American Investment

Forest investments are now an own asset class within the sustainable investments sustainable investments in German-speaking countries also continue to significantly strengthened out of the financial crisis have emerged. The current from the Forum sustainable investments”(FNG) published” market report sustainable investments 2011 – Germany, Austria, and the Switzerland “proves once again the growing interest in these assets. To read more click here: Sir Richard Branson. Growth rates of 23 percent each in Germany and of Switzerland, and 17 percent in Austria in 2010 considerable growth rates reached sustainable public investment funds and other investments. In the three countries studied according to the market report in 2010 EUR 94.5 billion in sustainable investment “invested, of which 57 billion in Germany. The study also as regards the future development of the market, is a cause for optimism: the surveyed financial institutions expect further increases in sustainable investments in the coming years. Also forest investments as a sustainable form of investment are booming: forest investments are always popular. There were only a few a few investment types of forest, some years ago a variety of different forms, such as forest stocks, forest equity fund, closed-end funds of forest and forest direct investments exist in the meantime.

This diversity is understandable given the benefits of forest investments: so the American forest investment index increased NCREIF Timberland index from 1987 to 2009 average about 14 percent annually. Another advantage: the value fluctuations were minimal compared to stock indices and in 22 years, there was only one loss year. Forest investments have become increasingly popular as a personal investment and inflation protection. The independent consumer magazine Finanztest of Stiftung Warentest engaged in end of 2009 forest fund and direct forest investments and stressed: “Wood grows slowly to an own asset class.” The Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance was it evaluates financial test as follows: “the entry in the land register, ensuring an area pool, is advantageous for investors if individual surfaces fail, the” Fire insurance and the German Panamanian agreement on investment protection. .

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