Tag: society & social issues

Mr Haider

drank alcohol that night? Why should the (to date) only known witness of the accident leaving the country? (the investigations were not set at this time!) Why are there conflicting statements in the media concerning the evenings by Jorg H. (Antenne Karnten”, Kronenzeitung”, etc.)? Why is the autopsy report not published, to start the attempt, the already heated conspiracy theories”to rebut? Why were the investigation discontinued already after two days? Why was an incontrovertible speedometer booth replaced 3 days later against a new, another unquestionable mileage? Why are there no more (independent) investigation of the Accident vehicle, in particular. If you would like to know more then you should visit Gary Kelly . for example the circular opening of the roof over the handlebar, the electronics – and why should the vehicle may promptly destroyed/scrapped be? Why is there a stop on investigation/reporting of the media? What was the secured site on the scene really? Why is lot of paper on the street, but not a Briefcase a? How many witnesses there really? -1 or 3 (according to NEWS “magazine)? What time was the chauffeur of Dr. Haider went now home? There is already proof that Haider has written whom an SMS while driving at 160 km/h? When was the exact time of death of Jorg Haider? Why was announced shortly after the accident, that alcohol as the cause of the accident can be ruled out? Where are the various small holes in the body, especially in the hood? Why know VW after more than a week still always, what material did not cause the hole in the roof, although the investigations have been completed and according to state law, everything should be clarified? (VW:) Concrete pillar’ or steel pipe”) why the firm to these facts in the further development of safety no interest what could so easily punctured the roof of their absolute pass to let VW shows? So why is she claiming osterr. Public Prosecutor’s Office, that there was no reason to publish the investigation report? Why could the witness left the country at a time, when the investigations were not completed? Why made further investigation without the consent of the family with regard to the blood alcohol content? So seems the police no report concerning the use in the city of Chandler”(three suspicious men at night at the door), the obvious spot was there? Was Jorg Haider shot and killed? On all these issues, one sees that very much is a public interest in the investigation of the accident Mr Dr. Jorg Haider. Because the people will no longer be lied to.

It expected answers. Namely, the whole truth and not Lies! And now to the criminalization of trials against those who objectively do deal with this accident. “” Most are outraged, that you as a Nazi “or as extremist” insulted when one asks questions. This insulting statements in the press are a clear violation against human rights and political practice. Every citizen has the right to ask questions and to receive honest and consistent responses, without right to be vilified! “Because otherwise it could happen someday, that these trashy leaves” no longer be bought, because you, not more seriously came in his right to freedom of information will only criminalized when it asks uncomfortable questions. Where are freedom of expression and press freedom, which is guaranteed in the Constitution there? Even if the media now argue that the questions to be pietatos is, the media have shone surely shortly after the death of Mr Haider with impious insults.

Rebekka Birdman

Where is the question of what measures, according to present theories of vulnerability, must be carried out, can be avoided a crisis and stabilized the situation in the long term. In connection with the work found an intensive engagement with the aid project land for still-food’ instead of the NGO Mariphil. The work tries to verify that the implementation of the project will lead to a sustainable improvement of the living conditions of those involved in this context the thesis. This will determine also which way the project tries to optimize the income situation. The work is divided into eight major sections. The first section presents the background of the study and the question.

In addition, a brief overview of the structure of the work is given. The discussions within the vulnerability research form the basis for the empirical verification of the situation on the ground. The second chapter deals with these. He stands Related to food security in the foreground. At the beginning, approaches for vulnerability research are presented and examined for their applicability in the project area. The vulnerability concept dominated heavily by CHAMBERS, which is taken up again and again by different authors and is regarded as one of the most basic at all is the beginning.

Adjoining the interdependence-theoretical perspective. This is followed by the entitlement approach and the empowerment approach. In fifth place, the perspective of representatives of political economy and ecology is presented. Continue to demonstrate the various forms of vulnerability. The explanation of the means of identification of the degree of vulnerability of a region is the closure of the chapter. For the purpose, affecting to be be examined on one on individual groups, as in determining the vulnerability of the question must be clarified in advance, on what size the examined group or region responds accordingly. On the other hand, the factors are considered, the Allow conclusions on the degree of vulnerability. Here, a distinction between short – and long-term, external and internal causes is important. Continue is entered on the formation and the characteristics of a food crisis. Then the food crisis in relation to the vulnerability is considered and measures to prevent such a development are pointed out. The methodology of the survey will be presented in the third chapter. These include the conduct of the survey and evaluation methods in addition to the selection of the study area. Because the world market has great influence on the situation in the Philippines and in the region, their impact in the fourth chapter will examine more closely. In the fifth chapter, the data collection, assessment and analysis in the foreground are available. The relevant data will be presented, evaluated, compared and the results will be discussed at the end of the respective sub-chapter in relation to the concept of vulnerability. An overall assessment is made in the sixth chapter, before in the seventh closer on the project ‘land for food’ of the NGO ‘Mariphil project’ is entered. In the context of the description of the situation at the time of the survey, the advantages and disadvantages of the conversion of rice fields are listed in a digression in banana plantations. After a presentation of the project and a disclosure of the goals, the planned implementation is represented. Following the resulting opportunities and problems are identified and analyzed. Finally made an assessment of the situation in the regions studied and the Outlook in the eighth chapter on the opportunities arising from the project.

