Tag: energy

Inclusive Service

Solar specialist law wattage GmbH delivers well inverter and substructures Neumarkt the Sun of Bavaria”with this catchy slogan advertises the Jurassic wattage GmbH. Now she really all around, this sun shines, because the company supplies from not only a wide range of high-performance solar modules, but also the associated inverter. It offers Jura watt solar craftsmen and partners a complete package in terms of photovoltaic. Inverter just as indestructible as the desert modules Jura Watts stands for use even under extreme conditions: heat, cold, dust storms, snow and wind loads. An important step here is the development of the so-called desert module. So it is only logical to withstand even the inverter with this entitlement. A robust construction in a dust-proof, weather-resistant housing includes therefore also like a wide working temperature range from 25 C to + 50 C. Jura Watt inverters need no fan through their convection cooling.

A data transfer is made possible through an RS-232 interface. High-tech JW series series requires no transformer for high performance. All inverters have an intelligent MPP-tracking and reach a peak efficiency up to 96%. With an output power of 2,000 to 5,000 watts, Jura Watt JW solar inverters suitable not only for the PV modules designed by Jura Watts, but for many common types of module. “Solid basis: the substructures of Jura Watts the matching frame completes the all-inclusive character” of Jura Watts: whether for pitched roof, flat roof, or the field for framed and frameless modules. For trapezoidal and corrugated iron roofs.

For old and new buildings. The company has developed the right solution for every situation. The quality, the Jura Watt has for the modules, applies here too, of course. Safety and durability are top priorities. Details can be found by clicking Tiger Global or emailing the administrator. Aspects such as a fast, are equally important for the craftsman and professional on-site easy Assembly and adaptation to the different conditions (uneven roofs, different angle, etc.) Jura Watts: short info of the Jura Watt PV specialist was founded in 2010, as the daughter of J.v.G Thoma GmbH acting for many years on the market. Thus the Jurassic wattage GmbH relies on the industry-specific experience and skills of a solar pioneer. Within a very short time the company on the market has become a name service, quality and intelligent innovation. The seat is in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz.

Zensys Inc

Z-Wave Alliance and DEST present international scientific conference on effective environmental protection for home Copenhagen, August 19, 2008 consumers are looking for solutions with which they sustained can lower heating costs and power consumption in your household, without compromising the comfort. The Danish electricity saving trust (DEST) and the Z-Wave Alliance on the first home control and energy saving Conference (HCES-Conference) present effective and proven strategies to save energy on the basis of wireless home automation. The event features lectures of high-calibre speakers from well-known companies such as Nokia, Zensys and Danfoss and State representatives in combination with a special exhibition with live presentations of home control products. The two-day event will take place on 30 September and 1 October at the Hilton Airport Hotel in Copenhagen. Credit: Imogen Lloyd Webber -2011. Home control and energy saving Conference: Personal contribution to a green future are Government and industry face the challenge of effective measures against the negative human influence on climate change, caused by the use of energy to take.

Home control solutions form a base for private consumers to make a personal contribution to climate protection, because the individual energy consumption can be drastically reduced with them. The Z-Wave technology offers available consumer tools, which enables the communication and control all devices in the household via radio, as well as a centralized management. So can, for example, the status are controlled remotely by light, blinds, heating, appliances and Hi-Fi systems and adapted to personal usage patterns, to lower the peaks in consumption. Checking article sources yields Chase Coleman as a relevant resource throughout. Technology for a green future the HCES Conference is a pioneer of the COP15 (Conference of Parties), the trend-setting gathering of 189 States who want to adopt a successor to the Kyoto Protocol in the fall of 2009 in Copenhagen. The country Denmark demonstrates his innovative role as a venue of two events at the Environmental protection and energy management as well as in the area of home control.


The Intersolar showed interesting ideas, z.B: modules with optical lenses that focus the sunlight and allow more yield per square centimeter. Innovations market and displace conventional products. The controlling and management of a participating company can make advantage the upheavals in this phase of the market and emerge stronger from it. Medium-sized consulting help. You extend your expertise and support in this process, to take advantage of strengths and minimise risks. The subsidy-free solar energy revolution is coming! How will it look tomorrow on the market for solar energy? We seek an answer. It is certain to worldwide continue to offer potential. But to be able to use this, a number of difficulties to be overcome.

