Archive: January 2024


Cologne vs Dusseldorf, the city duel on the Middle Rhine, or perhaps the oldest cities-SOAP in Germany. Book a city trip to Cologne vs Dusseldorf and vote. Cologne vs Dusseldorf, the city duel on the Middle Rhine, or perhaps the oldest cities-SOAP in Germany. Book a city trip to Cologne vs Dusseldorf and vote. As with the beauty contest. Cologne or Dusseldorf? You decide. “” “” “At the end of every vote Basel counts, October 14, 2009 – city trip to Kolsch”vs old”, dead trousers” vs BAP “and old town”vs old town”. In Cologne and Dusseldorf there are compare much.

Welcome to the highly serious and topical spar with!-city comparison. As a guest, you have a clear and important mission: compare both cities through its paces. You will find the hard and solid facts, shop criss -cross, Ko high, down high street, flushing a comparatively Serving sky un ad”Kolsch and old, what’s better? Climb the Cathedral high and Whiz the Rheinturm (please in the elevator!) back down! What Vista was better? At check-out you vote, with correct ballots, with proper ballot box. “The city comparison travel can either as a pure city weekend only in Cologne and Dusseldorf are booked, or however you book at the same time both cities” and spend a night each in Dusseldorf or Cologne. Of course, same start conditions and complete neutrality (at least at the beginning) are essential. Therefore, two almost identical 4 stars were selected in Cologne and Dusseldorf houses of the Spanish hotel chain of NH Hoteles. No matter which combination you choose, in the end, your vote counts, end of 2010 all valid votes are compared with abstentions are not allowed! The spar with! Price from 111 euro is very neutral and conciliatory failed, the number 11 is very popular detailed in two cities Information about the Cologne/Dusseldorf city comparison travel, see…

KolnVSDusseldorf contact: spar with! Travel management online marketing mats str. Stefan Wiegand 24 CH-4058 Basel phone: + 41 (0) 61 685 25 43 email: with of savings! Travel: Spar with! Travel is car directly tour no. 1 in German-speaking countries. Destinations are Czech Republic, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Croatia, Greece, Slovenia, Hungary, the Switzerland, Austria, and of course Germany. Since its inception, 2001 each year doubled. 141.290 guests 2008, 200,000 bookings for 2009 are expected. With a proportion of regular customers by 30 percent and a complaint rate of 0.3 rather than the industry-standard 2 3 per cent belong to spar with! Travel with headquarters in Basel to the 20 largest rice operators in the German market.

Make Money Easy

Since a long time I have been winning money online, am still able to go back in time and see me myself when I received the first check from a company doing business on the internet. I remember clearly my joy, my happiness, and other sensations that adorned the moment. At that time it wasn’t very experienced and the amount I received was a pittance compared to what I do now, but made me happy. It is true, it wasn’t a lot, it was a pittance so to speak, but gave me joy and the necessary strength to continue trying to do every day more and more money on the internet. He finally got it, but that was not enough for my. I needed more, and no doubt he was going to get, after all already knew the key to take action. Those words reminded them day to day, if I take action now tomorrow will be much more happy than I am today.

I understood that anyone could make money on the internet if it is that he took action. I am sure that not only I know these two magic words take action, I clearly know that any person who has had success in life is because he knows those two magic words. One does not money for a dream, the money is beginning to do in the moment that you take action, in the moment in which you give life to that dream. If your dream requires you to take certain risks, then tomalos, but don’t let tomorrow for what you can do today. Take action now, that’s the key. Now that you know my secret and probably understood perfectly what I mean, I would like to explain a simple way to take action and start making money almost immediately. I am sure that they will find success doing what I tell you, taking action, and being persistent.