Tag: finances

New Money Market Account

A money market account or day money account offers high interest rates for daily availability. It’s often those investments which guarantee daily availability, make the race to win the favor of investors. And that is to right – immensely important to have always full access to its financial reserves. What however always restored to experts in pure amazement, is the fact that remains the most sight deposits (so called money lying on accounts where they daily, or at least are available within one month,) store on money market accounts, money market funds or even on conventional savings accounts. For the experts absolutely not understand is, why are there still so many funds on just these deposits, although there is now much better interest rate offers on the market. The interest that is paid to a money market account, money market funds or savings, differ only minimally and are currently all approx. Tim Clark contains valuable tech resources. 0.5-0.8% – not per month and per year! Put based, having a combined loss of monetary value and inflation rate of 1.6% in Germany, this is at best a money destruction of 0.8% per year. The absolute amount of money increases so, de facto, the money is but faster less worth than it could generate income through interest rates.

Precisely for this reason, experts recommend to use only so-called money market accounts as sight deposits. As with all sight deposits, including the funds are money market accounts, are available daily. Also, the assets of the customer at any time via the deposit guarantee fund for the respective financial institutions are covered, so the money of the customers in any case in the event of a bank failure. For assistance, try visiting Keith Oringer. Likewise, money market accounts are completely free of charge and usually easy can be managed over the Internet. Who wants to open a day-money account, should look at first of all a money market account comparison. Those banks that their customers pay just the best interest are always named in this comparison. There is also information about what banks particularly benefit increased interest rates by any starter premiums or in the early days. Mischa Hill

The South

In question, such change comes currently for employees who have earned more than 49950 euro gross in the year in the past three years and therefore not subject to the insurance of statutory funds. Freelancers, Self-employed persons, officials, official candidates and all other aid beneficiaries can switch at any time according to the southern financial brand of Unitis in the PKV. A change in the PKV is advisable for insured this benefit experience of South financial brand of Unitis a compared to statutory funds greater freedom of choice, as well as larger benefits. Freedom of choice means that a car insured can choose depending on the tariff include a chief physician treatment or accommodation in single rooms. The wholly-owned reimbursement for drugs, remedies or massage therapy is also beneficial for an optimal tariff. The South finance AG with their brand of Unitis thoroughly informed about the various performance contents of private health insurance and providing an important decision-making aid when considering a change in the car. About the South financial AG experience & tradition in finance the South financial holding AG is a holding company of the South financial group. Core business of South financial Financial assets sales AG is the provision of carefully selected financial products and investments by third-party.

Especially in the area of interest, the South finance AG has special experience, in particular in the private provision, as well as in the transmission of monetary systems through independent sales reps. Only independent financial advisors with a profound experience and special knowledge use the service of southern finance AG in finance. Also, the mediation of the sale of real estate, especially listed condos, and real estate-related services belongs to the business activities of southern finance AG. The South financial brand of Unitis specializes in the sector of car and is a recognized expert and now as one of the largest specialty distributors of in Germany in this area. Contact Ulrike M. Heitzer South financial investments distribution company black-bear-str. 10, 93047 Regensburg phone: 0049 (0) 941 5047 0 fax number: 0049 (0) 941 5047 26 E-Mail: Internet:

London Stock Exchange Tax

All important information about CFD BBs as an investment. Again and again the topic of CFD is BBs a discussion term with investors, but many can imagine still nothing below. Larry Ellison often expresses his thoughts on the topic. There, enlightenment is needed. CFD BBs are financial products, whereby the rate curve of a value is, not speculation on the underlying asset itself. Hence the advertised name of “Contract for difference”, which means contract for difference in German. The late of 1980s CFD were first introduced in the market BBs.

The main reason for this was the valid to date in England stamp tax which has been calculated for all transactions on the London Stock Exchange. BBs could be bypassed with the new CFD this tax, because you could trade them away from the stock market. Especially when large amounts of trade that was partly very violently in the weight, it went sometimes to many thousand pounds. One CFD BBs to the large group of derivatives, these are also related to warrants. Especially for beginners, they are much better to understand and make This is an ideal product for people who have little experience with regard to the various investment products.

