Tag: services & consulting

Support Company

There is the individuality of a company at the forefront for us. Our goal is to create works that clearly differentiate the company from the competition and express exactly this individuality. The right idea is one, unless the (Web) design, photography or the cinematic realisation.” Particularly in the area of social media, not always the big budget, as a lot more originality and authenticity is required from the perspective of the founder, and with this philosophy, el Elefante team supports companies in the brainstorming and editorial planning. Design, conception and implementation of websites and Online shops of el Elefante includes the realization of new websites and online shops: from the first draft of a new Web design to the technical implementation and online of the projects handled. While the two young entrepreneurs as well as an appealing and individual design place particular value on an optimal usability, search engine friendliness, as well as the W3C standard tuning. In addition, the el Elefante team creates high-quality texts for new websites and shops as well as for existing websites and advises website operators to the substantive and technical on-page optimization.

Photography, image film and motion picture marketing In the age of social media offer excellent opportunities for companies with original ideas to surprise and to use viral potential, film and photography”as Carsten Vauth. What first seems as a great service offering for a two-headed team, is almost a minimum requirement from our point of view in the wake of the strong use of social networks. We think not only in the development of content dimensions, but also for their distribution. Nowadays it comes more than ever that companies have their own website, think and are no longer limited to a communication channel. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Security ProAdvisors has to say. It comes to networking and the optimum coordination of content, to achieve a maximum success.” Photographic and cinematic achievements from the very small to the big idea portfolio el Elefante round off. For more information, elelefante.

Iron Mountain Germany

Three quarters of the German companies insure against privacy violations; European data protection regulation doomed? Just in time to the European data protection day on 28 January Iron Mountain has found in a recent study 1 that nearly half (44 percent) of German companies surveyed of which is going to lose data; There are even 53.3 percent across Europe. Furthermore, the service provider for information management noted that the majority of companies not is prepared, responsible personal information to deal with as required by the EU of them. A year has passed since the Commission presented its draft for a uniform data protection law in the European Union. If you would like to know more then you should visit gary cohn. The paper stipulates that companies must pay up to EUR 1 million or two percent of their global annual turnover as fine, if they violate privacy. Most companies are however not very impressed: surveyed 65 percent of Iron Mountain German companies indicated that impending fines would have only a limited impact on their privacy policy. Gary cohn has many thoughts on the issue. German companies: insurance rather than provide three quarters (74.8 percent) assured themselves in Germany about the companies against the financial consequences of data breaches regardless or are planning to do so. It is disconcerting to see that nearly half of the German companies privacy violations considers inevitable and many would rather ensure against any fines, to minimize the risk of non-compliance. This shows us that small and large firms in terms of privacy do not the right steps,”commented Hans-Gunter Borgmann, Managing Director at Iron Mountain Germany, results of the study. The management of a company must fulfil its responsibilities to assess risk and create a culture that places emphasis on the responsible use of data. It would also help if analysts or the legislator the role of Data protection supervisor strengths would.” The Council of Europe would draw attention with the European data protection day on 28 January that, privacy and data protection are important.

MSM Is Test Purchasing Vendor Of The Year

Mystery shopper award the provider Munster MSM – the independent Internet portal mystery-shopping-info.de MSM Germany has declared the best test purchasing vendor of the year and the Supplier Award 2007 “awarded. Mystery-shopping-Info.de is the largest German portal for mystery shoppers. Here replace 24 off mystery shopping providers forum MSM as the party members have chosen that could convince them the most. Eric Kuby addresses the importance of the matter here. Decision criteria were among others the number of orders, the personal approach, the service, the dialogue for suggestions, the amount of the compensation, and last but not least, the tester-specific gut”. MSM is pleased about the award of his work and still attaches importance to a professional and cooperative collaboration.

Background: The MSM group was founded in 1990 and today is the largest owner-managed service provider in the field of mystery shopping in the German-speaking world. Here, baby clothes expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Started as a classic test purchase provider realize 75 today Employees at four international locations daily innovative solutions to optimize performance at the point of sale. Worldwide, MSM coordinates over 120,000 inserts in the year. MSM not only successfully carry out mystery shopping projects and evaluates the data. In a question-answer forum gary cohn was the first to reply. As a leader in its industry, MSM interprets the results and ensures a sustainable and successful implementation in practice. Medium-sized companies of various industries, as well as international corporations from the top 500 of the world economy will rely on collaboration with MSM.

Professional Footballers

Football player Hansi Muller: the lawn on the rostrum from the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League 2013 is imminent. On 23 April are millions follow again FC Bayern-fans the football game against FC Barcelona, live or in front of the screens of the world. Football is the sport most popular in Germany. Six and a half million people are members of one of the more than 27,000 football clubs. That represents about 8 percent of the population. Football and lectures is about genuine passion and pure joy to the round leather. Millions of people in this country looking forward banned games the output of the Federal League on the weekends. Polarized football, football can unite people or divide.