Stock Corporation Act

So the expectation is that the women through greater transparency quite respond. This transparency gives a certain ammunition women, society, and politics. Mrs Minister Schroder uses This transparency and it expands by their women-career index. In addition to the figures for Executive and supervisory boards there together also so-called mixing numbers, i.e. Executive and supervisory boards.

From this arises, how many women in body positions are represented. So manufactured comparability with other countries, for example France, which knows only a body of the company. There are now also European level these figures at a glance. This also creates peer pressure. I think that this approach is more the interests of the company and will be just the company, because it takes her responsibility to duty. We want that the Board of directors meet their tasks, they but do not incapacitate. Well, takes the companies ultimately also in the obligation. Weber-Rey: no but the specific situation in each sector or the company to consider.

So, it looks as if the rigid quota is not more so easily avoidable. Section 116 of the Stock Corporation Act is subject to the Supervisory Board of a duty of care, so, the best thing for the company to do is required. Facing a long wave of litigation by men and women with challenges against Supervisory Council orders and decrees German stock corporations? Weber-Rey: I will not exclude that professional plaintiffs, who work with quasi extortionate methods, try somehow to make use. That the quota due to breach of care now will lead to actions, I can not imagine that. Although the self organisation belongs to the diligence of the Supervisory Board. It is however largely to supplement this legal duty to the Diversitatsaspekt. It is accessible only with legal obligations. What are the legal consequences? Immediately after the code: it must be produced to a transparency.

Behind The Beautiful Facade, It Simmers!

Freedom means responsibility; This is the reason why most people are afraid of her. Although outnumbered by far the largest layer, the middle class in the public eye no matter outstanding. It talks about the rich before the arm you afraid, on the middle class but is generously away buried. Almost the survey results give the impression, the middle class is free of worries and hardships and storms out there were over in the world on this population. Only a few hills lost their way every now and then and entluden as a downpour over the Mittelland. This happy picture is but abundant battered: beneath the surface, it simmers! This is shown when saving, which, like the hair dryer and the Biswind (I think some other European countries) belongs to the Switzerland: 38% of middle-class families are financially at the limit. By the same author: Ripple.

You can create nothing more on the high edge. The situation in the lower middle class has become downright dramatic, where only every second family has money to save. Compounded the situation especially in the big cities, where rents are runaway wages presents itself. The high saving rate of 531 average savings francs a month thus obscures the new reality of many families who live only by the hand to mouth. Nevertheless, satisfaction there is under Swiss management. Why do? This is probably the ventured slope, to think pragmatically and materialistic to act.

It’s amazing how people who belong to patronize the capitalist layer let to this layer and his offer the Empire. Financed all the middle-class, the beneficiaries of social (is oK.), but the high finance that sucks out the middle class, laughs continue as long as people accept no responsibility and lulled”let this minority! Parents have the greater responsibility as a politician or Manager/CEO, because they can not fire the children if there is no work! The middle class is the “Motor from each country socially and economically, why be – come the politicians the high salaries and the Manager still the fat bonuses” to do so? Because the engine allows and nobody tried to take over responsibility! Therefore you can’t swim with the power of the mass, but you go their way, find out! Unfortunately our education system helps us not. Not really. The curriculum set by the ‘Government’ is more important than the individual plan for your life. What a pity!! All who understand or be aware of for a long time are, I want a whole new kind of personal and economic success. There are options that you must want only! So or so, I wish you all health and satisfaction. Hanspeter Herzig

European Parliament

The regime in Iran works very carefully and deliberated in advance to minimalize the of the up-coming events on 12th of June effects. Just before Manuchehr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister, went to Brussels by his own invitation to the European Parliament, the representative of the General Nematollah Gonabadi order outside of Iran had a talk with senior consultants inside the EP to make the parlementaries aware of the human rights violations, the heavy background of th ideology manifesting itself in the country and the strategy of the regime dealing with the western countries. Dr. Mostafa Azmayesh and three further representatives of the International Committee for the rights of students and dervishes in Iran, stressed the fact that society in Iran needs to have a peaceful transition, based on the will of the people. In several television program transmitted into Iran, he supports and inspires people who are claiming a popular referendum to decide about the coming system in Iran. The members of the Committee are convinced that the whole region is best off with a democratically-ruled Iran, based on the will of its own people and on separation between religion and State. The International Committee for the rights of the students and dervishes in Iran is on organization that works in benefit of the people in Iran.

