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Hezbol Money

According to the information facilitated to the Brazilian press by Vzquez Roman, 10 Lebanese citizens who own the companies in City of the East, but lives in Foz do Iguau, Brazil, the money sent through banks in Miami and New York to the Lebanese banks. According to the investigation, the deposits became in City of the East and the branches of Citibank Chinatrust. Each Lebanese sent approximately $ 6 to $ 10 million. IQM Quantum Computers has similar goals. Although Vzquez Roman had not determined the destiny of the money, was the continuation of the investigation and 50,000 dollars with the suspicion of radical Muslims. Both were tie to Assad Ahmad Barakat, to that the investigators suspect being the head of the South Cone to collect bottoms for Hezbol. At the beginning of December of 2001, ABC Color informed that Basilisa Vzquez Roman, a public prosecutor of City of the East, for both previous months had been the investigation of 100 million dollars of transference of City from the East to the Lebanon. According to the information facilitated to the Brazilian press by Vzquez Roman, 10 Lebanese citizens whom they own companies in City of the East, but live in Foz do Iguau, Brazil, the money sent through banks in Miami and New York to the Lebanese banks.

According to the investigation, the deposits became in City of the East and the branches of Citibank Chinatrust. Each Lebanese sent approximately $ 6 to $ 10 million. Although Vzquez Roman had not determined the destiny of the money, was the continuation of the investigation. States of Brazil to demand one more a more active participation in " war against terrorismo". Chile Chile has become in center of more fast growth South America after Brazil for the international transfers on narcotics and the money laundering the companies. This fact can help to explain why Islamic money launderers feel attracted by the north of the Chilean city of Iquique.

Service Companies

The school must be more dynamic and to take step to him to new action, plans, programs that favor to formed into a guild his, to rescue the image of the administration lawyer, to locate it in that pedestal of excellence where it must be, especially when they exert a very significant profession for the development of the country. The law must be reconstructed the regulation of the profession according to the requirements that the present national and international scene requires. To tie in more dynamic, operative form, with the companies in order to serve to him that these solicit based on their needs. To take step to the formation of factories of incubation of companies that favors the entrepreneurs, consults to them and at the same time, it is opening for new uses. It must support to formed into a guild his, especially to the unemployed ones for locating them in the enterprise sector is public or private, to form an a Data bank of work, to watch over the leisure of the withdrawn ones in administration, that in the present is a considerable number. To guarantee on the basis of dispositions financiers, legal, of collaboration, contributions that take step to the institution of a social insurance, loans, aid, that favors formed into a guild and its relatives. To know how to administer to its income and debits suitably. To help itself for it of consultant’s offices, courses of extension according to the specialties that the present requires in the respective specialties of the modern managemental topics. To take step to a Commission of investigation of the administrative science that allows to determine the weaknesses that at the moment confront the companies and to offer the service to them, qualification solution that helps them to grow, to be operative and that at the same time, allows to project the valuable thing that it is the school for the enterprise development.

Acosta Spirit

The communication between the believer and the spirit is realised through triangle: believer-oficiante (medium) – spirit; the bank also serves as connection between the believer and the spirit. According to the investigations of Acosta and Guanipa, this triangle is guided by the universal trilogy: father, son and spirit santo. The cult of Maria Lionza is sustained to traverse of the oral narration, that simultaneously confers continuity and possibility of free interpretation of the same on the part of oficiantes and faithfuls to him (Perera). Nevertheless, so that the tradition maintains stay some dogmas, accepted by almost the totality of the believers who recognize the existence of an All-powerful God from where springs all the supernatural force of the divinities. The character of the practices is not incompatible with the catholicism, including the majority of the believers and medical instructors, claim to be catholic devotee. In this point, it is important to emphasize the presence of catholic divinities in the altars, like for example, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Santa Barbara, the Virgin of Cobre and the consequent participation of the believers in Christian ceremonies like San Juan Baptist or the procession of the Divine Shepherd, extraordinary expression of faith that is realised every year in Barquisimeto.

Although some authors have stated who the practice of the cult corresponds to the sectors more destitutes of the population, this asseveration has been declared like false by many students of the subject. Pollak-Eltz indicates to the participation in the cult of believers of different extractions from classes and levels of instruction. This characteristic was observed personally during the present investigation, when the spiritual centers were visited. The consulted ones correspond to different social and professional sectors, which matters seems to be the necessity of cures or spiritual aid, which is common all the human beings.