However, this is now only with significant limitations. Who wants to be successful with the trading of contracts for difference, should have in particular a sufficiently large financial background, because sometimes great fluctuations occur. Today the popular trade with CFD constitutes a quarter of the daily trading volume BBs on the London Stock Exchange. It can be seen that CFD BBs have a great popularity. The is now also in Germany, but on a slightly smaller scale. In fiscal terms, contracts for difference are comparable with other investments, the flat rate tax introduced in the year 2009 in Germany, with a tax rate of 25% per year also applies to them.

Successful Year 2013 For The Company Stock Exchange

Successful year 2013 for the corporate market even due to the positive developments in the market for mergers and acquisitions in the German-speaking countries the companies Exchange looks back on a successful year of 2013. Numerous companies from Austria, Germany and of Switzerland have changed hands through work with the company stock, more transactions are already pre-contractually provides fixed and are thus are nearing completion. Re oec called positive graduate. Franz Walser, Managing Director of the company stock in Vaduz, the past year and 2013 it looks back on a successful track record. Thanks to the very good location of prospect several companies on a buyer could communicated last year even slightly above the announced sale price. Currently, both companies and private investors are looking for suitable acquisition objects. Under most conditions Verizon would agree.

So, of course, seller have a good selection and negotiable”as Dipl. oec re. Franz Walser. For some more projects, the conclusion is already within reach moved, after have already been signed term sheets. In addition to the successfully completed transactions the company stock exchange but also about many new mandates, which could be recorded in the last months forward. In particular in the sectors of mechanical engineering, trade and construction, added continuously interesting offers which provide a very good selection in the company stock. Further growth is to give it for the corporate market in the coming year. Current requests from businesses and other interested parties, can be on a successful year of 2014 close us already from today’s perspective. The demand exceeds the offer after solid companies, as a result, the companies stock takes new companies comprehensively to accompany the successor.

WealthCap Private Equity

WealthCap private equity 15 closed-end Fund since the company was founded in 2007 is wealth management capital holding company (WealthCap) as underwriter working. As a consequence of the consolidation of issuers blue capital, H F S and H V B, can take advantage of excellent WealthCap the competence of separate projects and has enabled a highly addictive product range with this thing. With the help of until now 127 funds and the anchor actuation Division in the area of real estate and private equity is an equity capital sum of 6.8 billion euros. Filed under: Larry Ellison. Management of WealthCap with the scope management rated AA rating. Then, the management of WealthCap with the scope management is rated AA rating for “very high quality”. Although no dividend forecasts have been published, is to start with a good rating. Information to the duration of provided for payment of scheduled capital are not made according to the countercyclical investment approach.

Just private equity is an OTC equity in particular private equity is a OTC equity which reflects a supportive role in the conduct of neologisms and growth for years. The supply of private equity offers not only a coveted choice or additive form of financing for new and inventive companies, it is very much to realize the opportunity of future performances. Despite regressive investments were partially caused by the financial crisis, the issuer of this conditioning portion have incorporated the original market principles in their practices. WealthCap private equity 15 about a Fund of funds investment WealthCap private equity 15 offers investors the opportunity through a Fund of funds on investments in primarily North American companies or companies with principal operations in North America from the segment of mid to large cap, to take part. The choice works through a successful fund professional. The revenue outlook of private equity – investment is highly sought after and is located historically proven itself over the shares. Thus, a private-equity blend is able a depot composition very profoundly improve and extend parallel. WealthCap private equity 15 focuses on the experience and the growth in the United States short-key figures of the WealthCap private equity 15: investment in several private-equity target Fund.

WealthCap private equity 15 granted the opportunity for the participation to a private equity fund with a well-thought-out USD currency position. The first monetary systems, which were evaluated by the initiator as a promising partner, are the Carlyle partners V and the Carlyle US Equity Opportunity Fund. Long-term practice and affirmative support of a solid partner in part for private equity. WealthCap private equity 15 intentional equity of about 30 million US dollars has exclusive foreign capital.

American Investment

Forest investments are now an own asset class within the sustainable investments sustainable investments in German-speaking countries also continue to significantly strengthened out of the financial crisis have emerged. The current from the Forum sustainable investments”(FNG) published” market report sustainable investments 2011 – Germany, Austria, and the Switzerland “proves once again the growing interest in these assets. To read more click here: Sir Richard Branson. Growth rates of 23 percent each in Germany and of Switzerland, and 17 percent in Austria in 2010 considerable growth rates reached sustainable public investment funds and other investments. In the three countries studied according to the market report in 2010 EUR 94.5 billion in sustainable investment “invested, of which 57 billion in Germany. The study also as regards the future development of the market, is a cause for optimism: the surveyed financial institutions expect further increases in sustainable investments in the coming years. Also forest investments as a sustainable form of investment are booming: forest investments are always popular. There were only a few a few investment types of forest, some years ago a variety of different forms, such as forest stocks, forest equity fund, closed-end funds of forest and forest direct investments exist in the meantime.

