Archive: November 2014

National Welfare Index (NWI) + Gross Domestic Product (GDP). (73)

About a car crash contributes to prosperity, housework but not? The State cameralistic system as well as the double-entry bookkeeping of economic neglect that soft facts of ecology and economy. Accounted for are only the hard facts! Thus is created a false description in numbers of international economics economies. These wrong analytical figures is then incorporated into a synthetic model: GDP gross domestic product. Whose numbers reach the accuracy of reasonably competent estimates. The only figures in the economics of Economics-economic theory (mind science) are therefore the statistics of the past (numbers cemeteries for the projection). Now finally is a promising useful new concept! Disambiguation: The cameralistic system (lat. princely treasure chest”) or Kameralbuchhaltung, is an accounting method (type + way) that is used exclusively in the public sector.

The Cameralism is a German variant of mercantilism, the ruling Economic policy in the age of absolutism (16th-18th century), known. The primary objective of Cameralism was the reconstruction of the country devastated by the thirty years war (1618-1648). With the cameralistic system, you wanted to influence the economy through government actions to that would increased the prosperity of a nation. She found their grounding in the theoretical conception of Cameralism (State Economics). The cameralistic accounting was…in 1762 for the first time in writing set forth. Since the 1970s the cameralistic system in different European countries at the State and local level by a single double Haushaltssteuerungs and accounting is the accounting in the private sector and international standards in the reform of the neoliberal administration of new public management, (international public sector accounting standards, IPSAS) is based, more and more displaced. The scheduled, continuous, temporal and factual ordered recording made in numerical form of all known accounting Business processes in an enterprise on the basis of documents. It is the numerical reflection of a company and important source of information for the entrepreneur and also serves to meet the legally fixed information from authorities.

Reduction Of The Founding Grant Comes Earlier Than Planned!

As founder now quickly take advantage of their subsidy to Gorlitz, 01 June 2011 (jk) – the cuts planned by the Federal Government in the founding grant already into force on November 1, 2011. And therefore 5 months earlier than previously planned. The haste with which this reduction to be implemented now shows that officials hope for big savings. What does this mean for unemployed people who want to become self-employed? Up to 31.10.2011 can still the requests to the current”conditions be submitted: a. 9 months x ALG I + 300,-b. 6 months x 300,-payment presupposes that there is still an ALG I claim of at least 90 days.

From the 1.11.2011 only requests to the new terms and conditions may be submitted: a. 6 months x ALG I + 300,-b. 9 months x 300,-requires the payment, that still an ALG I claim at least 120 days (= 6 months) consists. People who are now unemployed and entitled an ALG-I-12 months, reach even the date 31 Oct 2011. Who is but only make the 15.11.2011 independently want or can, which no longer has usually to the 15.11.2011 the new minimum entitlement 6 months or 120 days ALG I claim! Everyone who is now unemployed must be grounded until the 31 of Oct 2011, otherwise he can apply for a Foundation grant. The Foundation grant will 1.11.2011 can performance. Connected with the expectation that can to be saved from right here, it must be assumed that the employment agencies will closely examine the business plans to be submitted with the application required. This means that for unprofessional or highly standardised business plans. Usually, the gang will be indispensable to the consultant. It is so worth to make independently before the key date! As the business plan for the submission must already exist founder during the creation must take into account a time delay! Contact with qualified consultants can be requested free of charge to the example on gruendungszuschuss.html.

With Web Optimization To Online Success

Not immediately perceive the activities of a visitor to a Web site, but they can still be observed. Web optimization is an important aspect for any company there are in any way online presents. Because as a business locally or a real advertising campaign the impression on the customers is digital important and one can gain much as well as large-scale lose, all depending on, how much one takes advantage of the possibilities of the medium and focuses on an optimal presentation of your own. There are a variety of methods, you can apply either by himself or makes you run by professionals for themselves, also digital companies to make a good character, good to stand and getting around especially in the customer. An important aspect is related to search engine optimization, because visitors in the vastness of the network must first one of course somehow become aware of and be lured down to one’s own side. Still everything must be also on the own side itself.