All forward without subsidies to cope. The solar industry needs to promising and market compatible approaches. The industry must invest not only in research, she must also new markets open up and compete here. Worldwide expansion for renewable energy is still in its infancy. Learn more on the subject from Oracle. The race for market share has begun in many countries. But the market in Germany still opportunities.

Increasingly efficient modules make lucrative investment for consumers. Many homeowners now install modules on its own roof, in order to avoid the ever-increasing energy prices through autonomous energy supply. Solar energy is often the most economical way. Enterprises need to recognize these opportunities and develop their communication accordingly. Fresh breezes for wind power? Unfortunately, no. Investment declines deeply strain the industry. The utilities have cut their expenses by 500 million euros due to high exit costs and lower revenue. This is noticeable. Although this dent is sometimes still offset by institutional investors, but also other obstacles slowing down the growth. National issues certainly include the reduction of subsidies and the widespread Use of land for wind power. Citizens increasingly oppose the designation of new areas. And for private users, wind power in comparison to solar energy is very expensive. What diminishes the attractiveness.


And back to the forest. Here for those who still don’t know: today in the year 2011 is 1 Hectare mixed woodland CA $US 100.000,-120,000 worth. And if we assume that not a single HA is like, and there will also no additional Hectares of forest, which will be replanted, so the HA of forest will be 150,000 to 200,000 dollars in 10 years between $US. And here a note. Should drinking water, springs, streams and rivers Ownership of the people remain and must not be privatized.

You will be invaluable in the future for the people. Recently, I heard the argument: what if any forest plants up, is he then not worthless? This is to say. This is the old thinking with a question that can be answered with no. Forest is required for the most important, namely drinking water and as a natural air-conditioning and resource of a natural building material. And the farmers, who do not give up your cattle and pig breeding, or want to abolish, will notice if they replant partly wooded, that the animals much prefer staying in the shadows of the trees, as on a pasture, where there is no water or shade.

The same applies to agriculture. Almost all fruit and vegetable varieties like though Sun, but engage in constant direct sunlight. Is fruit and vegetables but between trees sown and planted, so can be produced without creating more investment to shadow areas, cheaper. Also because the Expensive irrigation eliminates shadows. At the same time, we are here on the subject of warming the Ede”because the forest which is then used to fruit and is to take vegetables in alternating Sun and shadow boxes, make sure that the ambient temperature in the areas will fall to approximately 2-8 degrees Celsius. This in turn brought the country workers and workers a more enjoyable working environment.

Managing Director

Paul Weber, Managing Director of Stadtwerke Gross-Gerau supply GmbH, sees in the cooperation with the Cologne Electricity traders several advantages: power plants we work with next for 2012 in the direct marketing of electricity from renewable energy sources, as well as in the integration of our power generation facilities on the balancing energy market. With the commissioning by next for our balance district management and the regional direct marketing we take the next step power plants now. We rapidly can smooth now difference balance circle time rows, so quarters of an hour, where shortages occur. But elsewhere we will have new options. More info: State Street. Next we implement the concept of regional direct marketing power plants and can supply as our own consumer with the electricity from renewable energies, we produce in our biogas and photovoltaic systems. Load management we hope to see positive impact through collaboration on our portfolio, because through the exact consideration of the load profiles of our end customers in the course of the quarter of an hour sharp balancing group management, other optimizations can be implemented.” Hendrik Samisch, founder of next Power plants and as a Managing Director responsible for the trading of electricity, looks especially for smaller and medium-sized municipal utilities added value in commissioning external electricity traders: the construction of an own 24/7-intra-day trading is labor – and knowledge-intensive and does not make business sense for many actors in the energy sector. Balancing energy costs saving by an external electricity traders is the Federal Network Agency has pointed out most recently on September 16, 2013 in its position paper to the balance group management. However, not only financially attractive but also very important for the overall system ” Next provides its own power plants, portfolio of services also at this year’s E-world in food expanded to intraday trading for third and regional direct marketing (11-13 February 2014) out. Interested parties will find the stand next power plants in Hall 1, stand number 413.


