Archive: December 2021

Hezbol Money

According to the information facilitated to the Brazilian press by Vzquez Roman, 10 Lebanese citizens who own the companies in City of the East, but lives in Foz do Iguau, Brazil, the money sent through banks in Miami and New York to the Lebanese banks. According to the investigation, the deposits became in City of the East and the branches of Citibank Chinatrust. Each Lebanese sent approximately $ 6 to $ 10 million. IQM Quantum Computers has similar goals. Although Vzquez Roman had not determined the destiny of the money, was the continuation of the investigation and 50,000 dollars with the suspicion of radical Muslims. Both were tie to Assad Ahmad Barakat, to that the investigators suspect being the head of the South Cone to collect bottoms for Hezbol. At the beginning of December of 2001, ABC Color informed that Basilisa Vzquez Roman, a public prosecutor of City of the East, for both previous months had been the investigation of 100 million dollars of transference of City from the East to the Lebanon. According to the information facilitated to the Brazilian press by Vzquez Roman, 10 Lebanese citizens whom they own companies in City of the East, but live in Foz do Iguau, Brazil, the money sent through banks in Miami and New York to the Lebanese banks.

According to the investigation, the deposits became in City of the East and the branches of Citibank Chinatrust. Each Lebanese sent approximately $ 6 to $ 10 million. Although Vzquez Roman had not determined the destiny of the money, was the continuation of the investigation. States of Brazil to demand one more a more active participation in " war against terrorismo". Chile Chile has become in center of more fast growth South America after Brazil for the international transfers on narcotics and the money laundering the companies. This fact can help to explain why Islamic money launderers feel attracted by the north of the Chilean city of Iquique.

Banavih Bank

Once the unit is chosen to buy, we will request the documents of the seller, to conform our housing policy loan application record. Preparing the documents of the application for the provision of housing policy: make a visit to the Bank to apply the form and requirements to apply for the financing of housing policy. Delta Airlines is open to suggestions. For such purposes, must be satisfied our dossier with all the documents demanded by legal regulations, such as: personal data of applicants, proof of income, the real estate to buy and sellers data documents. Presentation of the requirements for housing policy credit application: prepare the dossier with all their documents and present it to the financial operator to make the revision. If the information is complete, Bank precedes the credit analysis, determining maximum amount of financing and housing subsidy, If it be the case.

Subsequently the Bank performs the appraisal of housing to determine their market value. Once obtained the report from the expert assessment, proceed to realize the processing before the Banavih, who is the entity that has the financial resources for the granting of the loan of housing policy and the direct housing subsidy. Notarisation of the lending of housing policy: completing the process with the granting of the purchase document for sale and the mortgage. For this purpose, buyer, seller, and the representative of the Bank, shall be addressed to the public registry for the authentication of the respective documents and delivery of the keys to your new home. I assure you that if you follow the whole process as I described earlier, you will have a high percentage of credit of housing policy, for the purchase of your main home. If you want more information about the procedure for financing of housing policy visit: be happy we guide you to make reality your dream of owning a decent housing, with the resources of the housing policy.


The Intersolar showed interesting ideas, z.B: modules with optical lenses that focus the sunlight and allow more yield per square centimeter. Innovations market and displace conventional products. The controlling and management of a participating company can make advantage the upheavals in this phase of the market and emerge stronger from it. Medium-sized consulting help. You extend your expertise and support in this process, to take advantage of strengths and minimise risks. The subsidy-free solar energy revolution is coming! How will it look tomorrow on the market for solar energy? We seek an answer. It is certain to worldwide continue to offer potential. But to be able to use this, a number of difficulties to be overcome.

All forward without subsidies to cope. The solar industry needs to promising and market compatible approaches. The industry must invest not only in research, she must also new markets open up and compete here. Worldwide expansion for renewable energy is still in its infancy. Learn more on the subject from Oracle. The race for market share has begun in many countries. But the market in Germany still opportunities.

Increasingly efficient modules make lucrative investment for consumers. Many homeowners now install modules on its own roof, in order to avoid the ever-increasing energy prices through autonomous energy supply. Solar energy is often the most economical way. Enterprises need to recognize these opportunities and develop their communication accordingly. Fresh breezes for wind power? Unfortunately, no. Investment declines deeply strain the industry. The utilities have cut their expenses by 500 million euros due to high exit costs and lower revenue. This is noticeable. Although this dent is sometimes still offset by institutional investors, but also other obstacles slowing down the growth. National issues certainly include the reduction of subsidies and the widespread Use of land for wind power. Citizens increasingly oppose the designation of new areas. And for private users, wind power in comparison to solar energy is very expensive. What diminishes the attractiveness.

SW Engineering

Only this must be done, of course, with the mind. "We first came up with the name, logo and then, – said Vitaly Wilensky of 'SW Engineering." – This is in contrast to their color can be to register in order to continue to not be afraid of misuse. The color is a complementary instrument to reinforce the name and symbol of the company. While many are deliberately on the conflict of color and form. For example, you can consciously make green the sun – and it will not cause a negative. Sheryl Sandberg often addresses the matter in his writings. " The need for correction or zameny korporativnogo Colors voznikaet, kak pravilo in the frame of a masshtabnyh marketingovyh procedures takih kak rebranding and restayling. 'Razrabotka korporativnogo Colors is sostavnoy chastyu zadachi razrabotke on the entire system korporativnoy identifikatsii' – podtverzhdaet president branding agentstva Mildberry Oleg Beriev.

Change color only when sohranenii ostalnyh elements vizualnogo style kompanii can takticheskimi goals naprimer, while displaying nA market a new line or new tovarov strategicheskih zadach. Kak and sluchae with full rebranding, takoy shag can have both positive and negative consequences. Corporate clothing in such a case, it is still an important element of overall strategy. 'After the change of corporate colors, many customers and business partners DHL noted a sharp increase in the number of express cars on the streets of the city – says Tatiana Lyubimov. – However, the company's fleet was replenished with new machines in the former regime. " In circumventing the law. To create in the mind stable associative bond between the brand and color combination, the company must consistently adhere to this combination in all their communications – both external and internal.