The usability must as usability technically how content constantly optimized for the user on the own side feel too and there as planned behave, which is there is enough, look around and might click something or buy. On a landing page, for example, visitors can be redirected specifically to land after clicking on a page it optimized, compact. There a particular product will intensively and without long detours presents the most important and allows all important actions. With a landing page optimization can cut this page even better to the needs of users and ideal for promotional purposes. To do this you need to find out what signals the users positively respond and what extended the stay on the landing page or favors to perform desired actions there. he-winners-283175971.html’>Shlomo Kalish by clicking through. An in-depth check of the landing page can help you to make a profitable optimization on this welcome page. So, there are very individual methods, business online to get a good name. Andreas Mettler Partnert With Channel Manager

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Partnership with YieldPlanet to its distribution channel even more hotels can provide. This allows these hotels to reach our fast-growing, global customer base and gives our customers a greater selection of hotels also.” Mr Tomasz Romaniuk, General Manager of GTH solutions, added: “I am pleased to announce that and GTH solutions enter a partnership which has the target our market presence and exposure not only in Central Europe, but throughout the European continent and beyond, to strengthen. We are confident that the cooperation will open up our two companies new business opportunities with Agoda and enable dynamic growth and development.” For further information about, please visit. Interested hotels can quickly and easily at using our express connect’ register, which will be reached at the following Internet address: for further information about please send an email to.

About Agoda Company Pte Ltd: Agoda Company Pte Ltd ( is a leading, Asia-based online hotel reservation service, which specializes in offering the best hotel prices. is part of (NASDAQ: PCLN). The Agoda’s network includes more than 135,000 hotels worldwide. The staff of over 600 professionals all over the world guarantee a first-rate reservation service, which combines local knowledge and local connections in a unique way, to provide the best hotel offers both business and leisure travellers. In addition, the Agoda customers participate on the Agoda rewards program and earn additional discounts and free stays. Not equal to other programs that integrate travelers on a single chain, allows the customer the Agoda-rewards program at any time at thousands of hotels all over the world to redeem reward points. As a member of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) it Agodas goal is to promote travel by It will be made easier and more accessible to more people. About YieldPlanet: YieldPlanet is the property of GTH solutions (global travel and hotel solutions). The company operates in most European countries and has created a product package that allows hotels to send prices and Zimmervefugbarkeit without having to upgrade their extranets for individually to its marketing partners. Our product are also hotels that operate only a simple Web page, the ability to sell rooms and also to improve their Web site through the use of our reservation software. The company has a total of 20 experience in the hospitality industry and software industry by their founder and is one of the world’s fastest-growing, focused on guest industrial technology companies. Our founders have worked for more than 13 years with hotels in the area of making a reservation over the Internet.

Collaboration In The Cloud – How Companies Are Flexible

Free way to test for Office 365 cloud computing is all the rage for some time and revolutionized piece by piece the business processes of the company. There were only individual attendance or with calculation programs, online was accessed, at the beginning of many common business applications in the cloud are so”. Also the widely used Office programs by Microsoft are now as the cloud version under the name Microsoft Office 365 “on the market. Benefits provided, for enterprises especially in the more flexible collaboration between employees with customers and suppliers. Cloud programs Smartphone etc. can be accessed from anywhere, and with almost any device whether PC, laptop. Emails are from documents answered on the road, edited together with colleagues from various locations, Conference calls can be connected with customers promptly and flexibly.

The selection of cloud offerings should be individually tailored to the business processes of a company and professional in the IT structure be integrated”, as Michael Hollmann, Managing Director of the Bremen Hollmann IT. IT consulting firm then can employees with little training time immediately productive in the cloud work and save much time through improved workflow.” Other financial advantages find companies in the user-based billing models of the provider as well as cost savings in hardware, because for these programs not an own server space must be provided. Businesses interested in, but still skeptical, there is the possibility to test the online Office programs from Microsoft, to find out whether a Cloudlosung in internal business processes fit free for 30 days. They see test_office365.html a test access to Office 365.