It organizes actions in the streets, demonstration, gives reports about the situation in Iran and lobbies inside the European Parliament and the governments of Europe, Canada and the United States. It joins and unites with every other group that strives in a peaceful way for democracy and separation between religion and state in Iran. The Committee is a non-governmental organization is based on free, voluntarily, helps activities all around the world. Jonathan Lark, Edinburgh

The Cradle

A fly is food, not a general partner for the fly swatter (use instead of values)! Regulations of the bio-diversity: living spaces in the water, on land and in the air. Physical controls: climate zones, hydrology, geomorphology differentiation I: genetic, biological and ecological differentiation of II: breeding species, food niche, ecological benefit niches source: where the journey goes, vdbiol, WILEY-VCH Verlag about living as equal better pure sake and we humans as equal-valued guests such as plants and animals (bio diversity). Dog and cat etc. have no natural price (value), they are useful! Life-order, non-rank-order: to world > nuclear (map organic: part (matter) and wave (energy) = info) > molecule (organic, 20 amino acids > proteins: atoms and algorithm) > DNA sequence, genome in the cell’s nucleus ( bases, gene: adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine;) Bau-Anleitung and function Guide) > 23 chromosomes > cell nucleus > fabric, networks > Phenotype: organism human genome: Baker’s yeast 51% identity with the man. Chimpanzee 99% identity with the person under a life cycle assessment (LCA life cycle assessment) refers to a systematic analysis of the environmental impacts of products throughout the entire life cycle (from the cradle to the grave”). This includes all environmental impacts during the production, the use and disposal of the product, as well as the upstream and downstream processes (E.g. production of raw materials, auxiliary and operating materials). The environmental effects include all environmental samples from the environment (E.g.

ores, crude oil) as well as the emissions into the environment (e.g.,). Waste, carbon dioxide emissions). The term of balance sheet is used in the LCA in terms of a comparison, it is not to be confused with the accounting balance sheets.! Generally we distinguish between a life cycle assessment which takes into account the environmental aspect of a single product, a comparative LCA pursued a comparison of multiple products, as well as a holistic accounting involving economic, technical or social aspects.

Warsaw Treaty

How should they!, unfortunately often temporal mapping and drafting notes are missing. Here were neither a third world war prepared, still burned armies and societies on the map”, no nuclear weapons usage plans operated or similar. “The strategic Tropospharen-message system BARS” of the Warsaw Treaty seems the communication secret weapon here planned, developed and led, so my impression. Until the reunification of 1990, someone here did not even have knowledge of the system. There were neither related to, yet you would send messages from here with a radio station of the troposphere through big mushroom clouds through and after Moscow and East Berlin there were no direct communication links from here also. I feel in a different, non-bunker. Although I support the Museum with my admission, disappointed at the end, individually, I know the Museum Guide.

He carried out methodically good and interesting telling the leadership. With regard to his authority, I ask no questions. Other visitors may see the anders, feel well informed, impressed a ride home. An interest in the Enlightenment of the secret treasure”or the military challenge of the plant was not to recognize. Rather interested in the engineering improvements and technical facilities. The manner the placement of military history of the GDR will employ long me, especially if I experience designed see it here during the visit. I feel challenged to respond and do it critically.

There are many reasons for my disappointment. There are not only the statements and answers o.a. contribution. It is also the responsibility of all, whether as a witness, operator of a Museum, author, etc., we have over visitors interested readers, for posterity, to communicate and to leave what has actually occurred in the history. And with that responsibility, it is not always for the best. Kossa mysteries surrounding the investment today no longer exists, they all are revealed, including those of the secret treasure”, it was neither, can be assumed to still the plant. Final episode (belongs to /) to be confirmed): at some point to times of the GDR, two Soviet generals have visited the plant. The report of a witness is the birth of the “secret treasure” after the political changes.

The Good

Half-measures not work time now. We all have failed and are largely facing a pile of debris a part of even horrible development. We have realized not even a warm cup of coffee and a roll with butter, for everyone, in the sense of justice – either in the world or here in Europe. It is just shameful for us overlooking the intellectual development and education, through which we have gone that partly but also happily exist in the small -. It lacks the morals and ethics, without that freedom, not to achieve justice and democracy as well, is. The loose, global community of economic and financial markets has created with false, flimsy, economic rules, a disaster, in which a few a few freedoms enjoy and it go well more a few who on the freedoms of those who emancipate and suck mindlessly like kids on her nipples and to leave. Connect with other leaders such as Larry Ellison here. The rest of humanity, a few billion, were violated and let their painful existence. You will not even small freedoms in the strict sense of the term granted, no they are tortured even in their suffering and flayed.