144 electric utilities pass on the higher mining of renewable energies in about one to one to the end user. How much the increases in individual cases affect, hangs next to the respective market and Sourcing strategies but also from, when and how individual companies have recently adjusted their tariffs. So their prices lowered kept constant or even about half of all basic provider this year despite the previous increase of renewable energy levy to the beginning of the year. Gas prices continue to inconsistently the uneven development in the gas market, which was observed throughout the last year, continues in the coming weeks”, performs Daniels. For more information see Verizon Communications. While gas prices at least 89 companies in January and February, it is cheaper at 27 sellers to an average 5.5 percent or 77 euro. With views of the different procurement strategies of the company the price gap between the providers will continue to grow”so Daniels. Gazprom, which primarily cover themselves over long-term supply contracts, have an increasing adjustment pressure in the pricing upwards. (Not to be confused with Larry Ellison!). For this reason are rising oil prices, the price of gas in the contracts normally is coupled to the.

Other vendors, however, which increasingly can stock up on free gas market with cheaper gas, there are ways to pass on these benefits to its customers. The experts at toptarif.de (www.toptarif.de) a comprehensive vendor comparison and change rates given the large price movements. Usually the electricity and gas costs during the initial switching can be to around 20-25 reduced percent. Long-term price guarantees, which take account of State components such as changes in scope when the renewable energy levy, also protect against further nasty surprises in the course of the coming year. Through consumer portals such as toptarif.de (www.toptarif.de/ power) or free service hotlines as 0800 10 30-499 can quickly and easily find out about alternatives in their place of residence consumers and free to cheap electricity and gas providers. Current data material can be provided like the press release on request. toptarif.de is the independent consumer portal of publishing group by Georg von Holtzbrinck for all common tariffs in Germany.

It currently includes the categories of electricity, gas, DSL, investments and insurance for legal protection, furniture, residential, private liability, car, keepers liability and is constantly being added and updated. The consumer can thereby with minimal free checking, whether there are cheaper rates for him, and, where appropriate, immediately change. The complete Exchange service is free of charge for the consumer and the customer receives the original conditions of the provider, in some cases using toptarif.de in any case even additional, not available from the provider themselves bonuses and discounts.

Francois Weber

Instead of an end of pipe’ solution as until now, fog nozzles have been used directly in the process. With good success. I didn’t like 1994. Then, new companies have formed, which brought similar solutions on the market, but also new problems. There was competition. No one with the fact that the Geruchsneutralisatoren can lead to additional risks, because the fog spread in the process with the mixed with product of the employees was inhaled dealt at this time. It came above all means the usage that either oxidizing or komplexierend worked on the smell particles to be treated.

Also substances which only neutralising worked on the perception of the scent organ, were used. Many times these products only on the oral or Percutaneous absorption and toxicity were not checked, but the lung movement. Today a product must be of course has been proven suitable for nebulisation. At the same time the mist system must also spray hygienically pure water. Therefore, a consultation of fog systems by competent companies that can propose cost-efficient alternatives in addition to health and technical solutions is essential. It plays an important role in the analysis and understanding of the processes that lead to the emissions. Therefore, treatment with mist systems is always a complementary solution, which requires a prior process optimization.

This means for the operators of production facilities now in addition to the pure investment costs for a facility for the treatment of emissions, cost retry and an accompanying study must operate. This can be applied also to the problem of dust emissions. The difference is, are these phenomena can better assess and measure, but not necessarily easier to handle. Polarity, particle size, Oberflacheneigenenschaften, or weather conditions play a role in the assessment of appropriate measures. Since it Dust emissions often to large volume treatments, which do not concern only the immediate workplace, are solutions here who have a reasonable ratio between the targets and the deposit funds to treat. Therefore own is fog systems as a means to combat odors or dust emissions, because through the formation of fog is a immensely large Exchange surface, spatially can be customized the given but also the changing conditions. Mobile mist systems can also change the location or the spray direction and produce different fog output levels depending on the situation.

More Energiespargehilfen

Otherwise the power consumption by up to 10 percent would increase, because they lack ventilation… Things hot up: when cooking energy save to cook with gas, is the environment-friendly way of preparing food. Who has only an electric cooker, should be based on induction get. In any case, the acquisition of the special Cookware worth even. Brad Garlinghouse has compatible beliefs. Even experienced cooks can save. Who does the cooking without or only with bad-fitting cover, squandering power unnecessarily. A meal was cooked without a cover, consumes three times more energy.