Repair Of Mobile – Water Damage

Mobile – professional water damage repaired. Once a cell phone water damage who, knows the problem: If the device is broken, many data stored on it are no longer accessible. Phone numbers, addresses, or music, all this may be just off photos and videos for damage caused by water. The company specialises in cheap and quick to repair water damage to cell phones. If the device comes from Apple, LG, HTC, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson or another manufacturer, does not matter at all. All models are repaired with special resources and tools, so that the components are not damaged. Different reasons for a cell phone water damage a cell phone can have water damage very different causes. If the device is in the water, the damage is often relatively low, if it ends up in drinking water in the bathtub.

Should the phone, however, have fallen in salt water, major damage can arise in a short time there Salt water is very aggressive. Such repairs take a little longer then. In contrast to it may cause also a so-called liquid damage. This happens when liquids or drinks in the mobile access, for example, when someone has accidentally tipped over a glass or a cup and was the phone right next to it. Differently than with a normal water damage are attacked not only the various components, it can here also to mechanical problems, if about the buttons stick and can not more reasonably be used. It can be finally also a moisture damage. With high humidity, it may be that moisture in the device itself condensed and attack on this way the components inside. Just then, if you had the phone in your pocket or in a jacket and you sweat or gets wet due to rain, such moisture damage can occur.

No matter what problem it is, HDSH Heuer is helped in cell phone owners. The company offers in addition to the cell phone repair water damage also the replacement of components, which are no longer to repair. Should the phone be defective or damaged to some extent, this is bought directly in many cases. Before the service, customers receive a cost estimate, as well as a photo of the device, which can be important for the insurance of course. Individual steps of repair which allows the repair process after roughly the following steps refers. The individual functions are tested after receipt of the phone, before it is broken down into individual parts. In this way, you can edit all components and water damage repaired. After disassembly, all components can be treated with special substances and devices. So, it may be necessary for example to insert some components in a fluid enriched with chemical agents. Then, the respective parts are dried again; of course, this is done with great care. Finally, the respective components are tested then once individually before they are reassembled. In the event that certain components can no longer be repaired, these can be replaced of course functional components. There are both new and already used parts on sale. Subsequently, the mobile is then packed and sent to the customer. Overall, such repair may take up to five business days after damage caused by water. Of course, not every mobile phone can be repaired again. Sometimes, certain components are just too damaged. Still worth a visit to in any case, if your own phone water damage suffered was drawn through a mobile phone. HDSH Heuer – M. Zeiler – info(at)

Web Mediation

Justo J. Santos explains success of EFS euro financial service mediation AG (EFS-AG) Wals bei Salzburg January 2012. The EFS AG is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and is committed to its high standards of quality. According to estimates by Justo J. Santos, Manager of the EFS euro financial service mediation AG (EFS-AG), strict customer orientation, distribution partners, as well as the systematic qualification of the intermediary for the company to pay off. At the turn of the year, the EFS AG can look back on an extremely successful business development. The current figures speak in a clear language: in Austria, currently more than 1,300 sales partner advised more than 80,000 customers in the individual financial planning.

Since founding the EFS AG 2002, the EFS AG gave total 175,000 contracts to private households to its 35 locations. Officer Justo J. Santos pulls a similarly positive conclusion from the fledgling company history the EFS euro financial service mediation AG (EFS AG): today we proudly look on our “10-year success story back and looking forward, actively to shape the financial services in the future and to shape.” The success of the EFS AG has several crucial reasons experience by Justo J. Santos. “Crucial especially strong demand was to the EFS AG for independent advice, with their concepts of consultancy 100 percent” fairly, explains the financial professional. And this philosophy the EFS AG will hold also, like Santos makes it clear: no banks and no insurance can and will influence in the choice of product for our customers us, because no company holds a stake in the EFS AG. “And that’s a good thing.” Sales partners represents the second success factor according to Justo J. Santos.