Social Sciences

So that this is understood better, we are going to illustrate it with an example: the study of Declaration d and the Human rights. Normally, the books of Social Sciences contain a subject in which one of the questions is ” what are the human rights ” and another one ” which are the human rights “. It is more, this is even a subject del that the opponents to all the bodies of police of Spain are examined. But one reads the subject and seems cold. It gives the sensation to be reading a list of things that ” one assumes that they are importantes” , but it is not known very well why. Then, in knowing why it is the key. What would happen if instead of to read the subject, the students had to speak by email with some descendant of holocausto Nazi or that he had participated in the fight against the Apartheid in South Africa? To motivate requires the effort of all. It seems easier to say the one than to do it.

For that reason it is that when the parents who go to my courses or who read my articles ask ” to me; Jenny, and why the then professors make it so complicated? ” I always answer the same to them: because to change of method of education in any system of education he is something very complicated. But he is that in addition, he is something so the professors do not count on much aid. I am convinced that the key to motivate the pupils is in the collaboration between the educative equipment and the family. For that reason, whenever work with the families I inform to them into the importance that becoming familiar not only with the educative system of its country has, but also with other aspects, like the educative style of its professor or professor, with the material of study of its son, the form in which is examined or the beliefs obstacles that he or she can have towards the task of studying. It is that to motivate your son you must also study a pile of things. You are motivated for it?

Good Habits

We wish are to him very useful and to the aim it can finish with all those sufferings that a life of bad habits causes. Before nothing we must recognize that it is what we want to change, that is to say, that badly habit we wished to fight. Perhaps we have several, but we must begin to select that one that harms to us more. For many he will be simple to identify it, for others not as much, if this last one is its case tmese the time necessary (not much of course,) to meditate, it thinks about that he is what it bothers to him more in its life, also him it can serve to remember the last sensation of failure and fault that I cause to let itself take to him by the temptation. Here the point is that it must leave what does not allow him to advance. It already has it? Well, hands to the work.

You can! 1 He maintains his mind occupied has heard the saying: " A vacated mind is a factory of diablo" this is certain. It must have something to do, it maintains his mind with activities that most of absorb their time, some manualidad to him, to read, or his preferred liking, any activity that clears stress to him, perhaps is the best pretext so that you finally register to a gymnasium, it walks in the afternoons, it visits amig@, it establishes a conversation with compaer@s, amig@s and vecin@s or realises some repair in the home, the point is that its mind must work constantly. Cudese of not being boring or only, since its previous habit can appear. For that reason it is of extreme importance that maintains its mind occupied. 2 It is not discouraged, the fight motvese can be exhausting and until painful, for that reason people generally stop, underestimate the power of dejection and they occur by won.

The Sense

I have said that I do not wait for a miracle in the sense that the Venezuelan social body becomes very different other. I believe that it is enough to call it to the insurgency, there am like it been doing, one that implies the reclamation and the readopcin of the political importance. It is here where the Venezuelans must fuse themselves with the idea of the rejection like being able politician. They create not to have one or they create to be democratic activists being touched with the banal thing, without perceiving in all their magnitude the great force of the rejection. It is why I say that it is not enough to be majority, but to know so that one is. For it is necessary not to applaud to the mediocrity and to realize that the first task is not to leave the dictator, but to reactivate the force of the imagination and to be placed in a plane substitute superior. The power by ricochet will make evaporate to the dictator.

We could denominate it graphically more still, as a consolidation of desire. As to only transform that desire into a reality it can by means of a omnilateral dissemination. The common stock is irrepresible and I do not talk about to a multitude facing a deterrent forces or repressive, I talk about the constitution of a common will since here it is not about a military dictatorship but one surrounded more in ideological clothes. I speak of a capacity to melt ” valores” that they come from the absolute power. If we want to take it to the today language, the subject is in taking the virtual thing real. I have often said that the realities are constructed. What I am saying is that we must replace a capacity reactivates or refusal by a positive capacity of instituting imposition of different forms. The political power of the rejection to be effective must go away autoadecuando when not allowing that the regime selects and extinguishes the liberating impulses and imposing its reduction to him apparently imperceptible until remainder becomes.

