Archive: August 2012


4 term used for the quacks to inform on reduction of inflamation of the uterus. 5 term used for the quacks for the remedy saw verbal. this goes joining, accumulating and it forms doena6' '. Muirapuama or Marapuama (popular)? Ptychopetalum olacoides (scientific) Part of the used plant: leves frmaco-therapeutical Use: used as pomada cicatrizante. Way to use for popular knowing: it is used next to the barbatimo and the Veronica as garrafada for the cleanness of the uterus. Comment: use of this garrafada is of only of preventive use, the incautiousness of the health will be able to occur in some cases could not be dealt only with the garrafada one, it will have that to search alternatives, or in special the doctor.

The social participation in the production of? green pharmacy? communitarian it must be stimulated, with envolvement of the city halls, communitarian secretariats of health and agriculture, associations and institutions of education, searches and extension, for integral exploitation of the benefits. They must this to also count on the support of the public managers for implantation and maintenance of local programs, with participation of professionals and communitarian agents in integration with the community (AMOROZO, 2002). The tradition in the use of medicinal plants in the etria band of 18 the 78 years is sufficiently moderate, being the majority women, but this tradition comes gradual losing space for the aloptica medicine, for influence of the proper convivncia between the people and for the medical attendance, therefore it fits to the Public Power to hug the cause and to revert this reality through the investment in oficinais and skillful Laboratories thus to guarantee health and service in the Only System of Sade (SUS) of Quality and low cost (BRAZIL, 2004). The use of medicinal plants will be able significantly to improve the quality of life of the families, therefore beyond its use, culture and commercialization, it could be an alternative of income for familiar agriculture.

Physical Geography

The infrastructure incorporation and the imaginary one on the nature placed for the real estate speculation satisfy the desires of that they possess economic conditions to consume, materialize its dreams of, in an only space, to have security, comfort and a nature that one provides ' ' good quality of vida' ' , thus not having immediate concern how much to the convivncia with the problems of the city, disrespecting the existing connections, as it detaches Corra (2000, p.11): ' ' The urban space is broken up, therefore it possesss different types of use – commercial, industrial, residential areas or of urban expansion. However, these diverse areas meet articulated through the calls flows, that is, for the circulation of people, merchandises, investments or decises.' ' For this author, the capitalist urban space? broken up, articulated, reflected, condicionante social, full of symbols and field of fights? it is a social product, resulted of actions accumulated through the time, and produced for agents who produce and consume the space. This condition if materializes in Golden as in any another city with the same characteristics, the enterprises as the Ecoville thus reflects this dynamics. In this context this work, developed in the Laboratory of Physical Geography is part of the activities of the Group of Partner-economic-ambient Research of Mato Grosso of the South has as objective to understand the process of incorporation of the real estate concept of nature in enterprises, having as research object the condominium Ecoville Golden Residence & Resort. Fact of relevance that justifies its elaboration is the alienation of the people who incorporate in these closed spaces a false relation of ' ' man-nature and good estar' ' , proportionate by means of the consumption and of the purchasing power, in which, the relation man and nature and welfare, he is vendida by the real estate market, as a solution for the problematic socioambientais of the city.

The Front

(RIBEIRO, 1989, P.21) Here, therefore this well clearly as e, of that, it forms the wealth of the metropolis and, of the colony would be generated, all from enslaved man power, mainly of the black and later the one of the indian. By the way this wealth would not be used in the investment of this individual them, but of that they were on you of devices and that they were part of the nobility, that is in the dominant culture. This day-by-day less sofredor device Mr., was in the truth a torture for the slaves, mainly to whom they came of the African continent. ECONOMY OF the COLONY In relation to the other European countries, Portugal leaves in the front in the great navigations, and arrives at Brazil, but necessarily in 1500, and however only in 1530, really goes to transform these lands into colnia.o main factor of these colonizadores is accurately to impose its culture, its religion, and to dominate these lands, that ideologically until today, they nail as if they were discovered. In this way they had denied the existence of civilizations, for these lands, that according to them, only had savages. However they had dealt with this way until today a form of perpetuate everything oque say respect its civilization, its traces in architecture, religion, music clothes in end everything oque corresponded they, also the politics that but late if would become one corrupt politics and would decide, monopolista and of total social segregation forming parents where if she lives in one arcabouo of inaquality social he is oque is clearly in the following declarations. if the ones that if had made use had come to organize, necessary if it made escravizao of who worked the land: the indians and the blacks. These had come to satisfy to the interests of the bourgeoisies mercantile Portuguese, because the slave while merchandise, were profit source, since it was (bourgeoisie) that she carried.