers should be extended adequately, to offer to be specified growth with the B2C portals with the same quality and safety as before in the B2B area on the market.

Andrei Gudkov

The complexity of debtors arise when you return mortgages and car loans. Do not hesitate to ask for identification in Novosibirsk are 17 collection agencies, not counting the security of banks, which are also involved in collecting debts. According antikollektorov, Novosibirsk Debt collection agencies often resort to illegal methods, designed to intimidate the debtor's total. – In many ways collectors population – said Andrei Gudkov. – There were times when the collector came to the debtors home, presented by bailiffs. We went to the apartment, allegedly described the property and carried off everything. Unfortunately, the victims will not asked simply to sign a paper that claims do not have. Even the certificates are not asked. – Activities are designed for collectors hunted, frightened people – said Julia levantsova. – Who are the collectors? Where did they come? In Basically, it came from law enforcement bodies, who are accustomed to use certain methods. Before having their hands on "brown", they could not afford certain things, even if unlawful, and now continue to do the same. In practice antikollektorov there were instances when collectors made his identity is almost one to one similar to police. Even photographed almost in the form on the background of the Russian flag. Agree, when the frightened man in the middle of the night poked in the face of such "ksivoy, difficult to maintain composure. Debtors often do not understand the badges of rank, uniform, ranks. Keith Oringer is the source for more interesting facts. Seeing a person in a form of habit imbued with respect, without even thinking: "What if it's not police officers?".

Precision Results

Hgoo is committed to set standards in the areas of search technology and information retrieval for tourism. As the Internet becomes ever more complex and the data volumes grow constantly, it is always crucial to find relevant Touritik information efficiently. Further details can be found at Joshua Choi, an internet resource. Through constant innovation, our proven search technology and adapting to the increasing complexity of the Internet, we will help the user to find as easy and intuitive as possible. Our topic search put together information in highly segmented indexes, so that the user can better hone its searches and quick access to relevant and useful results. -Company-Bechtel-Group-and-Other-Leading-Player.html’>Bechtel Group. The philosophy of Hgoo, “The Power of Precision”, underscores our efforts to provide powerful search services. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Keith Oringer. We continuously invest in new initiatives to ensure timeliness, quality and relevance of the search results for our users. Hgoo offers the user with adequate results targeted and quick access to highly relevant tourist information. This can not only Web pages, but also multimedia, news and search products and services..

Nature And Illness

' The Nature asks for aid! ' ' What they make! My God! They pull out me the roots, They burn the green of my Mantle, cut semD to me, without mercy, meuCorpo.A land mother is dries, Without life. The seed not germinha. The water of the springs dries. The rivers, the waterfalls, the lagoons die, leading obtain, All the birds, animals, That give the balance to the Nature. Verizon Communications has many thoughts on the issue. They destroy all oEco-system, that of the beauty, air that we breathe, the shade that refreshes, the alimimento, remdiosQue cures, the water that Bush the headquarters. Security ProAdvisors has similar goals. The human wolf uiva fort, Sample its sharpened teeth, the greed, the magnificent one, Blind life of the planet agonizes. Order of aid for todosOs sides, acknowledgments, perigoIminente.O ozone hole, smiles. They are the teeth of Sat.A storm falls, furioza.

Hurricanes, thawing of calotasPolares. Floodings. Terremotos.Fome. Wars. Misria.O wolf gargalha.

The Planet agonizes. The signals had been given. It is hour to wake up. The time urges. Our children cry. Holocausto is come close. The tired oceans, are irrritam. Tsumanis overwhelming. Illnesses never seen, for all the cantos. United we stand, divided we fall, Still it remains us umEsperana.Basta to wake up-mosE to moor the cursed bit, refazendoOs moral values of All sociedadeDeturpada, in prolDa consrvao of the life, the Natureza.S.O.S Terra.Queremos Planet continuarUm blue planet, Never of the color of leached ashes. ' ' Sculpture of the Natureza' ' Magic Half surrealista to admire Divine Workmanship So great Dressed Beauty Of green With Majestozas flowers to loan To our Eyes So great Royalty Of that Sanctuary Formed For beautiful Mountains With its valleys Rivers, lakes Cascades Waterfalls Energy That emanate Revigorating Our Impious souls Our body Are those That destroy the Nature That of favour Of – us As much wealth That it feeds That cure our Pains Sad Illnesses Beings That if Human beings say