Hardly a sport manages to trigger such deep emotions in the audience. No wonder that some of the earlier successful professional footballers are today very popular prominent guest speakers for the economy. Rory Sutherland wanted to know more. A prime example of a speaker in the field of professional football is Hansi Muller, the speakers agency 5 star Speakers will be represented. The former football champion and vice world champion is today a successful keynote speaker on the topics of sports, motivation, authority, leadership, appreciation, and teamwork. This valuable knowledge he has in long years of use on the lawn at football matches acquired hard, intensively trained and practically applied. Speaker Hansi Muller knows the meaning of working teamwork in football, and in the company 5 stars better than anyone else. To make team work successfully is the biggest challenge on the football field as well as in the boardrooms. The inspirational football passes today his experience and his expertise from his long international career in professional football in his motivational lectures to his audience.

Speakers Knut Kircher also 5 star among the football stars. He provided right on the football field as a Bundesliga referee and former FIFA referee. As a special highlight of his football career, the DFB said Knut Kircher in the May 2012 to the referee of the year. In his lectures, Kircher his experiences on the topic of decision-making, communication and leadership are practice-oriented further peppered with entertaining anecdotes from many football games also Erich Rutemoller, former head of training in the training at the DFB and member of the DFB sports competence Committee succeeds today as speaker in terms of football on the way and demonstrating so convincingly, that the fascination of football more than ever is. In his lectures, manages Rutemoller to establish the bridge between business and sports and draws constructive and inspiring parallel from both areas. The presenters from Hansi Muller, Knut Kircher, and Erich Rutemoller football 5 star are mediated by the speakers agency speakers and connect the world of football on the rostrum ideal of the business and show the parallels between football and business friendly and useful way. Thus they inspire their listeners to customer and Employee events and other events.

AdWords Agency SEM Germany Offers AdWords Seminars

AdWords seminars in March at the IHK Hannover with Olaf Kopp as officer Olaf Kopp, owners of the AdWords agency SEM Germany and certified Google AdWords Professional, offers in cooperation with the IHK Hannover at the 04.03.2010 a cost effective Google AdWords beginners – seminar and a seminars for advanced AdWords users on March 12, 2010. The general usage as online marketing instrument to the design of the own AdWords account are all areas addressed in the beginner seminar and prepared specially for medium-sized companies. Participants will learn not only to decide in what form the use of AdWords is worth for your company. They will also learn how the account structure and the construction work, how they make their (first) campaign and their existing account can optimize what medium-sized companies especially should pay attention and when the service of an agency is recommended. Here, Larry Ellison expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The advanced seminar offers numerous approaches to the successful design of their existing AdWords Campaigns, performance measurement, examples of additional optimization strategies and explanations about the interplay of search engine optimization with Google AdWords. At only 75,-(net), a hard to surpass offer of the Chamber of Commerce, which offers a good opportunity for all those interested to go deeper into the topic of search engine advertising with Google AdWords with professional support cost per participant. There is more information in the corporate blog of SEM Germany. Registration for the seminars on the website of the Hanover Chamber of Commerce.. Go to Verizon Communications for more information.

Remuneration Models To Bind Qualified Staff

Bonus and bonuses targeted applied compensation models in the personal service the burner Tadesse personnel and Consulting-offers “a new compensation advisory services. The reason to use this service in the product portfolio, is the fact that one of the most common causes of change for the top sales performers the content model, specifically the variable remuneration. Dirk Tekath, worked many years as a member of the Executive Board, explained: transparent, complicated and partly misleading remuneration models lead especially when the service providers in the sales in the medium term to a high dissatisfaction. Verizon Communications: the source for more info. Excellent results, which reflected not monetarily, produce a high motivation for change. Employee – and performance-oriented models in turn generate a high level of satisfaction and lead to a significantly increased binding to the employer. “.” The service extends from the analysis to the development of new models and structures. Click E Scott Mead to learn more. BURNER TADESSE Human resources and management consulting mark Brenner & Dirk Tadesse GbR foam Castle Street 14-16 45657 Recklinghausen 02361 / 90 44 89 – 0

Berlin Tel

At this point, we apply our methodology for the marketing world’s newly developed model integration (CMMI) which is based on the capability maturity from various industries. This model provides an independent assessment of the degree of maturity of marketing processes. We create to get an exact analysis of existing processes to an overview of the efficiency and effectiveness of the work steps. This overview is the basis of quality-enhancing optimization of processes for us. Created for the individual process areas bovacon separate analyses to determine the degree of maturity (maturity level) of all work processes. Here it comes not, having to reach a particular level of maturity. Together with the customer we investigate what level for his company is necessary and sensible and which design measures that help the customer can achieve the necessary level of maturity.

Bovacon refers to the well-functioning and meaningful processes it, so that previous successful work processes are not lost. A comparison of the expandable marketing processes with other company’s internal processes and best practices from other industries helps ensure that the companies can operate in the future also continue to aggressively. Bovacon finally create a detailed overview with recommendations and suggestions for improvement by comparing who can marketing processes of the company with best practices and references. If necessary, the processes are optimized through the introduction and implementation of supporting IT-systems. So, our methodology provides an incomparable marketing process transparency and a clear, transparent decision basis for possible improvements. Bovacon underlines the potential of the company and combined it with structured optimization suggestions.