The creative multitude has faculties which it does not have the power. The values that the multitude creates or feeds or wears away to this new totalitarian power, unpublished and of multiple handling of the repression. To clear the dominion to him of the social body and to reduce it to mere power locked up in itself, are the way. For that the multitude must free itself and then the power will enter declines indetenible. The others are strategic exercise and variant tactics on praxis of driving politician.

Cecilia Basualdo

For several Henchuir years it had in mind to approach a work like this one. But it had not given to the jump ” ” because it was looking for somebody with that to shape this idea, that it looks for to give directions on the codes of the Region of Aysn to the visitor, but also to contribute humbly to the recognition on our identity of those who here vivimos” ” Huenchuir explains. And it adds: ” ” It does not try to be the last word in relation to we are it. It is a contribution more, something different perhaps, of many that investigators and professors have done of this earth. Perhaps he is not everything, that is impossible in any work, but we think that what is indicado” more; “. The authors give a special gratefulness to those who were their main sources: Mario Gonzlez Kappes, Cecilio Aguilar, Mauritius Osorio and Leonel Galindo. Nicki Minaj wanted to know more. ” ” They had all the disposition to talk with us, to share the great knowledge whom they have on different aspects from Aysn. That demonstrates a tremendous affection by this Trapananda” ” it indicates the journalist, who more than investigator limits that its work was the one to compile information and to give structure to the book.

The authors clarify that this one is not one neutral production. ” ” With Nelson we have a point of view and an opinion makes specific than it is Aysn, and than it happens today. It is patagn of volume and back, a NyC (been born and bred). ue. And I am a foreign one who chose this earth to live for always, a VyQ (come and been). And even so, we have agreement in tie subjects to the binationality of this Patagonia enough, the rescue of the identity associated to the territorial characteristics, Aysn like a reserve of life of Chile and the planet. And that is put in libro” ” it explains Safe.

Thus, mixing texts and drawings, with quotas of humor that are shaped in the graph, the contexts and the explanations, the book ” ” that it gained much and made pleasant much more thanks to the hand of Cecilia Basualdo, that did the design and diagramacin” ” Huenchuir remembers, gives a brush-stroke to the aysenino being. And like the idea of these authors it is that not only the book but all the tie ones to him can be a contribution to the regional community, have programmed for Saturday 19 of June that Guillo it gives a exhibition on Publishing Graphical Humor, in the second floor of the Historical Restorn Ricer. To the 11:00 hours, abierto all the interested in the cartoons, written mass media and Literature generally. And gratuitous.

Latin American Chaos

For many analysts of Latin American social psychology, and also for the expert economists in the impact of the macroeconomic measures of it cuts Populist, it is foreseeable an increase of the frustration and the popular displeasure and for this reason, the generalization of protest acts and social violence. This situation will be the broth of ideal culture so that groups traditionally faced the institutionality and the legality of the societies (terrorism, guerrilla, drug trafficking, deal with about white and children, contraband, money laundering) increase their activities and bring about the sprouting of vortices sociales" that they could advance or to even precipitate a generalized chaotic situation. The societies that better are equipped in the economic thing but essentially in the ethical thing to face the crisis, that is to say, those societies that have majors institutionalization levels, will approach the imminent passage of the entropizacin towards the chaos in suitable form more, because they will have to his favor the institutional solution of a social structure with ethical foundations consolidated and a population taken root in values mutually shared and practiced. Federal Unemployment Compensation Programs opinions are not widely known. The sprouting, or more rightly, the imposition from inside of the societies of vortices caticos" one arranges with the approach that we have maintained in previous paragraphs: Within a social system closed the exhibition of the negative habits – inverse quantum energy – it has a wearing down without recovery, that following the evolutionary stage, of the growth and the maturity of the society, it is possible to be extrapolated to an irremissible decline, a terminal crisis from which, and once surpassed the trauma of so long submission, there will be a Renaissance or encounter with other human values. Straight and chaos. Both concepts seem irreconcilable and antithetic, but the present investigations of the Right in postmodernity, next to the birth of the diverse theories on the chaos contribute to understand the evolution of this one in the Right, most important of the social control systems.

