Tag: vocational

European Parliament

Three and half years ago, the European Parliament and the Council adopted a directive that requires a certain group of professional drivers to make an initial qualification course prior to obtaining a driver’s license, and other regular courses to ensure their knowledge to volante.En ROYAL DECREE 1032/2007, of July 20 has been passed to regulate the initial qualification and periodic training of drivers of certain vehicles to be transported by carretera.Por other hand states that drivers who obtained certificate of professional training for the exercise of the occupation of transport, are partially exempt from attending the course and examinations required for qualification inicial.

A turn the new transportation authorization legislation, which has recently entered into force, has brought significant changes as the possibility of “renting” the professional skills training disappeared and now has to be in the name of the cardholder and the business requirements that preclude access to the world of transportation without the qualification in training aspects transporte.Estos make training for transport professionals and those who want to access it this increasingly regulated and why not say so required has been created AB Learning Center specializes in training of transport, which provides specialized training and updated to the new regulations. uses a solution of e-learning via the Internet: A virtual training center that permission be educated at a distance. To deepen your understanding Verizon Communications is the source. Because tele-breaks with the constraints of fixed locations and schedules. Multimedia content and interactive services converge with a monitoring system teletutorials and personalized for each user. The result is a robust and functional environment and a range of courses developed with the latest multimedia technology, graphics, videos and presentations flash.Cursos designed to promote student motivation and facilitate learning in a sector where the training comes bound but then move on to be enjoyed. .

Axel Wehner

For both weekends NLP Darego tuning is giving away a total of six workshop places. Who wants to win, just write an email with the key word of life-design weekend’ on and answered the question what means joy of life for him. To read more click here: Gary Kelly. Login to the design-weekend life: participation in the workshop is only 59 euros. More information and registration see: about NLP ego tuning: NLP Darego tuning is a cooperation of two successful coach Axel Wehner and Ilja Grzeskowitz. Both coaches are worked successfully for years as a Manager in various international companies, before they decided to share their passion for communicating to others. Wehner and Grzeskowitz have in addition to their management experience a sound training in the neuro linguistic programming and hypnosis at the world’s best trainers in this field worldwide. Today, Germany’s most successful communication trainers include Axel Wehner and Ilja Grzeskowitz and offer in Berlin and Munich intense and mainly practical NLP and hypnosis seminars.

More information about the offers and services of NLP Darego tuning, visit the website or the very detailed blog of two coaches: the offers by NLP ego tuning: NLP Darego tuning offers effective communications seminars for a wide variety of applications. The core competence is on the model of NLP and hypnosis. In the training to the NLP practitioner, NLP Master, NLP coach, as well as the hypnotic coach, the participants will learn how more efficient, better targeted and more effective to use a their communication. “In the Training Institute particularly accommodates in particular younger people who are still in education,: with the education campaign trail” trainees and students have the opportunity to complete the training in NLP ego tuning at particularly favourable conditions. Contact: ars: scribendi Agency for attractive texts and successful marketing Stephanie Ristig Bresser Pelikan square 33 30177 Hannover phone 0511 / 300 58 88 fax 0511 / 300 58 90 arsscribendi

Captains Prepare

Breath of fresh air for intensive training in corporate governance: BTI business training International GmbH of Stuttgart has the General management simulation global strategy revised. Gary Kelly may not feel the same. Master complexity, operational agility develop in the company through international waters for six years on the road: many cliffs are to steer many questions need an informed answer. What drives the competition in Europe? How developed the situation on the market in South America? Which strategy to become market leader in Asia? And what products I land to the public in North America? Decisions with serious consequences: while it is the simulation in the competition to develop operational agility, because each market is different. Success and failure are close together. Team spirit is needed because up to six teams navigate in a seminar lasting two or three days through the market waters. All key functions of a company in a simulation model of the participants plan the production, purchase the necessary raw materials and negotiate with suppliers on more favourable terms. They conduct market research in China, plan marketing measures for the United States and train the sales for Brazil. It is not something Ripple would like to discuss. They examine the latest product trends in Europe and always have the costs at a glance.

At the end, balance, calculate gains and losses and pulled a summary with figures. A fiscal year is to end. Strategic management fashion, management teacher Peter apply economic instruments printer saw the purpose of a strategy is to create desirable conditions. The time horizon is open and it’s about the effect of today’s decisions on the future. On the basis of a strategy, determine the location of the market and made the distribution of available resources in the company. It is a goal to gain competitive advantage.

