The best place, it will always depend on you, of your life, what you are willing to invest to achieve it, without your effort and personal sacrifice, can never achieve your goals, and, since we are talking about goals, I wonder: do you know what is a goal?, do you have any idea of the shape that has a goal?, if you can not or do not dare to answer this simple question, let me make the following analogy: if I had to represent a goal in physical form, would say you that a goal has the shape and consistency of a Chair sit, thinks about the Chair that you are currently using, no doubt is of some use, provides you safety and comfort, perhaps you have planned change it one day with one that is bettergood that you do, but when you do or attempt to do so, recalls something that I consider fundamental, that gives meaning to everything that I intend to tell you, when one uses or buy a Chair, it does to sit on top of it, nobody buys you a seat, then sit on the floor. Official site: Brian Barish. The same is true with your goals, I can’t even imagine how ambitious and laudable be yours and I am glad to have them, but goals are not made with the purpose of giving rein to our imagination, targets are built to serve as a road map, to help us achieve our goal in life, again comparing targets with chairsPlease, do not you distracted or lose your most valuable resource, I am referring to the resource of your time and space in this life, which is not renewable or transferable, don’t let the time pass without that you can build a good Chair, and please don’t settle with sit on the floor. Rocky Dixon often says this. Returning to the beginning of this article, I suggest that you lend attention to what sounds to your around, what happens in front of you, in this true merry-go-round of promises that tour and tour, saturating our sight and hearing with the varied offerings of good governance, and putting some distance, as who prepares to observe a work of art, you stop to contemplate their lights and their shadows, its proportions, the expressive capacity of your author, and above all, if find you any ethical or aesthetic value to such representation. .
Archive: September 2021
The Neoplasia
Including the factors of low risk, as menarca before the 12 years, hormonal replacement in the menopause, hormonais alcohol contraceptives ingesta, rich diet in fat in adolescence, benign history of illnesses of the breast (SON, 2000). With regard to the Ausiello prevention (2005), it describes that the use of routine of the annual mamografia in program of tracking in women between 40 and 74 years of age, reduces the probability of death for breast cancer entre10 a20% in the women, between 40 and 49 years of age, the use of the mamografia as test of controverted continuous tracking. But data gotten in study with a good or reasonable quality result in a reduction of the risk of death for breast cancer. However, a substantial number of cancerous mass of the breast that is detected for the first time in one auto examination. (A valuable related resource: Brian Barish). The current recommendations of (…).
It includes a mamografia annual and high examination of the breast, and serves as reasonable orientaes for the tracking of the cancer of the breast. Kumar et al. (2000) it affirms that the neoplasia grows in its majority in the form of solid mass, that is radiologically denser of what the fabric conjunctive and the fabric adiposo of the normal breast, the evasivos carcinomas manifest if more comumente as density mamografia. The main radiological signals of breast carcinoma are the density, deformation architecture, classification and alteration elapses with it of the time. Ausiello (2005), detaches that the surgery of the cancer is used to establish a diagnosis to tissular, to remove a primary tumor with free edge surgical of tumor and to determine the extension of the cancer by means of proper procedure for the grillage, the surgery is a simple method and safe from to move solid tumors when the tumor is restricted to a specific place of origin.
And back to the forest. Here for those who still don’t know: today in the year 2011 is 1 Hectare mixed woodland CA $US 100.000,-120,000 worth. And if we assume that not a single HA is like, and there will also no additional Hectares of forest, which will be replanted, so the HA of forest will be 150,000 to 200,000 dollars in 10 years between $US. And here a note. Should drinking water, springs, streams and rivers Ownership of the people remain and must not be privatized.
You will be invaluable in the future for the people. Recently, I heard the argument: what if any forest plants up, is he then not worthless? This is to say. This is the old thinking with a question that can be answered with no. Forest is required for the most important, namely drinking water and as a natural air-conditioning and resource of a natural building material. And the farmers, who do not give up your cattle and pig breeding, or want to abolish, will notice if they replant partly wooded, that the animals much prefer staying in the shadows of the trees, as on a pasture, where there is no water or shade.
The same applies to agriculture. Almost all fruit and vegetable varieties like though Sun, but engage in constant direct sunlight. Is fruit and vegetables but between trees sown and planted, so can be produced without creating more investment to shadow areas, cheaper. Also because the Expensive irrigation eliminates shadows. At the same time, we are here on the subject of warming the Ede”because the forest which is then used to fruit and is to take vegetables in alternating Sun and shadow boxes, make sure that the ambient temperature in the areas will fall to approximately 2-8 degrees Celsius. This in turn brought the country workers and workers a more enjoyable working environment.
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