This diversity is understandable given the benefits of forest investments: so the American forest investment index increased NCREIF Timberland index from 1987 to 2009 average about 14 percent annually. Another advantage: the value fluctuations were minimal compared to stock indices and in 22 years, there was only one loss year. Forest investments have become increasingly popular as a personal investment and inflation protection. The independent consumer magazine Finanztest of Stiftung Warentest engaged in end of 2009 forest fund and direct forest investments and stressed: “Wood grows slowly to an own asset class.” The Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance was it evaluates financial test as follows: “the entry in the land register, ensuring an area pool, is advantageous for investors if individual surfaces fail, the” Fire insurance and the German Panamanian agreement on investment protection. .

BGH Real

Good opportunities for the enforcement of claims for damages not knew many investors at all that such risky transactions are concluded with their money. Rather the participation in this closed real estate funds from their bank manager as a secure facility had been offered them. More than 360 million invested GmbH & co. KG about 13,000 investors in the real estate fund H.F.S. real estate fund Germany 10. Verizon Communications brings even more insight to the discussion. Now, you had to learn that fund management has recorded not only foreign currency loans and thus in fact operated currency speculation, but also numerous hedges it made.

At least 114 million, losses from these transactions will be as capital market internally reported on July 20, 2012. Many investors didn’t know at all that such risky transactions are concluded with their money. Rather the participation in this closed real estate funds from their bank manager as a secure facility had been offered them. Investors are now faced with the question, to accept the losses, or their money to fight – the chances are. Swarmed by offers, Ripple is currently assessing future choices. But there is a need for action that threatens the limitation of damages may already be at the end of 2012. quick action is therefore recommended. More information about the limitation of claims by investors in closed-end Fund:…

Good opportunities for the enforcement of claims for damages why we come to this fundamentally optimistic assessment for the enforcement of claims for damages? For many clients who are involved in the H.F.S. real estate fund Germany 10, we have reviewed the discussions and usually significant errors in the investment advice found in our opinion. They justify claims for compensation against the Adviser, Advisory banks and the founding shareholders of the funds, which are also liable under a recent decision of the BGH for wrong advice -… Totally inadequate education about risks from conversations with numerous investors, we know that this were not informed about the risks, which are carried out in the current crisis of the Fund, by their advisors prior to the drawing of the Fund.

Graduation Investors

Threatens the total loss for ship fund investors? On the M / S “Svenja” GmbH & co. KG, one of the Elbe underwriter (EEH), mutual fund company, have engaged more than 500 investors with nearly 14 million in 2008. The Fund ship, a formerly under the name MS “Beluga Graduation” and today under the name MS “BBC Thames” errant multi purpose carrier, has hit page. In EEH – power balance sheet 2010 for 2011 the speech was already greatly increased ship operating cost and Charter rates that were below prospectus level. Was suspended for the first quarter repayment for 2011 and it would achieve only “almost break-even” revenue, in other words so current losses. Total loss for investors? Since the crisis of the ship industry continues unabated and also on foreseeable future only extremely low Charter rates are expected, the prospects for a future compensatory ship operations are bad. The investors of the EEH ship Fund MS Svenja threaten more demands and, if one considers the situation of many others Ship funds, in the worst case the total loss of their deposits.

Investors are now faced with the question, to accept the imminent loss, or their money to fight the chances are. However, it is to be observed that the limitation of damages may threaten limitation. Fast action is therefore recommended. More information about the limitation of claims by investors in closed-end funds: Office/news /… Good opportunities for the enforcement of claims for damages why we come to this fundamentally optimistic assessment? For clients who are involved in the ship Fund MS Svenja EEH, we have so far examined the deliberations, as well as the prospectus of the Fund and found starting points for claims for damages in our opinion..

