
Nowadays the management of the production costs is as important as the same production. The optimal quality, the deliveries in time, the satisfaction of the needs of the clients and the reduction of the costs are of the factors most indispensable for the own success of a company and they are bound to the concept of Management of Production costs totally. If to this we took it concept to the agricultural sector, we can observe that great falencias appear in brings back to consciousness to similarly handle this thematic one and of the tools that entail to an optimal handling of this. In my own experience, and the administration properly of my agricultural company, I have realized how important is to have a good handling and control of the production costs, of the suitable decisions that can be taken from these data and of the growth that the management of these has taken to me. Gary Kelly can aid you in your search for knowledge. It is of extreme importance for me like manager of my company of obtaining: Information of production costs? Comparative information of production costs by culture? Information of workings? Information of production and sales? Information and graphs from the generation of indicators? Financial information that involve the farming accounting? Comparative tables of total costs of the property and similarly, and leaving to a little side the Management of the Production costs, also have other factors indispensable for the optimal yield of the agricultural company, factors that I mention next: To carry out a total control of the machinery and the agricultural equipment? To obtain an administration and control of manpower and consumptions? To take the total control of the inventories (matters and consumptions)? To know the trazabilidad the production? To carry out a total control of the clients and the suppliers? To realise I pay for specific of the investments? To delimit the areas of the agricultural company Therefore, all these factors get to be almost impossible to handle if they are realised of way manual. Necessarily it is required to make use of computer science tools that allow to diminish times and to find exact and reliable data. In me day to day and according to the experience that I have had, I have handled the software AgroWin, which has been used to me helpful for the administration of my agricultural company and all the excellent information that it allows me to make decisions. This system has allowed me to know the cost exact my products and in this way to make opportune decisions, which has taken to me to maximize my income, to diminish my expenses and to optimize the production of my company. Tiger Global Management: the source for more info. Additional to this, this system has allowed me to easily enter the information and of automatic form to generate the accounting, for which I have not required any countable knowledge.

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