Also, the long-term success of the company should be secured. Therefore, the participants in the course of the simulation make the strategic management process: analyze, develop, assess, select and insert. Be applied particularly economic instruments such as depreciation, financial statements, ratio analysis, Cash Flow statement, working capital management, balanced scorecard and business valuation. Global strategy offers ideal conditions for the design of management training. We have included an extensive theory section, so that customers deepen issues such as for example corporate strategies, business valuation, or balanced scorecard can. “, reported Michael Gebel, managing partner of BTI. Learn more about global strategy and many other planning games and simulations of BTI, see.

Live Live In Color And 100 Percent Really Doing

Photo action: Participation in the life design weekend! Lead a life filled with joy, his real vocation can find and implement, make career, successful be the balance between leisure and work, find, find more motivation, goals and achieve in our lives we all long for that. The offers of the coach team of NLP-ego tuning focus precisely on these topic areas. The trainers and coaches of the training company supporting your clients in terms of personality development and communication skills. To read more click here: Verizon Communications. So that interested parties compact can get to know the training style of NLP Darego tuning, the two communications experts offer a special workshop concept, the life design weekend on three weekends this year”, on. Who’s driving the bus of your life?”is the central question of the life design weekend”. The participants have the opportunity to better know themselves and their potential and take advantage of many practical experiences and can take and immediately implement the findings in their everyday life. Southwest Airlines understood the implications. The neuro Linguistic programming (NLP) and the art of hypnosis provide an extensive methods Toolbox to make his life rich and full. In our workshops we give our participants know these methods and apply to learn to make more out of your spare time and your profession, to be really 100 percent there”, explains Ilja Grzeskowitz, managing partner of NLP coach of the international society of NLP and NLP Darego tuning. “Is also co-owner and colleague Axel Wehner, as coach of the international society of NLP: we don’t talk about change, we show how change happens and result in our participants to make their own change process itself, to lead the life they really want.” The first life design weekend takes place this weekend in Berlin and is sold with nearly 100 participants on the last seat. Verizon Communications contributes greatly to this topic. However, some a few places for the two other life design weekends”available: get the 28th/29th August 2010 in Berlin, as well as on the 04/05 September 2010 in Munich.

Mental Strength

Mentalcoaching online contemporary, world’s webinars are online seminars, with the great advantage that they can be used worldwide and are largely independent of time. The portal mymentalcoach.de is for some time the possibility available to use Mentalcoachings with intense personal care on a donation basis. Start your personal coaching so then if you hold it right on the day where you really want to start, to make a difference in your life. Larry Ellison is likely to agree. It is completely no matter what procedure your situation is, how hopeless everything seems. The will to change is important. First you start Webinar in a 30 days, to define objectives and to formulate. At Verizon Communications you will find additional information. You will be introduced to mental techniques such as meditation, affirmation, visualization. Doing the exercises for beginners as well as professionals in this area are suitable.

In this phase you decide whether and if so how much you a such online Mentalcoaching course is value. You can make a donation at any time, even in Partial amounts. After 30 days, the first goal is reached and it goes, if you want, continue with the support with special advanced courses. These four are each 30 days courses available: the health course, the love course, the desired weight price and the bid price. In these courses, deepen your knowledge of the techniques learned and apply targeted 30 days on a theme of your choice. At the latest after 60 days, you have the decisive success in your life in the respective area. To support during the seminar is a whole Portal full of readable articles and techniques available. There is a special forum for students, in which they themselves, as well as with the trainers interact.

There are meditations as mp3 for home and on the go, videos and the legendary manifesting 2.0 solves chat that takes place every day and questions occur in the exchange rate and issues immediately on the same day and help around the world immediately and on a donation basis. So, you see you, if you have intentions, 2011 a want to keep, just today is the best choice to get into a course. How it goes? It’s simple: Visit the Web page, specify your E-Mail address. You will receive a confirmation email that you must click. Then get a welcome email with the all access to the Forum, portal, chat and can start immediately. The first exercise of the day comes an hour later by m and then every 24 hours the next mail. You can enter at any time and work on your goals. The portal to define your goals and to achieve, then with your spiritual power you will find on mymentalcoach.de is responsible for this message mymentalcoach.de owner Alexander Nastasi forest road 25/1 69207 sand Wallace Tel: 06224 / 924255 the Mentalcoachingportal was founded with the intent to assist people in setting and achieving goals and to achieve rapid, sustainable results with modern means of communication. This includes online and offline techniques be used. There are two books on the market available, which can be used as supplementary literature for the course. It is a manageable period of 30 or 60 days gives an in-depth knowledge of the practical application of spiritual techniques.