Our distributors are those who daily close to the people and their needs. You are the pulse of the market.” “Santos compares with a speed boat” the EFS AG, which is fast and agile “can adjust to current market developments and benefit from the All direct customers. The EFS AG, but also the factors of training and skills traditionally play an important role, because present and future are the top trained financial consultants”, is the EFS Manager sure. The corporate executives Academy, as well as the compulsory examinations for commercial insurance agents and financial advisers make a decisive contribution for this purpose according to Santos now and certainly in the future. Refer to for more information about the consulting philosophy of EFS euro financial service mediation AG (EFS-AG). About EFS euro financial service mediation AG (EFS-AG), the EFS euro financial service mediation AG is a licensed investment firm with more than 40 years of experience in management. The EFS euro financial service mediation AG company was founded 1996 in Mainz. Founded Senator Otto wittschier (2008) the EFS euro financial service mediation AG Austria in April 2002 and thus started the expansion on the European Market. EFS euro financial service mediation AG continued its successful expansion with the opening of subsidiaries in Poland and Hungary in the years 2004 and 2010. In cooperation with well-known product partners, EFS euro financial service mediation AG offers a high-performance, future-oriented and sustainable all financial advisory services.

Interpersonal Intelligence

Daniel Goleman (1995), in its book, mapeia Emotional Intelligence in five areas of abilities: 1. Emotional self-knowledge – to recognize a feeling while it occurs. 2. Emotional control – ability to deal with its proper feelings, adjusting them for the situation. 3. Auto-Motivation – to direct emotions the service of an objective is essential to always remain itself walking in search.

4. Recognition of emotions in other people. 5. Ability in interpersonal relationships. The Self-knowledge is an Interpersonal Intelligence that is the ability to understand other people: it motivates what them, as they work, as to work cooperatively with them. Recognition of emotions in other people and ability in interpersonal relationships is a Intra-Staff Intelligence that is the same ability, only that come back toward itself exactly.

It is the capacity to form a true model and necessary of itself exactly and to use it of form it accomplishes and constructive. Full intelligence demands balancing.

Learn English Grammar

English grammar is usually not considered to be something very much complicated. On the contrary, there is a well-known expression about the English that the language is remarkable in that the need to know a little, and you can tell a lot. However, how many conversations around She, like many problems arise in order to learn it, not to mention how to use it for life. How important is it to know grammar? We can talk about it as you like, everyone can express their opinions, and even that opinions can be completely opposite, it turns everyone is absolutely right. "How can this be?" – You ask. Maybe.

After all, the dispute may be different views on what such a grammar. Usually, the grammar represent as a collection of rules according to which must be arranged in writing and speaking. And write down all these rules are not very thick or textbooks and reference books. What is difficult to remember all these instructions? Bison are we in childhood poems by heart, and paragraphs for the lessons of history or biology However, the bison and the grammar sometimes. If you look at the percentage of successful tests of theoretical writings on the same English, one might think that our countrymen are not so bad situation with the knowledge of the language! But look at our travel abroad, the staff organizations which foreigners as clients or partners, for people on the street in major cities – if they can simply talk with another person in English? Not always.

The World

They could bring a friend or partner to take advantage of this heading. However, visit a spa spa only will have the same benefits, and many people enjoy to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city crowds to the silent and quiet atmosphere of a spa resort. Spa treatments usually take a few hours of which then only want to lie down, relax, read a book or take a NAP. You won’t have to get into your car and driving home, and for this reason, the spas of spa are highly recommended for the full benefit of the treatment.You will find a variety of treatments, accommodations, and meals in the spas of spa. All in a spa and spa is designed and combined to give you the best results possible for your treatment, so that you can go at the end of your visit feel rejuvenated, relaxed, and ready to face the much as well make plans for your next visit. Many locations around the world provide natural resources for its geographic location benefits. These locations have natural resources such as baths with mud, spring water, and/or the perfect climate to offer spa treatments for those who suffer from a variety of disorders such as arthritis, joint and muscle pain, and much more.

The destinations spa destination spas, contrary to the spa for a day or spa resorts, or resort spas are very specific in treatments that offer depending on their facilities or location, for example, a spa destination that is located in a facility’s bathrooms natural mud rich with minerals that help to cure arthritis and/or spring water thermal baths. These types of spa are found around the world, some in natural form and other artificial facts, but offering the same benefits. The majority of people who visit the spa at destination usually do for a couple of weeks at a time to achieve full benefit of treatment.