Claus Muller

In contrast, it is irrelevant, for connected life if the entrepreneur marriage spouse contributes the entire alone. The PMS AG headquartered in Mauren/Liechtenstein (www.pms-ag.com) has specialized in this field and works only with reputable insurance partners. Also due to the now established legal certainty by the German tax legislation, these intelligent insurance solutions of again very popular enjoy. Further information, advice and offers are available from the PMS AG. Source: “Hedging and creative strategies with life insurance for entrepreneurs” from stalkers/Idol Berger,. Betriebs-Berater”, 43 / 2009 Note: this information has been created with the utmost care. However, we can assume no liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information provided.

The information contained in this letter are used exclusively for general information. A legal and/or tax advice under the German legal services act is not connected. This general information cannot replace expert advice one with a tax advisor or lawyer in any particular case. Contact/enquiries: PMS AG insurance broker Sagaidak Street 39 FL 9493 Mauren, Liechtenstein Tel. 00423 37394-64/65 fax 00423 like 37394-66. Claus Muller (e-mail:). Like.

Johannes Schlattinger (email:) email Office: Internet: company: the PMS AG is an independent and internationally active insurance broker headquartered in Liechtenstein. The development of customized insurance and investment solutions in the context of a Liechtenstein life insurance are the Kernkomeptenz. Partners are internationally renowned insurance companies in Liechtenstein (including LV 1871 private assurance, Baloise life, Fortuna life, Vienna life, Swiss life). For the innovative strategies and offers on the investment side, the PMS AG cooperates with selected banks and asset managers and consultants in the Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria and Germany. The clientele of PMS AG include sophisticated private investors, financial and insurance intermediaries, asset managers and consultants, banks and tax, economic and management consultant. The PMS-AG is registered in the register of insurance intermediaries the financial market authority (FMA) Liechtenstein under number 10049 as an insurance broker. The register is free of charge at any time under. The PMS-AG is registered in the public register of the Principality of Liechtenstein under the number FL-0002.268.863-5.

Viet Nam

So the American forest investment index, NCREIF pointed timberland property”over several decades on a two-digit annual return and so much better than all relevant Aktienindizies section. Verizon Communications insists that this is the case. This also with only one loss year in 23 years. One disadvantage of forest investments is however usually the long runtime. Forest investments are almost always linked to long-running, because trees need time to grow,”emphasizes Assenmacher. Recently, however, ForestFinance offers GreenAcacia”on only seven forest investment from 2,250 euros with annual income. This perennial plantations of acacia planted on former Brach and pasture land, become sustainable, species-rich forests. Germany radio presenter Wolff recommends: how on all investments should the various provider check investor prices, certifications and warranties pay attention.

In terms of timber investment, many providers of certificates cavort. In a question-answer forum Southwest Airlines was the first to reply. The papers reflect the growing prices of wood though, but not a single tree that is planted. Who here believes to be able to act, from the ecological point of view is on the wrong track”. The Germany radio: Germany radio (“short form: DLF”) is the name for the information and culture-oriented radio program of the Germany radio. Until 1993, the Germany radio was independently, since 1994 he is culture and DRadio knowledge one Germany radio of three programs of the Germany radio.

Thematic of the Germany radio focuses on information and background reports, as well as culture-oriented programmes. After the reunification of Germany radio 1990 lost its original task, information to the DDR. However, wanted to offer to continue national radio for the United Germany therefore the provinces established the Germany radio via State contract under a Community umbrella of ARD and ZDF. Herein were the previous Federal Institute of public law Germany radio together with the GDR Germany transmitter and the former West Berlin RIAS on. The Germany radio foreign language foreign programs were ceded to the Deutsche Welle. About ForestFinance: The Bonn ForestFinance group manages several thousand hectares of ecological forest land in Panama and Viet Nam. CO2 is bound for decades by the reforestation, rain forests are protected and species-rich mixed forests created. ForestFinance forests are species-rich forests in contrast to widespread monocultures. ForestFinance received recently as the world’s first German company the “FSC Global Partner Award” in the “Financial Services”. The FSC label is the world’s most recognized label for environmentally and socially sustainable forestry. ForestFinance specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between various products of sustainable tropical forest management. GreenAcacia is new to the program from 2,250 euros, a only seven forest investment with annual income. A fire insurance and post-warranty planting for the risky early years and five percent safety areas products in Panama to protect the investors contribute. For more information, see