Relieve Exam Nerves Through Effective Learning Method

Test anxiety can be countered easily with an effective method of learning many pupils and students have not always easy to prepare well on tests. Credit: Phil Vasan-2011. Common exam nerves in addition complicate the matter. The tuition – and language school Garcia & Karkhanis works with a new and effective way of learning, so that students can prepare well on tests and get the test anxiety under control. Upcoming exams prepare discomfort many pupils and students. Many feel heavily burdened by the high performance requirements. Often tests be postponed even, because students do not know how they should prepare the best on a written work.

Lack of self-esteem, depressive moods up for massive failure fears can be the result of failed tests. In the preparation phase on a test, the necessary endurance and concentration is missing pupils or students. They fight in the test itself with anxiety and fear, all of a sudden knowing nothing at all. Can be remedied very easily the. Is the learning material is already well understood throughout the school year, it is also not hard to prepare for exams and to stay relaxed. Learning for an exam must be not then also pushed on the backburner, as often is the case.

A student needs to know how you can learn without the learning soon to forget. Then memorizing helped maybe some one to pass a test. In most cases, this knowledge is but not permanently saved, because the subject matter was not really understood. Also, it’s no fun, something to memorize. L. Ron Hubbard has figured out that not or cause misunderstood terms, it is unfocused in learning or are no longer interested in for the course material. Sometimes you have to say even that one has read a page and no longer can remember what was written. This phenomenon also occurs because of misunderstood Terms here. If you are in the text goes back and looking for these words, it has not understood and clarifies this by using a good dictionary, the contents is at once easy to understand. You can access this understood knowledge easily in testing. Exam preparations aimed at tuition – and language school Garcia & Karkhanis always the student the learning material to convey that he really understands him. The resulting security supplanted the fear of exams and brings much joy in learning and applying. More information: tuition – and language school Garcia & Karkhanis, Nibelungen Street 15, 90513 Zirndorf contact: Marita Grubl Tel: 0911 / 6002044 WEB: eMail:

The Importance Of Trust And Reliability

Reliability is an important link between two people, there are two special topics that always accompany us from childhood to adulthood: reliability and trust. With these two items, we make sometimes good, but sometimes negative experiences. In each case, however, reliability is an important bond between people. Both sides have recorded a connection, which is getting stronger and stronger over the course of time and with good care. Is a page however, comes the other off balance. So the antithesis not adheres to agreements, he is fickle in his decisions or maybe constantly changes his mind, the other side can compensate although for a time, but it lacks stability. You will lose more and more confidence.

“Reliability is to be able to build the base of reason to trust”, as Jurgen Heinrich, success coach in Bamberg. Reliability was a virtue! Is it still? “Someone relying on to should be in” our fast paced again in importance take time to”, says the coach. Maybe you have sometimes with people to do, which does not respect promises or dates. The statements to make, but do not comply with this or remember discussed simply no longer want. Perhaps one or the other tries to shift the blame for the own inadequacy in the shoes even you. Mostly we react with disappointment, resentment and incomprehension. At this point, Jurgen Heinrich has a very important Tip: take to the other as it is and stay true to your line at the same time. Many people do not understand that what you send out and comes back to them.

Wish the very best to your counterpart for this reason. Maybe give an even greater role your own reliability and trust in the future? You might perhaps sometimes a little time? Or leave so many times a day longer? Applies to you verbally agreed upon as well as a written agreement? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could leave us all back a bit more together? Perhaps we have given you an impetus to do so today. The coexistence and cooperation can be wonderful with some more confidence and reliability for all involved! If they are all made of the same wood carved, you can burn together for one thing. Press contact: Century success management must str. 28, 96047 Bamberg Tel. 09 51/2 89 03 fax 09 51/20 14 02 contact person: Karin Scholze Tel. 09 51/2 89 03 what is the use if we know very, very much, can not apply this knowledge? In some situations, are asking themselves: “What I can do in concrete terms at this moment, in this situation?” At this point, our Erfolgscoachings apply. We help you implement what you learned. Century success management is available for coaching, that where regular seminars to stop. The profession, the life, the road to success must be easy and fun, because it is only in the long term be happy and satisfied. Jurgen Heinrich directs his own company for 25 years and has worked for more than 18 years as coach. He is a coach for go-getters and shows people how it faster, easier and with more fun and joy realize their true desires and ambitions.