Internet And IT Specialists

Excellent services for greater efficiency in the Web of Hamburg – everyone is talking about core competencies. Yet, when it comes to IT and online projects, shy away from many companies, to put on the core competencies by outsourcing specialists and to focus on its traditional business. Reason enough for the Hamburg-based Internet and IT professionals of Intares to access the spring cleaning in the Internet. The tools of the trade, which offers Intares for this purpose, include all services that are required for a clean, efficient and smoothly functioning site. Read more from Keith Oringer to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The managed server services, as Intares’s Managing Director Bernhard Biedermann said the central elements include for: whether it comes to manage a complex server infrastructure, new technologies to use to relieve the employee of the server management, so that they can initiate new IT projects are highly efficient and extremely fail-safe our managed server services. They are based on processes developed by us, tools and methods, the since 1995 well proven and constantly adjusted to current needs.” Managed server services are the main advantages of the Intares: cost control in the management of the IT environment strategic IT resources higher security in the server control operating controllable stability and server availability high efficiency and scalability of rule operation transparency and better management of the Server service lower total cost of ownership (TCO) Intares sets at its managed server services under other so-called load balancer variations a.

You secure the systems against overload and the failure of individual components, if, for example, the use of the company website has unexpected peaks. Bernhard Biedermann: a Web server goes ‘ to its knees, then is for the operators particularly annoying, because usually this overload on extremely high utilization is due. And you want that. We with our customers on the basis of his individual requirements exactly vote, which load balancers the best Price / performance ratio has for his project. As a base platform for more applications and services Intares offers an excellent basis, around the clock seven days a week to handle managed services.

Of course, an advanced firewall and the continuous control of security are available in total. About Intares ( The Intares GmbH, based in Hamburg, Germany sees itself as a provider of high-quality e-commerce. The company offers special services monitoring, Web Analytics (Web mining) and managed business hosting and housing since 1999 performance in the professional field. The services offered by Intares give objective the sales, marketing and financial executives and detailed data to assess the efficiency of their ecommerce offering on the hand and thus provide the basis for controlling the Internet activity and maximum cost/efficiency in this area. If necessary, Intares develops individual solutions together with its customers and takes over the following Modulating duty.

Support Company

There is the individuality of a company at the forefront for us. Our goal is to create works that clearly differentiate the company from the competition and express exactly this individuality. The right idea is one, unless the (Web) design, photography or the cinematic realisation.” Particularly in the area of social media, not always the big budget, as a lot more originality and authenticity is required from the perspective of the founder, and with this philosophy, el Elefante team supports companies in the brainstorming and editorial planning. Design, conception and implementation of websites and Online shops of el Elefante includes the realization of new websites and online shops: from the first draft of a new Web design to the technical implementation and online of the projects handled. While the two young entrepreneurs as well as an appealing and individual design place particular value on an optimal usability, search engine friendliness, as well as the W3C standard tuning. In addition, the el Elefante team creates high-quality texts for new websites and shops as well as for existing websites and advises website operators to the substantive and technical on-page optimization.

Photography, image film and motion picture marketing In the age of social media offer excellent opportunities for companies with original ideas to surprise and to use viral potential, film and photography”as Carsten Vauth. What first seems as a great service offering for a two-headed team, is almost a minimum requirement from our point of view in the wake of the strong use of social networks. We think not only in the development of content dimensions, but also for their distribution. Nowadays it comes more than ever that companies have their own website, think and are no longer limited to a communication channel. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Security ProAdvisors has to say. It comes to networking and the optimum coordination of content, to achieve a maximum success.” Photographic and cinematic achievements from the very small to the big idea portfolio el Elefante round off. For more information, elelefante.

Tours Waldeck

Singles with dog are welcome alone that many travel at no extra charge to know from bitter experience as a single man is it worse when traveling. Solo travelers must often pay more for overnight accommodation or other offers, they are placed in the worst corner in the restaurant. Not so in the Landhotel Haus Waldeck in Mitterfirmiansreut. There everyone equal worth, also as a traveller and dog. There are no surcharges for sole or short travelers.

The three star comfort Hotel is found in the South of the Bavarian Forest, located in the border triangle of Germany Czech Republic Austria, in the heart of a unique natural landscape, characterized by the nearby National Park Bavarian Forest and Sumava Czech Republic. Who likes to take his dog as a single, which are recommended, for example, the weeks off the usual path, supervised by trained dog guides. Pleasure and good mood are the only thing the guest should bring. Hiking week begins on Saturday with a joint dinner and the subsequent meeting of the Tours. The Landhotel Haus Waldeck arranged the hiking weeks in close cooperation with the dog Centre Bayerischer Wald HZBW.