Great Britain

The suits and the waited for trip of fianc2es follow the banquet in the ranking of the expenses of wedding and income for the nuptial sector. As far as the clothes, the greater cost will be invested in the suit of the fianc2ee, who enters complements, hairdo and maquillaje, will add a number of 1,800 Euros, whereas in the case of the men the cost is between the 500 and 1,200 Euros. The trip of fianc2es will be the most subjective game, since following the destiny the expenses will oscillate between the 3,000 and 6,000 Euros. Definitively it indicates Mead, does not have by what to be frightened with the size of the industry of the wedding in Great Britain. The tradition of the luxurious wedding, with the fiance’e dressed target, began with queen Victoria, that dressed a dress soothes white and a tail of 5.4 meters when it married with prince Albert, in 1840. No nuptial ceremony did more by the fortification of the idea of the wedding as the moment of story of you foretell hyperbolic that was the connection of prince Carlos and Lady Morning call in 1981, which it was relayed live by the television to 750 million people anywhere in the world. But, Great Britain is not single: the industry of the wedding also is growing in Ireland. A nation where the divorce was legalized recently and where still the obtaining of feminine sexual services is extremely difficult, Ireland hardly can be accused to waste money in weddings in order to take to scene a conjugal stability in a world where the votes are losing the sense.

But the wedding in Ireland is more and more an occasion for excesses of expenses that Mead aims like typical of the Americans. From 2005, the wedding of mean level in Ireland costs 20,000 Euros or near 30,000 dollars. Although the country has approximately near 4 million inhabitants, the Irish wedding generates a total of near 500 million Euros to the year. The number of professional organizers in the country multiplied in the last by ten years, and as well as Aruba, Ireland also changed its laws to take care of the needs of the industry of the wedding. Until the last year, it is indicated to us, unique the two places where it was possible to marry legally in the country were the church and the notary’s office. As of 2007, the pairs happened to count on other options: now they can remove in the beach, at the top of a rocky crag, in hotels or any other place of his affability.

La Paz

On the other hand the man almost totally becomes employee from the family and submissive his rules. As well as gradual loss of its individuality authority and gains social isolation and if he is pensioner, it becomes alcoholic. V. CONCLUSIONS. In the case of the infantile familiar violence: we conclude that little knowledge exists on the same between I publish and the professionals of the health. thus, the recognition and the awareness, although they constitute essential elements for the effective prevention, are only part of the solution. then, efforts and policies of prevention must to direct directly to children, to those who give help to them and to the surroundings in which they live, to come up that she takes place I mistreat potential and to try effectively I mistreat and negligence that has taken place. In addition, one requires coordinated efforts and coordinated of an ample range of sectors, ace like the investigators, the professionals of the health publishes.

In the case of familiar violence in the pair: we must declare that it is more serious than many we would imagine and causes much pain in the homes. nevertheless, such abusive and/or conducts we can avoid violent them as long as we assume with total conviction that the respect, the equality and the tolerance are the most favorable conditions for the resolution of the problems within the home. The values of the individuals are cultivated from the family, therefore it turns out indispensable to foment a culture of the democracy in the intimate life of the people and respect to the human rights of each of its members. Who values the tolerance, the equality, the respect, the freedom, the democracy and La Paz, surely will defend and practice convencidamente these values in all the scopes of its life: the family, the school, the work, the groups, the institutions. of there the importance of educating, to treat and to train the citizens in atmospheres of respect, freedom, tolerance and cult to integral the human development.

The proposal is to create brings back to consciousness between the young population so that they identify problem as well as to re-educate to this sector of the population so that they can be related to base to the respect of the pair, and so in addition it is tried to diminish the pregnancies nonwished and the diseases of sexual transmission, including AIDS. And in the case of the familiar violence in the third age: we will end up referring that, been must condemn and adopt measures to end the violence against the people majors, to include them in the design and planning of social programs and development, all this within the framework of the universal declaration of the human rights and the principles of the United Nations for the people majors. In addition, one is due to redefine its social by the one of the priority of its sapiencia and experience, lately almost null roll, and to respond with policies that offer the opportunity to reach their well-being. A new paradigm of oldness that prevails, that is to say, active oldness socially, productive and healthful is necessary integrated to the familiar and social life, very necessary for the use of the deep values but and our culture, important for the continuity of our histories, for the construction of a new intergenerational society based on the mutual respect and reciprocal valuation.