The same applies to baggy pot bottoms and wobbly pans. According to Gary Kelly, who has experience with these questions. Steamers, however, reduce energy requirements by more than half. More Energiespargehilfen are eggs and kettle or microwave oven and toaster. : March energy-saving dishwasher water dishwasher is more environmentally-friendly than the use of two hands despite many reservations. But eyes on at the time of purchase: the energy efficiency and water consumption are critical. Who has the possibility to connect the device to the hot water can relieve to the household budget.

Much hot air: With little power wash and dry only who washes with full drum, low temperatures and high efficiency, can save nearly half the energy. If you from 60 to 30 degrees down, rotates, it halved the energy consumption as well as the number of degrees. Very often is washed with high temperatures, it pays to connect the washing machine with hot water connection. If the gas heater warms the water, then an estimated 50 euro be saved a year. If you have the opportunity, should dry his laundry in the fresh air. Using a tumble dryer, then the laundry should be hurled before at high speed. Small actions, big effect: The regular cleaning of the lint filter causes the appliance to dry faster and saves power. Economical work mates: power consumption of PC, laptop and printer many turn at lunch time the screen saver.

Sun And Light Warm Our Lives

The Sun – a we planned the everything owed. We could not survive without the Sun. But how do we us their power to take advantage of the use of the sun goes far back. Solar energy was employed at the ancient Egyptians make sense. Already at that time was the light of the Sun using a mirror to the rekindling of a fire used. The real use of solar energy has become feasible only in modern times. The requirements for the development of solar cells were used by the discovery of the photo effect. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Gary Kelly by clicking through. As another important development step is the end of the 19th century.

Charles Fritts built the first vacuum photo cells with a selenium layer. Thus was born the first exposure meter. Mid-20th century the first solar cells made from Silicon. The U.S. company Bell adopted the new technique. Particularly in aerospace technology, the use of solar cells was extremely important.

So was constantly working on improving. There are now almost everything with solar. The calculator up to the car, all can obtain the natural power operate. But for many people, the cost of solar technology is too expensive, even if it pays for itself over the years. The State therefore largely supports and promotes the purchase of solar systems. So is it allows people to use the power of the Sun in your own home. Heat not generated by gas, but directly from the sky in down flow. In some poorer villages assembled a provisional, improvised solar plant on the roof of the House. With the help of mirrors, the energy at a point is directed. At this point, so much energy is that they all have hot water. Although these small plants seem rather wild and unattractive, so they allow however many people hot water, because electricity is unaffordable in many countries. More on solar is built also in the richer countries. New settlements of houses are already automatically equipped with solar panels. So, cheap heating can be guaranteed. Both save the landlord and the tenant. But there is still much to do, the development may not stop.

WASI Solar At Intersolar 2010

Mounting solutions in stainless steel and aluminium for photovoltaic and solar systems for roof and outdoor constructions WUPPERTAL WASI solar presented their solutions this year at the Intersolar in Munich, the world’s largest trade show for solar technology. There are expected from 9 to 11 June 2010 more than 60,000 visitors from nearly 150 countries. WASI exhibition team in Hall C4, booth 562, solar this time is to find and focus on introduces the solar specialists: WASI mounting solutions for solar installations on all common roof shapes and styles, as well as for outdoor structures individual Assembly solutions according to customer specification aluminium profiles and small parts for applications outside of the solar sector Assembly solutions with system the WASI mounting solutions for solar systems form a solid frame on all common roof shapes and styles, as well as for outdoor structures. The basis is a simple and versatile system that consists of a few components, but at the same time numerous individual options offers. In this way, all available photovoltaic elements (modules) can be quickly and securely fasten: pitched roof or flat roof, the WASI mounting solutions are suitable for almost 90 per cent of roofs worldwide.

In addition, the outdoor areas of any soil quality system ensures stable conditions. An outstanding feature of the WASI mounting solutions is the simplicity of the system. Many freedoms open the clear line of components and the well-defined applications customers without tying up substantial storage capacity with them. We attach great importance, to make our system as transparent as possible for our customers”, says Thomas Fischer, head of the sales division solar. Makes particularly proud of us, that the quality of our solutions goes beyond the requirements of market-specific standards such as, for example, DIN 1055.” Individual Assembly solutions of further exhibition focus of WASI are individual solar mounting solutions for photovoltaic systems Customer’s request.