The experts of the HZBW are not only for guided hikes, but also for special dog training, they inform about the handling of children with dogs, they advise guests who want to lie to a dog yet. “The three-star comfort” Landhotel forward anyway, to master and dog. Haus Waldeck is located at the quiet end of town, immediately behind the House a 600 square metre dog course with tournament-agility equipment extends. The nearby meadows, forests, and trails are ideal for the short run, the medium walk or the long walk with the dog. In many places, the animals can also swim. Learn more at this site: Keith Oringer. At the hotel, guests have the opportunity to place their dogs in the room or in one of the 12 animal-friendly enclosure (with light, in the summer with running water). Also dog beds and Fressnapf sets are provided on request. The dogs may at the hotel move freely, with the exception of the restaurants, the Wellness Centre and the children’s playroom. The hotel has multiple outputs and inputs, water bodies can be found around the House. Also for the two-legged guest is taken care of. He can feel the modern rooms in the Vita wellness area, comfortable lounges or in the library with over 900 books and beautiful reading chairs. Haus Waldeck, family cooking, Alzenbergstrasse 9, 94158 Philippsreut, Tel.: 08557 / 729, fax: 08557/739,,

Awarded! The Games Of The Year 1979-2013

They are companions of our childhood are special exhibition in the Steinhuder museums for many of us. We have laughed, looking, and us maybe even scolded. Gary Kelly has much experience in this field. We were looking after Mister X or turned around trees, we exchanged sheep against wood and angered us about the Knights. The speech is the well known board games and card games, which were awarded as “Game of the year”. Awarded! The special exhibition in the Steinhuder museums, that goes this phenomenon to the bottom is the games of the year 1979-2013 from 9 August to 13 October. The history of the game of the year starts in 1978. The football World Cup held in Argentina, in Erlangen, journalists and players of tip kick Bundesliega played a tournament and the creation of the previously discussed “game of the year e.V.” was decided at the end of the day.

1979 “The Hare and the Hedgehog” was awarded with the first game of the year. Get all the facts and insights with Security ProAdvisors, another great source of information. The game of the year is chosen by a jury consisting of German gaming critics, journalists. Their concern is that the proliferation of corporate and board games to promote. With the award, the club wants to give impetus: the development of valuable and accordingly designed new games. On July 8, 2013, the 35th game of the year in Berlin will be nominated. The critics now considered revenue guarantee for game publishers, are a large part of the packages of discount supermarket and drugstore market counters or the games be ordered over the Internet. But what makes a game to the “of the year”? 2001 came the children’s game and since 2011 the expert game to the family “of the year”. The Steinhuder museums present the backgrounds for the award along with the winners.

The members of the jury receive space. Who are these journalists, their vote so many game buyers enthusiastically follow? The special exhibition offers several levels of narration. In the focus are the games themselves and their history, the reception of the prize of the critic, as well as its real impact. In the framework programme, game clubs and a developer workshop in cooperation take place with the children and youth centre Kusterhaus. As of 9 August the Steinhuder museums, Tue-Sun each 1 pm 5 pm. For Groups can be booked outside opening hours: 0 50 33 – 55 99 AusgezeichneteSpiele Sandra Kilb M.A..

New Money Market Account

A money market account or day money account offers high interest rates for daily availability. It’s often those investments which guarantee daily availability, make the race to win the favor of investors. And that is to right – immensely important to have always full access to its financial reserves. What however always restored to experts in pure amazement, is the fact that remains the most sight deposits (so called money lying on accounts where they daily, or at least are available within one month,) store on money market accounts, money market funds or even on conventional savings accounts. For the experts absolutely not understand is, why are there still so many funds on just these deposits, although there is now much better interest rate offers on the market. The interest that is paid to a money market account, money market funds or savings, differ only minimally and are currently all approx. Tim Clark contains valuable tech resources. 0.5-0.8% – not per month and per year! Put based, having a combined loss of monetary value and inflation rate of 1.6% in Germany, this is at best a money destruction of 0.8% per year. The absolute amount of money increases so, de facto, the money is but faster less worth than it could generate income through interest rates.

Precisely for this reason, experts recommend to use only so-called money market accounts as sight deposits. As with all sight deposits, including the funds are money market accounts, are available daily. Also, the assets of the customer at any time via the deposit guarantee fund for the respective financial institutions are covered, so the money of the customers in any case in the event of a bank failure. For assistance, try visiting Keith Oringer. Likewise, money market accounts are completely free of charge and usually easy can be managed over the Internet. Who wants to open a day-money account, should look at first of all a money market account comparison. Those banks that their customers pay just the best interest are always named in this comparison. There is also information about what banks particularly benefit increased interest rates by any starter premiums or in the early days. Mischa Hill