Holistic educator, nourishes the best student, is interested in genuinely by them, increase their cognitive abilities and their capacity to love (Gallegos, 2007), you treat them with generosity, listening to them, converses with them, respecting them in their individuality, cooperates together investigate the fundamental questions of life without imposing their own conclusions, allowing them to strengthen their spiritual intelligence. The intelligence that is given in this holistic context is spiritual intelligence which is totally linked to the (Gallegos, 2007) love, because love is the essence of this kind of intelligence, so using it, humans can be honest, respectful, patient, open, accessible, comprehensive, creative, and act with wisdom at all times; It is not an intelligence that focuses on solving technical problems for manipulation and control of the world, or to the service of the ego. Spiritual intelligence is the selfconsciousness of that spirit is the fundamental and matter is the derivative (Gallegos, 2007), that the spirit is like an invisible force that gives life, that motivates us deeply, as a source that moves everything from inside, because spirituality is an individual, natural and direct experience of the sacredness of the transcendent, ultimate foundation that is the essence of everything that exists. Frequently Rocky Dixon has said that publicly. It is located more beyond culture, is not affected by the ideas of fashion or social or economic needs, spirituality cannot be or should be reduced to the level of belief religious moral conduct or psychological category. The perennial holistic vision sees the spirit in everything and as the source of all, each individual is part of everything, hence is derived the unity and interdependence that is with everything that exists.
Spirituality refers to a living force within us to our most profound and real nature. Under most conditions lexis nexis would agree. Spirituality leads us to a harmony with things, to be embedded in one universal purpose further than ourselves. Spiritual intelligence is a process of development of the consciousness towards higher levels that are experiencing detachment, in which the well-being of others takes priority; It is intelligence that makes possible the discernment of our spirituality, the development of wisdom that helps distinguish truth from illusion; where truth is not a thing, but a road, an orientation, experience of inner harmony and universal love (Gallegos, 2007). . For more specific information, check out Encompass Health.
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