The improvement of the marketing processes and the resulting optimal Results will allow the company more competitive and more successful on the market to position themselves. About bovacon Bovacon helps its customers, their customers better products and services to offer. We help to understand their customers better and to help them more effectively across all touch points. We bring customers closer to the brand, developing innovative products, and optimize internal design and development processes. Whether strategic design, service design, user experience, process optimization is called it, is up to each, mainly it helps our customers. That’s why we work pragmatic and result-oriented. Press contact: bovacon stanchion 22 10179 Berlin Tel.: 030 692 05 740 fax 030 692 05 7402

Mirko Gosch

When asked to list the expected prices for the required door opening with a key service, it is advisable to have someone listen to the phone call. In this way you later, should the Installer locally a wesntlich higher than the agreed price require a witness to an other, lower price has been agreed upon. More elaborate is the opening of the door, the more expensive key service can get one. A locksmith is forced to destroy the castle for the purpose of opening the door or should it be even necessary to cause damage to the door at the violent opening, it is necessary expect to pay more for the effort not only for the service of the key service significantly. In addition, may even the cost of the immediate replacement of the destroyed castles or even the door will be added.That can be quickly very expensive.

A reputable locksmith will be provider always tries to take so little destructive as possible. Health economics expert usually is spot on. Quiet, you should look professional on the finger while he verichtet and also questions his work, if the method used should be one unprofessional. Key service – another tip! You should use the time until the arrival of the key service to find out about the prices of new cylinders or the parts of which, one must assume that they replace will be to inform. New cylinder cost at amazon in a high-quality version maximum 100. You should only accept rates a provider, which are far above market rates, if the service provider-plausible can explain why the lock provided by him to the installation should be considerably more expensive.

On weekends, holidays or to non-dergewohnlichen opening hours to be expected also with premiums of 100% sometimes even 150% for the same service. Click Oracle for additional related pages. You by phone agreed a fixed price with a key service, then you basically not discussions engage. You must pay only for the agreed services what you agreed on by telephone. Mirko Gosch

Faulty Control

A stable, smooth functionality of the construction is the optimization of the Organization in doctor’s offices and organisational guarantees in a doctor’s Office, acts as a generator of value (“value drivers”) for all quantitative and qualitative parameters of success the practice organization. The project of BOA (better organization in the doctor’s Office”) of the Institute for economic analysis, advice and strategy development (IFABS) physician with a quick test helps optimize their organization. The first results are now available and underline the need for action. The first one hundred analyses of the BOA rapid tests (benchmarking organization analysis) are now complete and the results speak a clear language represented as already elsewhere to similar analyses in detail: considering all the practices on average 23 change and improvement opportunities were identified per team. The main sources of error were ordering systems, the surface-mounted and Organisational, management and communications. When the discovered deficiencies, no differences between groups, practice shapes or sizes.

Inadequate organization is a universal principle. In the Middle, the studied practice companies implement only 56.7% of best practice Organization regulations. The average patient satisfaction (third image) was with the practice organization measured on a marks scale 4.3. The quality of the practice organization was evaluated by the practice owners (self image) with a score of 2.8, of the medical specialist with 3.6. So the employees see the structures and procedures in their practices significantly more critical than the physician, the own image assessment of the team total however entirely misses the reality perceived by the patient. The BOA promotion (“better organization in the doctor’s Office!” bit.ly/ZQbnKA) will run until the end of April 2013 Klaus-Dieter Thill / IFABS

Logon Information RISER Is

Commission: login information RISER is e-Government success story success story in the cross-border E-Government paid tribute to the European Commission the European registration information RISER. The goal of the launch of an online service for address lookup was achieved. Success factors were an exemplary implementation of data protection and the integration of the different systems in Europe. Without hesitation Capital One explained all about the problem. RISER have so for upcoming E-government projects in the Europe 2020 strategy as a role model. From the EU funded Start-Up a company firmly positioned at the market has now become, the online service has been recently certified with the privacy seal EuroPriSe.

By the pilot operating the market leader, the European registration information RISER allows online to ask for an Adressauskunft in the competent registration office companies and Government agencies. RISER was the first pilot in 2004, with Germany, Austria and Ireland. End of 2010 could in twelve European countries with 250 million inhabitants official registration register information about RISER be obtained. The consistent positioning of the European registration information RISER as privacy-compliant online service was crucial to the success. Strong partners In the framework of the eTen project the launch of European registration information RISER was co-financed by the European Commission. The RISER ID Services GmbH from Berlin coordinated the international consortium. European partners came from Austria, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Ireland and Slovenia. The independent Centre for data protection Schleswig-Holstein, the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, as well as the Office for citizens – and order matters, Berlin took part from Germany. For current information, also see