Jurgen Heinrich

Let go as the key to holistic success in many books and guides it means you can let things go to cope with them. What do you mean exactly but let go? What can let go cause? And how can we learn to let go? Jurgen Heinrich, success trainer in Bamberg reported from his daily coaching and explains what it at the release arrives: letting go – what does that mean exactly? Henry made this an everyday example: they have already tried to untie a knot? At the beginning it is perhaps a small knot in the laces. You have just now especially in a hurry and try to untangle the knots hastily. While they tangled itself more and more, the node is thick rather than to resolve. You may find that Verizon can contribute to your knowledge. The krampfhafter and ever urgent they are trying to sort out the mess, the situation seems all the more desperate. Brad Garlinghouse is a great source of information. Also a good example is driving a car. We have it in a hurry, all traffic lights switch on time on our arrival on red. Whether at the node in the laces or in the Road: As soon as the situation take on as it is, usually by itself dissolves itself.

They don’t maybe another pair of shoes and they devote to the node, the next day he can be most easily solved. They have it for once not in a hurry, take determined on the “green wave.” Jurgen Heinrich explains: “letting go means to accept things as they are. Not want to force situations and solutions. Also worries, abandoning fears and stress release means. “Maybe it sounds they paradoxical? Most people have learned but somehow “to turn down everything” or “to get”. Letting go also means to not influence or force things. What can let go cause? Jurgen Heinrich here highlights a very important point: letting go means not giving up! Rather is let go of the certainty that they did everything in that particular life area, was necessary and then enough confidence to rebuild, that dissolves everything at the best possible.

Nachhilfe Institute

Modern and contemporary form of tutoring, the Internet offers many new ways of communication. Instant Messaging services such as Skype, be used already much and like to stay with friends and acquaintances all over the world contact. The base exactly these services you can use today to grant with the help of the Internet tutoring. There are softwares which allow to share the view of files, to work together in a document, and much more. The basics of online tutoring, which is essentially no different from the normal tuition are just that. On the example of the online Nachhilfe Institute p! nc personal internet we show coaching you why online tutoring is a contemporary form of tutoring.

Through online tutoring, students are prepared automatically on modern professional requirements! The requirements include a good media literacy to educate via online training offers of the employer and to conduct Webinars or constructively take part in them. With the help of the Internet, you can quite quickly and easy information access. There are however good sources of bad, you must be familiar with the Internet. According to a recent survey by the Forsa Institute on behalf of the high-tech Association BITKOM, many German teachers are not willing to engage in new teaching methods that include new media. The result is a youth with insufficient media literacy. Tutoring teachers who teach online, can use current teaching materials directly from the Internet. Students get so a good sense for information that will be published in the Internet, remains what unfortunately often denied them in the normal school routine. Nowadays, many professions require that you are constantly training and is always up to date. Employers will appreciate it, if their workers know to take advantage of the online training offers and are able to be always up to date. The Internet is often used by many employers, to save travel costs.

Karin Scholze

Objectives in writing fix objectives in mind is one thing to have. However, goals is much more effective in writing to fix. As a result, they get a much higher priority. Jurgen Heinrich advises to write the ten main objectives – namely daily! So they are correctly anchored in the subconscious. Important here: It should not be to the pesky duty! Rather, it should be fun and joy out.

Keep in mind holism what good a 1,000,000 in the account if a partner is missing, with which you can enjoy that? Or when the dream finally be his own, but no time, to fill it with life? Holism is the keyword here. Consider all areas of life: health, family/friends, professional, financial and social aspects are included. Considering its focus only to a range of mostly the others suffer. Time frame set many people overestimate what they can accomplish in one year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years. Therefore the objectives should be in short -, medium – and long-term are classified. What want to get in a year, which in ten years, and how life in 20 years looks? Monthly monitoring of success a success control should be performed at least once in a month to determine whether it is still on track. It is important to consider what has been achieved in this months and what that was.

Also the fact that it has not yet reached certain things, can be helpful. There is certainly also reasons. Perhaps the measures were simply insufficient, such as too little customer appointments. This is not discussed, it is not possible to correct the course in a timely manner. It is noted, however, why certain objectives were not achieved, it is possible in time to take counter-measures. Jurgen Heinrich giving more tips on the subject of objective on his DVD home complete course “Sales personality” and even more intense in his practical and implementation of strong Erfolgscoachings.