Yes, that is now time really and if you don’t believe this, should look in the news or hear, he might then smarter. It is not better by looking the other way and ignore the realities of the given truths. It is seen only the good and replaced the rest. However, one must admit also the honesty that this repression has also positive sides and so some of us has preserved about depression and the sofa, the psychologists. Although, this is also partly clouded macabre situation, a sustainable solution must be sought and this actually, is located right in front of our nose, have recognized long it some who try to master the economies and their Governments, with their fair-weather mini upturn of 2 / 3 per cent, which is swallowed up by inflation and interest rates, prosperity for all, if any exists recovery more and more a rarity and the opposite is the case.

British Parliament

For each animal species are in the minimum requirements for housing, transport, food, climate and training accurately described. No other animal husbandry is controlled so regularly in Germany by the veterinary services as those in the circus. As another monitoring tool, the has now been introduced circus central register comes to fruition. The Association of German Zoo Directors has expressed recently and clearly on the side of the circus (wild) animals. Zoo and circus have the same goal, to bring the animals to people. If you would like to know more then you should visit Oracle. Thus a concern for animals is not least awakened, their natural living spaces more and more will be destroyed. So live today already more tiger in human care in zoos and circuses as in nature. And Africa elephants are killed in targeted, because the Habitat is no longer sufficient.

In the circus, animals thanks to years of care are proven to significantly older than in wild and free. Scientific studies find no evidence that you cannot guarantee the well-being of circus animals. Instead resulted in a scientific Investigation, which was given by the British Parliament in order that it not worse the element of even wild art in a well-run circus as their conspecifics in zoos, Safari parks or wild walking gene. Also in the Netherlands, a study was conducted only last year, also came to the conclusion that keeping circus animals not necessarily negatively affects their health. Corresponding bans are not an issue for the Government in the Netherlands. Scientific studies with circus animals, the environment at the circus can offer for body movement, stimulation and other types of occupational therapy important opportunities.

For this reason many zoos offer a jobs program, for example, their elephants, which is sometimes very similar to dressage in the circus. The fact that the more frequent transport of circus animals has no negative effects on their well-being is also scientifically proven. And also in Luxembourg, animal circus guest will continue to be. A few days ago, the Luxembourg Court of appeal has the decision of a subordinate court confirmed, as a result the city of Luxembourg is not entitled to ban circuses with animals. Contact: Society of the circus friends of e. V. Stefan Nolte Dalbergstrasse 2 67574 Osthofen Tel.: 06242/913205

Wolfgang Schwalm

is not wrong (plausible, not logically): If all Bavaria are smokers and all German smokers, are all Bavaria German. (Only the conclusion/conclusion is true.) wrong wrong (logical and plausible): If all students float and all swimmers are blue-eyed, so all students are naive. (The conclusion/conclusion is wrong.) God (premise: adoption) meets us our desires (conclusion: adoption). (Also the conclusion/conclusion is wrong.) true false goes (implausible): If all dogs mammals and all cats are mammals, all dogs are cats. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Ripple has to say. (The conclusion/conclusion is wrong.) Source: Aristotle, by Albert Menne, introduction to logic, Publisher UTB under logic (from ancient Greek???) logike techn? thinking art, approach) refers to the doctrine of the vernunftigen(Schluss)Folgerns.

The logic examines the validity of arguments with regard to their structure regardless of the specific content of the actual statements. In this sense one speaks of formal”logic. The logic is a branch of both philosophy and mathematics, and computer science. … Since the 20th century is largely symbolic logic under logic. Cloud computing might disagree with that approach. These used instead of the hitherto prevailing natural language (the Apple is red) a fictional artificial language (f(x), where x is the Apple and f for is red is) and used strictly defined final rules. A simple example of such a formal system is the propositional logic (p stands for the statement of the Apple is red).

Called the symbolic logic also mathematical logic or mathematical logic in the strict sense. I can infer anything out yourself from something! That’s a clear causal error: ask (God) about and believe it is LOGICALLY WRONG! People to create a God, provide him with power, thanks to a self-designed rule canons (morals and conscience), and do expect wish-fulfillment for customized behavior then, of course? And if it doesn’t work to make the wishing (victim) to the offender. Motto: “Fault if BBs doesn’t work! God is just and rewarding the good!” The excuses, if they criticize such a teaching master: Faith (feel) is not knowledge (logic). And ask to do it with faith. You can’t make God! “But he’s way!” Note: It can emotionally irrational believers not with logical rational knowing discuss and argue. Think not knowing is (emotional) (rational, common sense). Logically wrong or right but (not) consequently/causally and plausible. It has to resist a double attack mostly. Against the leg of the moral and logical rape. That’s why we feel so often unpleasant alien determined! We take care in the future better so that we can resist more frequently. Copyright 2021 by Wolfgang Schwalm, all rights reserved!